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She Made Her Choice Chapter 9
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She Made Her Choice Chapter 10

Keywords male 1198606, female 1089204, story 14012, princess 7653, play 4474, party 4453, king 4442, military 2959, writing 1964, performance 283, soldiers 251, monarchy 22, inzri 14
She Made Her Choice

Chapter 10

     As always Sally was in charge of preparations for the New Year's Harvest festival taking place at the Villa of the Matriarch.  Five of the nearby primary schools had asked to be included.  Normally they would only have two but this year was special.  This would also be the first time the villa would be allowing parents to attend as well.

      The half dozen female Aldenean soldiers the king had assigned were getting along well with the Silvanen garrison. Their admiration for general Banchet and the fact that this contingent of Silvanens hadn't taken part in the war had preempted a lot of possible tension there would have existed otherwise.  The Aldeneans were also respectful enough not to pester the general much about her previous service.

     Major Tawny Contin, who was lieutenant Jesha Contin's mother, had stepped aside for colonel Robbins to act as executive officer. Sally left much of the day to day military operations to the colonel who, herself, had gained a fair amount of respect from the Silvanen garrison.

     As she had for much of her life Melna retreated to the library.  She had already read most everything in here, some many times, but she was looking for something in particular, something she hadn't before paid close attention to. She was digging through the genealogical records of her family.  She wasn't sure if she should be surprised at how many of Silvana's princesses had chosen to remain as mate to the chieftain even if their first child had been male.  This made her think of her own situation.  No, she would not be leaving the king by her own choice and, male or female, she would not be leaving her pup to the care of someone else.

     It took three books and twelve generations but she finally found it.  ``Silandro...'' she said quietly.  Sally must have known her history.  Carrila Silandro had chosen chieftain Derrig Hossen as mate after Ferris Silvana died in childbirth.  Melna stared at the paw written line until she felt a paw on her back and turned to see Sally sitting down on the bench next to her.

     ``What are you looking for, little one?''

     Melna closed the book.  ``My name.  Since I'm not the princess any more, I wanted... I'm not a Silvana any more.  When I return with the king to Aldenea I'm changing my name to Silandro.''

     Sally rubbed her shoulder.  ``It's good to know where we come from, though it will disappoint quite a few people.''

      Melna sighed.  ``There isn't much I can do about that.  You know how I've felt about this responsibility my whole life.  I have the opportunity to put a stop to it for future generations and I intend to use it.''

     The corners of Sally's mouth turned up.  ``Oh I've been quite aware of your feelings ever since Jesha told me you were going to scale the wall and run away.''

     Melna blinked.  ``Jesha told you?''  She asked a bit louder than she intended, adding more quietly, ``she never told me she was the one.''  She wasn't sure whether to be angry or thankful.  She let out a laugh.

     Sally squeezed her shoulder.  ``She was scared you were going to get hurt.  I'm glad she did it.''

     ``I guess it was for the best.  I can't imagine what would have happened if I had managed to run away.''

     ``Nothing good, for you or the nation.  I'm proud of you, little one.  You took what you had and made it into something wonderful.''

     Melna leaned on her foster mother.  She thought about having words with Jesha but decided it wasn't worth it.  It had all worked out for the best.  She picked up the books to return them to their places on the shelves, Sally remaining close by.  ``Melna Silandro.''  She said out loud.  ``That doesn't sound too bad.  I just need to pick a girl's name that goes with it.''

     Sally laughed.  ``But what If you have a boy?  Have you thought of what goes with Akenna?  Maybe Andrew or Aaron, something like that?''

     ``Yick, I hate alliteration in names.  If I have a boy it's going to be Marcus.''  She paused.  ``I'll just need to convince his majesty.''  Melna said with a grin and a wink.

     Sally laughed again.  ``I think you can do it.  Anyway, what are you going to do now that you've made life altering decisions and picked pup names?''

