The very first image I ever did of my Lucario 'sona. Most male Lucarios will most likely him.
I started doing this in February 2018 on Photoshop Elements 9 with practically no drawing tool what so ever.
Custom brushes and a lot of creativity brought me anywhere with this picture.
It took me all summer to turn the sketch into a somewhat decent picture, and finished it at the end of August 2018.
For the amount of time and the amount of effort I have put into this, I think, the quality of the picture is disappointing, but I should let you decide, how it came out.
Originally posted to FA on 14. March 2019
1 year, 9 months ago
09 Jun 2023 20:21 CEST
Initial: 5508f03d4de33af9ed92ca9df518ca07
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