Esta es una Request que le pedí hace unos días a mi amigo Vic de mis Sonic OCs Cindy The Squirrel y Taila The Fox incluído el RWX AquaWolf Mangled, la Artwork tiene una puntuación de 95/100 debido a que Taila Fox es la única que salió un poco extraña, pero los demás sí que quedaron excelentes.
Espero y les guste.
Arte hecha por: VicTheAnimalDrawer. Cindy, Taila y AquaWolf Mangled pertenecen a: Mangled
---------- This is a Request that I asked my friend Vic a few days ago for my Sonic OCs Cindy The Squirrel and Taila The Fox including the RWX AquaWolf Mangled, the Artwork has a score of 95/100 because Taila Fox is the only one that came out a little strange, but the others were excellent.
I hope you like it.
Art made by: VicTheAnimalDrawer. Cindy, Taila and AquaWolf Mangled belong to: Mangled