     ``I don't know, be a mom and hope I can find someone to watch the little one when the king visits.''

     Sally squinted.  ``That's nice, but I meant right now. The staff are working on banners for the festival and could use some help.''

     ``Oh, yes.  That sounds better than spending the rest of the afternoon in the bath.  I forgot how boring it can be here.''

     Sally lead Melna down that hall.  ``If the little princess is bored I'm sure I can find something for her to do.''

     Melna tucked her tail, only half jokingly.  ``Oh, no, I'm sure the staff will find something for me.''  Sally just chuckled.


     It was more than another tenday before the king returned for a visit.  Melna was a bit worried Sally would rope him into assisting with preparations as well.  She was surprised when he actually volunteered to do some of the heavy lifting, much to the Aldenean soldiers' dismay.  She did spend as much personal time with him as she could, but she found she enjoyed watching him work with his paws.  As she sat at a sewing machine, supposed to be working on the banners, she caught herself on more than one occasion staring after him as he carried poles and boxes for the stage in the courtyard.  No one begrudged her moments with her mate, though.

     He was only able to stay two nights before he had to return to Ganden.  Running two nations, one in absentia, was not an easy task, and he still needed to form an interim advisory council for Silvana.  Melna would have liked to return with him but she was the reason for this festival and felt she should help prepare.


     Melna floated on her back in the bath sucking on a finger that had an unfortunate run-in with a sewing needle.  Jesha floated next to her holding on to her other paw.  ``Did I always cause problems before?  Seems like ever since I've been back all I've done is get under paw or hurt myself.''

     ``You're fine, Mel.  It only seems that because you're the most conspicuous.  I'll bet everyone else has jabbed themselves with a needle at least once or knocked over a pile of boxes.  Even Milty stubbed her toe twice today.''

     ``You didn`t.''

     ``That's cause colonel Robbins has been having the whole garrison run drills all day since she's been here.  We'd gotten rather lax on training lately.''

     ``It's interesting to watch her with you all.  Dennara's been assigned as my guard since I left here.  In that time she's only been short with me once.  All three of them were so intimidating at first.  I'd gotten used to thinking of her like a do momma Sally.  Now they're intimidating again.''

     ``To be fair, general Banchet is rather intimidating herself.  You've just known her for some long that you see past it.''

     Melna reflexively flicked her tail turning the two in a slow spiral.  ``No, you're right.  Momma Sally is intimidating.''

     Jesha steadied their turn to keep them from bumping in the wall of the bath.  ``So why was the colonel short with you.''


     ``You said colonel Robbins was only short with you once.''

     ``Oh, it was when I was in heat.  She wanted to make sure I got something to eat that day.  All she did was tell me to eat a sandwich.  Nothing spectacular.''

     Jesha sat up and rubbed Melna's belly making her giggle.  ``Well that sandwich could have meant the difference between peace and continued war.  So it's a good thing.  Come on, it's getting late.''

     The two women got out of the water to dry off at the stools.  If she had been allowed Melna probably would have stayed in the water all night.  Her growing belly was beginning to hurt her back when she stood.

     Jesha dried her hair and back while Melna scrubbed a towel through the fur of her own front.  They had gotten some studs to replace the rings in her nipples and the soreness had gone away quickly.  The two switched places and dried Jesha before she lead Melna back to her bedroom.

     On entering Melna heard the sound of a horn being played and looked out the window.  Five soldiers and Dennara were at the flag poles by the gate slowly taking them down for the night.  Ever since their arrival both the Aldenean and Silvanen flags were being flown over the villa.  She glanced at Jesha who was saluting.  Returning her attention outside she stood respectfully and waited for the procedure to complete.

     Jesha lowered her arm as the honor guard outside returned to the barracks.  ``It's almost like it was before.  Even with the Aldenean soldiers here it's like the war never happened.''

     Melna rubbed her belly before letting out a sigh.  ``I wish it hadn't.  None of it was necessary.  We got sheltered from most of it, hiding here in this walled garden.''

