This is Cassini, I adopted her from the wonderful CoffeeChicken. She was adopted in order to complete a D&D character idea that has been bouncing around in my head for years. She is a force missile mage wizard and she will be for a friend’s 5E D&D campaign set in Strixhaven. Cassini like myself tends to hyperfixate on specific things. For nearly my entire childhood and even still to today dinosaurs were my fixation. As a kid, I would infodump everything I knew about them at any chance I was given. For Cassini her fixation is with magic, specifically the 1st level spell magic missile. And she too will talk your ear off, telling you all you could ever want to know about magic missile.
Force Missile Mage can be found in Valda’s Spire of Secrets from Mage Hand Press. Bringing a old favorite prestige class of mine from 3.5e into 5e.