Have you ever been blind?
not blind by death nor life,
not blind by birth nor scar,
blind that you no longer see the path you are walking through anymore,
walking not knowing the path you chose,
not caring if it is the right way through,
just lost in the dark of blindness,
not wanting to know what to do,
not having a purpose to live,
wishing for all of this to end,
wishing to be free like the wind,
not chained to the darkness of your blindness,
to that i say wake up and open your eyes again,
so the darkness can come to an end,
and light can fill your path once again,
for to concur the darkness you need hope,
so it will light your dark path,
and fill it with the hope of life,
for you to be free like the wind,
you'll need the flames of hope and an everlasting smile.
we live our lives and at times we lose our path and become blind, we lose our light to the darkness, but keep in mind my friend, hope shall always find its way through the darkness of your blindness. Even in the darkest of times there's always hope, as long as you have faith you'll never lose the way through your path, hold on to hope and you'll never lose to the darkness, even if you were blind, walk through your path with your head held high in the sky, and with a bright smile that shines like a star in a dark night. Deep down you know at the end of this path you'll see once again, but you won't see darkness this time, you'll see a small flame, holding it in your hands and you'll wonder what it is? then you will know it is the flames of hope that came to take you out of this dark hole, to show you the light of your path and to be free to live your life to the fullest once again. You will wonder why you are free from the chains of darkness? Why can you see the light again? because you held your head high with a smile and walked through the dark, blind, path with faith, courage and honor. That's all it takes to find the flames of hope, for it shall come to those who not only have faith, but to those who believe in life and second chances, so never give up to the darkness, never allow it to blind your sight, keep walking through the path that your heart has faith in. At the end when the time comes you'll see the eternal light, as long as you believe in yourself and in your purpose of life and never let the darkness blind you, you'll be free from it forever just like the wind, so smile cause darkness can never take the flames of hope away from you, it is born from the smallest light in your heart and that is something darkness can never take, you are born with it, just work hard to find it.
always find the light of hope in the dark and shine your path with it.