Dragon Ponies? YUSH, Twilight Sparkle hits a forbidden spell book, and the chaos begins. Rarity pony turned into a nice heavy bottomed dragoness, And still looking good! She'll have to make dresses for all the new dragoness's in pony ville ^^ Seems Fluttershy has also suffered the dragon curse spell. ^^ Also seems she's gained upper weight rather than bottom weight X3 Dem dragon pony. Once the fastest now the fattest! Rainbow Dash also turned dragoness. ^^ Apple Jack as a dragoness, with all dem apples gone to her booty... weird aint it...any who!~ hope ya'll enoy. Pinkie Pie poofed into a dragoness girl... all dat extra party energy in her chest *cough cough* PARTY...FOOOOOREEEEVER!
ALL Linearts by LordEbonFuze(DA) Colors by bestthe All Characters belogn to their rightful owners
I was going to have everybody say something, but there's already so much going on that you probably wouldn't care, so I just used the one that was important. ENJOY!