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Playdate With Mikey
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Soccer Fun
TV Shop
Heeler House Change
Plushie Daycare
Show 1 More Pool...
Contemplating His Next Move...
Bandit's Spanking
     After months of being back in his home country of Germany, Gunter finally had a break and was sent to visit his Aunt Olga Olson. Gunter was very excited because his pen pal and good friend Kyle Smith lives right across the street to his Aunt. Kyle and Gunter have been facetiming and writing letters to each other ever since Gunter's last visit to the USA. After a long flight from Germany and ride from the airport, Gunter finally arrived at his Aunt's house late in the evening. Fortunately, Kyle was waiting for his friend all day and was the first to greet him as soon as he stepped out of the car.

"Gunter!" shouted Kyle as he sprinted across the street to his friend.

"Kyle!" shouted Gunter back as he waited in the driveway for his buddy's embrace.

The two pals gave each other a big hug and laughed as Mr. Smith and Mrs. Olson looked on. Shortly after the two boys greeted each other, Mrs. Olson grabbed Gunter's suitcase.

"Ok, vittle Gunter. Time to go inside and rest. You've had a long flight." announced Mrs. Olson in her charming thick German accent as she motioned towards her house.

"You too Kyle. It's time to get ready for bed." echoed Mike.

"Aw! But dad....Gunter just got here....We wanna play..." whined Kyle.

"Please Aunty please..." pleaded Gunter to his Aunt.

"Nine Gunter. It's been a very long journey and you need your rest. You can play with Kyle tomorrow." replied Mrs. Olson.

"Come on Kyle lets go. You can play outside with Gunter all day tomorrow, but for now it's time to go." reiterated Mr. Smith with a more stern tone.

"No fair! I wanna play with Gunter now!" stomped Kyle on the verge of tears.

"Yeah! I want to play with Kyle Auntie!" argued Gunter to his Aunt.

"I'm going to give you to the count of three and then we're going to have a long conversation over my lap." warned Mike as he started counting, "1...."

"Eep!" squealed Kyle as he sprinted towards his house while protecting his tushie, "See ya tomorrow!"

"Don't think your safe from receiving a good spanking meine neffen. I'm not your mother and you're not in Germany so you better wise up." Warned Mrs. Olson as well.

     The warning worked as Gunter also sprinted inside covering his tushie. Kyle headed into the house, took a shower, slipped into his pajamas, brushed his teeth, and hopped into bed without fuss as to not push his father's limits. He wasn't laying in bed long before he saw a light flashing through his window. He looked to see where it was coming from and noticed that it was coming from Gunter's room across the street. Kyle grabbed his flashlight and shined it back. The two boys flashed their flashlights at each other for about ten minutes before they each fell asleep. Gunter flashed his flashlight into Kyle's window from across the street until they fell asleep.

      The next morning rolled around and much to the disappointment of the eldest Smith boy it was pouring rain outside.

"MMoomMMmm.....when is the rain going to stop?" asked a frustrated Kyle.

"I'm sorry honey, but I checked the forecast and it's not supposed to clear up until late tonight. It's thundering and lightning too so you can't play in the rain either." replied Cheryl soothingly, "Maybe it will clear up tomorrow and you can play with Gunter then."

Kyle sighed disappointedly and went to go change out of his pajamas. He then sat at the kitchen table with his mother and brother.


"Who could that be...?" asked Cheryl to Kyle with a smirk on her face.

"It's Gunter!" exclaimed Kyle at the surprise of seeing his friend.

"Gunter Gunter!" echoed Caiden as he tottled over to see Gunter as well.

"Why hello Gunter! Good to see you again sweety. Let's get you inside and out of the rain." greeted Cheryl as she led him inside and took his raincoat from him.

"How are you here? It's raining outside and we can't play outside." asked a giddy Kyle.

"I gave his Aunt a call this morning and invited him over while you were getting dressed.", answered Cheryl, "You two can play inside and play video games or watch a movie today since it's raining out."

"Yippee!" shouted the boys.

"Um, Frau Cheryl." started Gunter as he awkwardly shook Cheryl's hand trying to be polite, "Mien Tante told me to thank you for letting me come over to play and that I am to be on by best behavior and and and...she'll pick me up tonight..."

Gunter started to trail off as he got distracted by the commotion behind him.

"Aw aren't you a little gentleman." awed Cheryl as she turned to her husband who was heading out the door for work, "Bye honey!"

"Bye babe! Bye boys! Be good and I'll see you tonight." said Mike as he grabbed his briefcase and umbrella and walked towards the door.

Kyle waved and walked to his father to the door while Caiden cried at the sight of his father leaving. It's a nearly daily routine for little Caiden to cry when one of his parent's leaves but he clears up after a few minutes.

