Like Dracollin, Phi is one of the very rarely seen Lik dragons. Lik dragons are capable of shape-shifting into any type of animals. Very few know about their ability, and in some places, Lik dragons never appear in their original form in front of others (except really close friends, mates, etc) and usually appear as the common species in that area. They aren't capable of flying in their original form but they can transform into or other breeds of dragons with wings. They have very long lives; older females have a horn-thing growing under their jaw. All Lik dragons have a special marking below their eyes. Their skin are similar to snake skin, scaly but smooth. Lik dragons are very agile and avoid attacking. But when they're threatened, they usually attack with their tail, horns, and biting. They cannot transform into a powerful creature and attack with the creature's power (eg. they can't transform into Lugia and use Aeroblast... >_>)
done by aishadfghjkl
12 years, 3 months ago
23 Sep 2012 11:14 CEST
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