Otra de las Request que yo le había pedido a mi amigo Alex y que hoy me entregó pero se repiten ciertos errores. Tuve que corregir esos errores porque como ustedes sabrán hay detalles que no me gustan y más si le ponen colores que no concuerdan con el personaje e incluso que al personaje le faltaba su collar y por supuesto la melena de pelo que lo hace ver como un Eevee y esto es algo que en el modelo RougaWolf X Luna no se puede olvidar.
- Un agregado es la ropa interior que la antigua versión de Manged traía, pero debo recordarles que esta es sólo una de las vestimentas de Mangled, vestimentas que el lobo puede usar o dejarlas de usar.
Arte hecha por: FoxTown2002. Mangled The RougaWolf X Luna pertenece a: Mangled
. -------- Another of the Request that I had asked my friend Alex and that he gave me today but certain errors are repeated. I had to correct those errors because as you know there are details that I don't like and more if they put colors that don't match the character and even that the character was missing his necklace and of course the mane of hair that makes him look like an Eevee and this is something that cannot be forgotten in the RougaWolf X Luna model.
- An addition is the underwear that the old version of Manged brought, but I must remind you that this is just one of Mangled's clothes, clothes that the wolf can use or stop using.
Art made by: FoxTown2002. Mangled The RougaWolf X Luna belongs to: Mangled