     After Mike left the boys moved to the living room.

"Come on Gunter! Let's play video games!" suggested Kyle as he took Gunter's hand and led him to the PlayStation 77.

Kyle booted up the system, grabbed himself a controller, and handed one to Gunter. The two happily played together for a while until Caiden came over.

"I wanna play too!" said Caiden as he went to grab a controller before he was stopped by Kyle.

"No way. Gunter and me are playing a racing game. Go play with you baby toys somewhere else." snided Kyle.

"No fair! I can play!" whined Caiden as he started to tear up.

"No! Go away!" shouted Kyle.

"Maybe we should let him play too...." suggested Gunter as he noticed tensions rising.

"Nah uh! This is a two player game. He can go somewhere else." replied Kyle.

"Boys! I'm on the phone here. What is going on here?" asked Cheryl as she heard the commotion from the other room.

"Kyle won't wet me pway!" shouted Caiden.

"Kyle Smith. You be nice to your little brother and let him play too or I'll take away the PlayStation for a week. Do you understand?" lectured Cheryl.

"Yes mom..." obeyed Kyle begrudgingly.

A victorious Caiden stood tall over his defeated brother.

"Sorry Helga, the boys were bickering." apologized Cheryl as she returned to her phone call and grabbed some dirty clothes to take to the washer.

Caiden's tail wagged as he heard the name Helga and knew it was his best friend Grayson's mommy. The youngest Smith quickly lost interest in the video game and followed his mother.

"Oh no problem Cheryl. I completely understand." replied Helga on the other side of the line as her little rugrat was also in tow, "It sounds like you have your paws full. Maybe I could drop by with Grayson and help you out? If that's no trouble for you of course."

"That would be great! I'm sure Caiden would love to have a friend his age around too." answered Cheryl much to Caiden's pleasure.

     About thirty minutes later the Rogers family arrived and Caiden had a playmate. The two toddlers ran off to the living room and played together while the two moms went into the kitchen. The littles had just ate their lunch and now the moms were going to make something for them to eat. They were in the middle of making a salad when Cheryl realized that they were a little low on food and whatnots. She quickly made a list and determined that they needed to make a run to the corner store. The problem was that they either needed to round up all the kids and drag them to the store or have the older two babysit the younger two. Kyle is 6 years old going on 7 and has watched his brother in small doses when Cheryl went across the street. Gunter was a little older at 8 years old and had experience in watching cubs as he often babysits his younger cousins. Kyle is bossy enough to keep Caiden in line and Gunter is sweet enough to balance Kyle out so the moms decided to give the boys a shot at babysitting while they walked to the corner store. They phoned Gunter's Aunt of course and she thought it was a fine idea as Gunter has much experience in watching littles.

     The moms got ready to go to the store and rallied up the boys.

"OK boys, Mrs. Helga and I are going to run to the corner store to get some groceries." announced Cheryl as she turned to the older boys, "You two are in charge while we're gone. No bullying or being mean. We're giving you a big boy responsibility and if you do a good job you'll both get a big treat later tonight. Understand?"

Kyle and Gunter nodded and said "yes ma'am" simultaneously.

"Good boys. Extra diapers are in the basket by the fireplace if you need them and here's the emergency cell phone. If you need anything or there is an issue CALL me. We're just going to the end of the street to grab some groceries but can come back in a moment if you need us." explained Cheryl as she handed the phone to Kyle and he put it in his pocket. She then turn to the two little ones who were playfully wrestling nearby, "OK Caiden and Grayson. Kyle and Gunter are in charge so listen to them. We'll be right back."

"Ok mommy!" shouted Caiden

"Bye bye mommy!" shouted Grayson as the mothers left for the store.

     As soon as the moms left Kyle turned to address the toddlers.

"Listen up babies, Gunter and me are in charge so you have to listen to us. So you two go stand in the time out corner until we tell you to come out while Gunter and me go watch TV." announced Kyle defiantly.

"What?! No fairs!" yelled Grayson.

"Aw! Why do we havta go ta time outs?!" argued Caiden.

"Because I said so and if you don't listen to us we're going to tell mommy and you'll get in BIG trouble." explained Kyle.

"Kyle...are you sure they need to be in the time out corner..." asked Gunter quietly as he was unsure of the whole idea.

"Trust me, this is the best for all of us." answered Kyle to Gunter.

The toddlers begrudgingly obeyed Kyle as they didn't want to get in trouble with their mothers. They glared at the two older boys as they walked off.

"Now that those two are taken care of we can watch my favorite super hero show 'Manbat'." said Kyle as he dragged his friend to the couch.

