Wandy Wand wanted to play tickles with Tom The Meowth's feet, Wandy spawns some magic feathers and started to tickling on Tom's feet. But unfortunately as for Tom, his feet aren't ticklish due to his normal size feet and he has a lowest ticklish levels (0/15) and as for Wandy will start to pay the price, ther're started to cast some magic spell to grow on Tom's feet, he was shocked and seeing his feet grown huge and then it will cause his big grown feet magically alive and Wandy starts to play tickles on Tom's grown feet with magic feathers, Tom is trying to hold his mouth with his hands to prevent his laughter but in every stroke of a feathers ups and downs, then Tom is bursting his laughter and his feet increasing his levels of ticklishness (15/15) and Tom The Meowth asked on Wandy wants to stop tickling his big grown feet then Wandy replied and refuse to stop, it'll keeps playing tickles and as for Tom's big magic feet wants to play more tickles for having some fun, and Tom was definitely dying on his adorable laughter.
Tom The Meowth and Wandy Wand was made and belong by me