     Jesha hugged her from behind.  ``I heard about Maluk.  I'm sorry.  But Silvana will get through this, and we have the help of Aldenea.  Chieftain Akenna is sure to see us through.''

     Melna leaned against her friend watching the sun drop behind the eastern mountains.  ``We will, and he will.''

     Jesha gave her a squeeze. ``Come on, get dressed and we'll get supper.''


     Time passed deceptively slow as preparations continued for what was turning into the largest festival ever held at the villa.  It was still more than a tenday until the new year but a small tent city begun forming in the harvested grain field outside the south wall.  The gates had remained open all this time and small groups were being allowed to tour the compound.  Melna was delighted people were finally being shown the around the gardens.

     Chieftain Akenna had not had time to return but sent word he would arrive in time for the festival.  She was impatient to see him again but did her best to keep her frustrations to herself.

     She looked at her profile in the mirror.  How was she so big already?  Thankfully the sickness seemed to have passed, no more running away when fish was being cooked.  She dressed and made her way to the living space.  There was yet more work to be done.  Banners complete they had moved on to filling gift baskets for all the children participating in the festivities.  Melna preferred this because there were no sharp objects to puncture fingers.

     She sat on a large pillow cross legged with her tail wrapped around her knees.  Milty sat next to her putting dried fruit and small toys in the bags.  Melna had always felt she was playing favorites with Milty and Jesha.  Jesha was four years older than Melna and she'd spent most of her childhood following the future soldier around.  Likewise Milty, five years younger than Melna, had done much the same to her.  Milty's mother, Megan Sucie, had worked in the kitchens of the villa Melna's whole life.  The three girls had formed their own little group, getting into trouble when necessary, celebrating milestones, and being there for each other during their early bouts of estrus.

     Melna leaned over and bumped her shoulder to Milty's getting her attention.  ``You know I intend to leave for Aldenea with the king when this is over.  I could put in a good word for you with Jenna, if you wanted to move to Alda and work at the palace.''

     Milty looked back a coy smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.  ``You think they'd want a country bumpkin like me?''

     Melna rubbed her head.  ``I think you'd fit right in.  Amber Keltie is a lot like you.  I think you two would get along.''

     ``I'll think about it.  Not sure I'm ready to leave mom yet.''

     ``No problem.  It's an option if you want it.''


     Only two days left before New Year's when the travel trailer pulled into the only remaining free space outside the villa walls.  Lines had formed by the large vehicles and guards were taking groups of the children on short joyrides over the dirt roads surrounding the villa.  Melna almost tackled the chieftain when he returned and judging by the feeling in her belly their little one was just as happy for him to be back.  

     With all of the guests staying nearby the two lovers had to cut any ideas of intimacy.  It was bad enough when it was just the staff and guards that could hear, but the idea of the people of Silvana listening in mortified her.  Still, it was good to wake up with his warm body at her back.  She felt a claw tip tracing a line across her cheek, down the side of her neck, and over her shoulder.  She didn't move, feeling the fur rising as it followed the tingling sensation traveling down her body.  The paw finally stopped at her belly fingers splayed and it gently pressed over their pup.  

     He lightly nipped her ear.  ``Good morning, love.''

     She rolled over and nuzzled under his chin.  ``Yes it is.''  An arm snaked around her shoulders and she curled into his chest as she was pulled in.

     ``We should probably get up soon.  There's still a few things left to do before we open up tomorrow.''  

     ``Yes, we probably should.''  Melna didn't move.

     At this point it was almost a battle of wills, the first one to get up would be admitting defeat.  Melna remained still listening to him breathe the cool morning air coming in the open window.

     The decision was made for them when a heavy paw struck the door three times.  ``Chieftain, Melna, its time to get up,'' called the voice of Sally from beyond the door.

     ``Yes, general, we will be out in a moment,'' Tomlin replied.