Gunter still wasn't sure about the plan.

Kyle put the DVD in the TV, grabbed the remote, and plopped down on the couch next to Gunter.

"Kyle I don't think we should keep your brother and his friend in time out. They didn't do anything wrong and I don't want us to get in trouble with your mom..." voiced Gunter as his conscience was getting the best of him.

"...Ugh...Fine! We can let them out, but don't blame me if they ruin our day." replied an annoyed Kyle.

"Come on little ones. There's no need to spend the afternoon in time out. Come join Kyle and me..." announced Gunter as he guided the toddlers from the corner to where Kyle was.

Caiden and Grayson followed but were not happy and very suspicious of the older boys.

"There, now we're all together again..." said Gunter as he stood between Kyle and the cubs, "Kyle, is there something you want to say to Caiden and Grayson?"

"*Grumbles* Sorry for putting you two in time out for no good reason....and calling you babies..." mumbled Kyle.

"Grayson an me were talkin in times outs and we're gonna tell mama dat you was means to us an YOU'RE gonna gets a spankin." threatened Caiden as he and Grayson mocked him by slapping their own butts.

"Oh yeah?! Well we'll show you. Get him!" shouted Kyle as he pounced on Grayson and started tickling him.

"Tee hee! Hey, no fairs! Hee hee hee!" giggled Grayson as he was tackled and tickled by the older boys.

"Don't worry Grayson! I saves you!" yelled Caiden as he ran towards an exposed Gunter and playfully swatted him on the rear.

"Hey!" giggled Gunter as he was tagged on the butt by Caiden, "You'll pay for that!"

Kyle and Gunter released Grayson and turned their sights on Caiden. Kyle grabbed his little brother, held him under the armpits, and tickled him.

"Naughty naughty wittle baby!" teased Gunter in a high pitched voice as he lightly patted Caiden's bum.

"EEE! Helps me Grayson!" squealed Caiden.

"Dun worries Caiden! I saves you now!" charged Grayson towards Kyle's exposed rear.  

"AH! Gotcha!" yelled Gunter as he swooped in before Grayson could attack Kyle and picked him up with his bottom in the air.

"Ah ah ah. Little baby is bein' naughty..." teased Kyle as he playfully spanked Grayson's bum.

Both boys burst into laughter at the absurd scene. After gazing and laughing at the helpless Grayson, Caiden ran into help his friend once again. This time they all got tangled up and fell into a pile. Normally this would result in tears for someone but not this time. Each boy rolled on the floor laughing at the spontaneous and crazy game that just transpired.

     As the laughter died down Caiden shifted around uncomfortably on the ground.

"Um Kyle....I tink I needs a...." started Caiden as he pointed to his pants.

"Oh come on! Why can't you use the potty like a big boy!" chided Kyle as he knew exactly what Caiden was referring to.

"It wuz an accident Kyle! I couldn't helps it when you was ticklin' me!" shouted Caiden.

"It's ok. We'll change your diaper ok?" piped in Gunter as to ease the tension. Caiden nodded and Gunter turned to Grayson, "Do you need a change too?"

Grayson nodded that he needed a new diaper too.

"Ok then, you and Caiden take your pants off while Kyle and me get the diaper changing supplies." ordered Gunter as he took charge, "I'll change your diaper Grayson and Kyle you change your brother's diaper."

Caiden and Kyle eyed each other and grumbled, but accepted the terms. The older boys grabbed the supplies while the littles took off their pants. They then laid the tots down and changed their soaked diapers. It didn't take long for the diaper change to wrap up and both boys were in clean diapers before no time.

     After the Caiden and Grayson got their diapers changed, they got up and went to go play while the older boys threw the old diapers away and cleaned up the supplies. Caiden ran by the window and saw that it was still raining outside.

"Look look! It's still waining!" exclaimed Caiden, "Let's go pway in da wain!"

"No Caiden, we can't play outside." answered Kyle.

"Aw! But why?!" asked Caiden.

"Cause mommy said we couldn'ts and it's lightening outside so it's dangerous." explained Kyle.

"No fairs! You're not do boss of us! We's gonna go outsides! Come on Gwayson!" declared Caiden before he was stopped by his older brother.

"I said NO Caiden. I already told you why and if you go outside you're gonna be in BIG trouble." warned Kyle with a stern tone.

"Ok...ok...how about we play a new game instead?" suggested Gunter in an upbeat tone.

Caiden and Kyle glared at each other before saying "Fine!" simultaneously.

 "Hmm....How about hide and seek! That's a fun game." suggested Gunter.

"Yeah! I wove dat game!" jumped Grayson.

