A little bit of visual Journaling from the past... two weeks i think.
Top 1:A very strange thing happened of what I can only describe as an argument. Someone I couldn't tell who it was (Tor thinks it wasRejimessing around),Sin, andKindling.WHile I was making toasted Cheese.
Top 2:Sin flirting with and crushing on Kaitou
Top 3:Rejijust randomly exclaiming"give me the world."
Mid 1:Puppyate a vitamin gummy and I didn't know until I Almost ate another later in the afternoon and was stopped by Tor. I was AFKed for like 5 minutes I guess.
Mid 2:Sin again crushing on Kai and flirting.
Mid 3:Kindling constantly telling Tor he Loves him whenever I'm asleep/afk
Mid 4:Embarrassed Sin is embarrassed ("Don't," he says. I was going to type something more)
Reji:Peaking in occassionally and vanishing. ;P
Bottom 1: Someone unknown walked us to the window and looked out side asking "what was going on?" They didn't know Canada was on fire and were confused. (Either Reji or Kindling)
Bottom 2:"Puudding-gha!"being repeated over and over again, but I didn't have the milk to make good pudding all week.