     Melna nuzzled into his neck then rolled back to finally get out of the bed.  ``At least she knocked.  If it was just me in here she would have just come in.''

     Tomlin slid out next to her and nuzzled the top of her head.  ``I probably would have, too.''

     That got a laugh.  ``Well, you get a pass.''

     He held out a paw to help her off the bed.  ``Morning meal then a bath?  After we have been invited to go see the carnival outside the walls.''

     ``I've been wanting to, from the sound of it they've got a good party going on.''

     He gave her one of his robes to wear until after they had a bath.  Tezal and Wilhemina joined them as they cleaned up.  Melna suspected to act as a chaperone to keep them from getting distracted, but from the way the two guards looked at each other Melna wondered if they might have needed one as well.  Or she might just be imagining things.

     There was indeed a carnival set up outside the villa's walls.  She held paws with the chieftain as they were slowly lead through the tent city.  Four of the large Aldenean guards surrounded them. Games and food vendors lined long pathways with one wide path kept clear in the center. They were halted by a Silvanen guard with a radio at his ear.  The reason they were stopped was soon made clear when one of the big military trucks slowly rumbled by with more than a dozen children shouting and laughing in the back.  Melna and the chieftain waved as they passed earning cheers and greetings from the children.

     They continued their leisurely circuit around the carnival sampling some of the food vendors and trying a few of the games.  Melna was still bad at throwing games but found she was decent with a pellet gun at a shooting gallery.  She politely declined the prize her score afforded.  They also had an almost constant stream of children running up to them.  The Aldenean giants didn't even seem to register with the little ones that dashed between them to greet the chieftain and herself.  Melna often found a small child attached to her leg, usually to look up and see an embarrassed set of parents nearby trying to call them back.

     Melna made it about four hours before her back was hurting enough that the chieftain decided to take the group back to the villa.  They entered through the shut gate, the villa having been closed as final preparations were made for the festival the following day.

     The two of them had retreated to the bath and were again floating in the warm water.  Folk music could be heard drifting over the walls with the sounds of laughter rising over it at various times.  Melna held her mate's paw reveling in the joy of the day.  It couldn't have been more perfect. She squeezed his paw rousing him from the light snooze he'd fallen into.  ``Yes, love?''

     ``We need to do this every year: have a big carnival at the villa.  It's never been like this before with so many people outside just enjoying themselves.  Tomorrow is the festival then everyone will return home.  But in a time like this the people can just let loose and have fun for a few days.  I'd like to come back every year.''

     He tugged her paw pulling their bodies together and turned his head to nuzzle her cheek.  ``Yes, I think that can be arranged.  Though I won't be able to join you here in the future.  Aldenea has its own New Year's Harvest celebrations I need to be present for.  This year has been an exception.''

     ``I understand.''  She rolled on her side in the water wrapping her arms around his chest and rested her head on his shoulder.  They bobbed in the water for a short while as they continued to float.


     Pyrotechnics exploded as the gates were opened admitting a line of children dressed as small Silvanen soldiers carrying flags.  Melna's fur prickled in delight at watching them enter.  The flag bearers were talking their jobs very seriously marching with an exaggerated lockstep.  Following the miniature army was a crowd of children in various costumes including one blue-furred little girl in a set of red garments that matched what she was currently wearing.  The plays should be interesting this year.

     The last group to enter was a long line of wide eyed parents, this being the first year they had been allowed to enter the villa to see their children perform.  An amphitheater had been constructed in the courtyard of the villa with enough seating for everyone, Melna and the chieftain sitting at a raised platform in the center.

     The plays were interesting.  On previous years most of the performances were comedy routines that tended to lean more into silliness.  This year was more serious.  The first play was a battle between green uniformed ``Aldenean'' soldiers and blue uniformed ``Silvanens.''  The ``battle'' was short, resulting in the Silvanen retreat, but the major point seemed to when another group of soldiers from the Aldenean side sporting white arm bands made their way through the battle field treating injuries of friend and foe alike.  Melna held her mate's paw fighting back tears.  

     More plays followed, and the mood began to lighten a bit.  They finally got to a solid comedy routine with ``private Stack:'' a good-natured but ultimately stupid soldier with a penchant for following orders a bit too carefully.  

     The last play is what got Melna's attention, though.  A young boy in long robes sat in a decorated chair at one end of the stage picking at his fingers as if he was bored.  The girl Melna had noticed earlier stomped out onto the stage with two older children in red coats hurrying after her.  `King Tomlin' didn't seem to notice at first until the girl stood before him and belted out with a ferocity Melna herself would have a hard time matching, ``King Tomlin Akenna, if you want to end this war you're going to have to give me a pup!''

     The boy honestly looked startled.  The real Melna leaned close to her mate, whispering,  ``I don't remember it going quite like that.''

     He smiled whispering back,  ``Funny, I was starting to think they somehow managed to open a window in time.''  Melna giggled returning her attention to the stage.

     `The king' spluttered a reply, ``Y-you can't just walk in here and demand a pup.  I hardly know you.''

     `Princess Melna' planted her paws on her hips and glared back.  ``If you want peace that's what you're going to have to do.  You've got a month to make up your mind.  And if you don't I'm going to kick your tail!''  `The king' just looked confused as she turned to leave the stage.  Melna squeezed her mate's paw laughing at the display.

     As the stage was cleared a voice called from behind the stage, ``three months passed after their first meeting.''  A circle of chairs were set up and children dressed up to look old all took a seat.  A bang of wood crashing together caused the `council of elders' to jump and stare as the little princess again stomped on stage wearing a very respectable copy of what she herself had worn at their meeting, with a pillow tied to her middle.  She was followed again by the young guards.  

     One of the elders spoke up, ``why are you dressed like that?''

     With an imperious stare at the circle of `elders' she took a moment to reply.  ``You're all a bunch of clowns, so I thought I would dress the part.  Anyway, I'm pregnant now, you you have to do what the new chieftain says.  You've all been very naughty and its about time someone did something about it, and I know just who can do that.  King Tomlin, please enter!''  

     The king walked onto the stage looking much more confident than he had at first.  The princess gave him a hug and left the stage.  He looked at the elders around him.  ``Yup, like she said, you've all been naughty and now you're all going to prison.  We can't have scalawags like you walking free to start more wars.''

     One of the elders stood up and shouted, ``Never!'' and charged.  With an exaggerated punch, that obviously didn't make contact, the king dropped the elder, then stood with arms crossed.  The guards behind him hadn't moved.  Melna glanced at her mate, he smiled but gave a small shake of his head.

     ``Anyone else want to try me?''  The rest of the elders all shook their heads.  A line of small soldiers crossed the stage collecting the elders and taking them away.  The king and the guards followed them out.

     Again the stage was cleared and a podium was set in the middle.  The princess returned, again wearing the copy of her red formal wear.  She was followed closely by the new chieftain.  Stepping up to the podium the little girl actually looked a bit nervous but she gave her speech in a clear voice.  ``People of Silvana, the man I have chosen as chieftain is already the king of a great nation.  I know things have been hard, but now I know you will all be safe with him in charge.  I once asked if king Tomlin was a good man.  I was told, `If you are true to your word you have nothing to fear from king Tomlin Akenna.'  This has proven true in the time I've known him and I know it will continue to be true for all of you.''  She stepped aside and the little chieftain took the podium.

     ``People of Silvana, three months ago a girl walked into my court in Aldenea demanding I save the people of Silvana from the council of elders.  Ever since I've known her your safety has always been what she wanted most.  As your new chieftain I promise I will do my best to always keep you safe.  The war is over, now we can rebuild Silvana into a great nation!''  The boy raised his fists above his head.

     The words were different but the sentiment was there.  The little chieftain stepped back only to be hugged by the little princess.  Melna was choking back tears as she stood and started clapping her paws.  It was but an instant before the rest of the audience joined in.

     The children all stepped out to give a bow to the audience.  A pair of them peeled out to the group and motioned for Melna and chieftain Akenna to come to the stage.  Once there they were given flowers and a small box of candy.  Melna was having a hard time seeing, her eyes clouded by tears.  She felt a firm paw at her back and turned to see her mate smiling back.  She turned to look at the audience still cheering.  Melna took the spot behind the podium and the crowd quieted.

     ``This year's New Year's Harvest festival has been very different in many ways,'' she began.  ``and all of it has been good.   I would like for it to continue in this way for years to come.  Let's have a carnival next year, and all years to come.  Until then I ask that you all be good to each other, be safe, and be happy.''

     The audience cheered again as she stepped back and knelt.  The children gathered around and she hugged as many as were willing to accept one.  Looking up she noticed Sally and Dennara standing in front of a line of small palace guards at they stood at stiff attention holding a salute.  The adults looked them over sternly, but Melna could see the hint of smiles tugging at their lips, before returning the salute and dismissing them.  

     The children returned to their parents as the crowd separated into individual conversations.  All the children except the little princess.  She gazed at Melna with a wonder in her eyes.  ``Princess Melna, did I do it right?''

     ``Do what, little one?''  Melna was confused.

     ``Did I pretend to be you, right?''  The little girl looked nervous.

     Chieftain Akenna preempted Melna's response by kneeling down and rubbing her head.  ``You were perfect.  You truly captured the strength of princess Melna Silvana when she walked into my palace.  If you were a little older I might have trouble telling you two apart.''

     The girl beamed.  Melna asked, ``What's your name, dear?''

     ``Serella Kinseth.''

     ``My mother's name was Serella.''

     ``Yes, momma says I was named after her.  She said she always like the name and princess Serella was a good person.''

     ``Serie!''  a voice called from their left.

     ``There's momma.''  The little girl skipped to an embarrassed woman standing by the stage.

     ``I'm sorry if she was bothering you.''

     The chieftain replied, ``No bother at all.  Take good care of her, I think she's going to grow up into something special.''

     ``Thank you, chieftain.''  The flustered woman gave a bow and took her daughter's paw moving to depart.  

     The chieftain helped Melna back to her feet.  They returned to their seats carefully setting their gifts down.  A line had formed and they spent a considerable time greeting well-wishers as they passed by.


     Melna was tired, her feet hurt, her back hurt, and this had been about the best few days she's ever had in her life.  She was again in the bath snuggled with her mate as they floated.  Her head on his chest she could hear the steady thump of his heart.  His arm around her shoulders pulled her in tight.  ``Today was a good day.''

     ``Mhmm,'' she replied simply.  They floated in silence for long enough that Melna started to wonder if he'd fallen asleep.

     Finally he spoke again.  ``So what are you going to do now?''

     She squeeze his chest.  ``I'm going with you.  I've stayed here for this long because of the festival.  Now that it's over I want to be with you.  Whether you return to Ganden or all the way back to Alda, it doesn't really matter.  I do want to talk to you about Jesha and Milty, but that can wait.''

     He sat up in the water and pulled her in, nuzzling into her shoulder.  ``Alright, we're heading back to Ganden the day after tomorrow.  The new council of elders has been formed.  We should be able to head back to Alda soon after that.''

     They got out of the water and took their time drying off before leaving the washroom.  It had been a long day and it was time for bed.

by Deored
She Made Her Choice Chapter 9
Last in pool
Its time for the New Year's Harvest festival!

male 1,198,606, female 1,089,204, story 14,012, princess 7,653, play 4,474, party 4,453, king 4,442, military 2,959, writing 1,964, performance 283, soldiers 251, monarchy 22, inzri 14
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 1 year, 9 months ago
Rating: General

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