"Ok, I can play that game. Caiden, do you want to hide or seek first?" asked Kyle to his brother to try and rise his spirits after forbidding him from going outside.

"UUUmmmmm....Hide! But Gwayson hides too!" decided Caiden.
"Great! Gunter and I will count to 100 and you two go hide." explained Kyle as he and Gunter turned around, "...1...2...3..."

"C'mon Grayson!" shouted Caiden as he dragged his friend down the hall and out of earshot of the older boys, "Now's our chance. Let's go outsides.'

     Caiden and Grayson slid out the back door and into the rainy outdoors.

"Wheee! We're fwee!" exclaimed Grayson.

"Yeah! WaHoo!" shouted Caiden as he slid into a puddle.

"Dis is so fun! Gweat ideas Caiden!" laughed Grayson.

"It sures is buddy-" replied Caiden before the rain suddenly stopped around them, "Hey, why da rain stops...?"

"Ahem!" exclaimed Kyle from behind the two drenched toddlers.

Kyle and Gunter appeared behind the two delinquent toddlers sporting their umbrellas and rain boots.

"Eep! Heh heh....Hi Kyle..." stammered Caiden nervously.

"Caiden's idea!" pointed Grayson as he dimed out his brother.

"Inside. NOW!" ordered Kyle sternly.

"I can't believe that you both didn't listen to me and went outside. Look at you two, you're drenched! You two are in BIG trouble. No march!" lectured Kyle as he took his brother's paw and led him inside.

"Yeah, this was dangerous and naughty." added on Gunter as the littles gave each other a nervous look.

Caiden and Gunter led the dripping Caiden and Grayson into the bathroom. The shivering boys were stripped down to their diapers only to find out that their diapers were at capacity from playing in the rain and puddles. So they were stripped even further to their birthday suits. The tots were a little shy at being completely naked around their older compatriots even though they just had their diapers changed by them not too long ago. There were awkward silence from Caiden and Grayson and glares from Kyle and Gunter as they wringed out their clothes. After Kyle and Gunter dried off the little ones, they brought them into the hallway to get them dressed. With their original clothes soaking wet, Kyle grabbed a pair of shirts from Caiden's room and slipped them on the tots.

"I'll go grab a few diapers. Be right back." said Gunter as he headed downstairs.

Gunter arrived downstairs, grabbed a couple diapers, and headed back upstairs. As he was climbing the stairs he heard pleading from the little ones.

"Pwease pwease pwease Kyle! We'll be goods!" assured Grayson.

"Yeah! We wills! Pwease dun 'pank us!" begged Caiden.

"What's going on...?" asked Gunter as he arrived with the two diapers.

"Hold on to those diapers Gunter. These two have been very naughty and are going to get a good spanking on their BARE BOTTOM." declared Kyle as he popped his own butt to show he means business, "I'll need your help Gunter. You can spank Caiden and I'll spank Grayson."

"Pwease Kyle...." pleaded Caiden again as Gunter grabbed his wrist and gently led him away from Caiden.

"It's either you get a spanking from us or mommy. Your choice." explained Kyle as Caiden and Grayson decided it would be better for them to get spanked by their babysitters than the sting of their mother's paws.

Caiden laid over Gunter's lap nervously and awaited his fate while Grayson hesitated.

"Grayson Rogers. You bend over my lap this instance or I will go get Mr. Pow Pow." threatened Kyle in his big boy voice as he finally got the reluctant toddler to comply.

"Say uh Kyle....How many spanks do we haveta give...?" asked Gunter puzzled.

"Oh um.....six cause there are two naughty babies that are both three years old so....that equals six?" thought Kyle.

"...OK I guess..." agreed Gunter even though he was still puzzled at his friend's logic.

Without much delay the spanking began. Both Kyle and Gunter gave each of their charge their hardest six spanks on their bare bottoms. While their spanks were not near as hard as their parent's it still gave a good sting.


"WWHAahhh OWIE! AAAhhhAA...." cried the two spankees as their bottoms were firmly spanked in the hallway.

As soon as the spanking was over, Kyle and Gunter let their punished tots up and held them tightly while they cried it out in their shoulders.

"There there...it's ok...It's all over now and you're forgiven..." cooed Kyle soothingly as he rubbed Grayson's back.

Gunter echoed Kyle and did the same. Once they calmed down Caiden and Grayson stood up and rubbed their sore tushie.

"W-we sorry Kyle an Gunter..." apologized Caiden.

"Y-y-yeah....Sowwies..." stammered Grayson.

"It's ok. We forgive you and we won't tell mommy." assured Kyle much to the toddler's glee.

While that was a nice gestor by Kyle it was more so he and Gunter didn't get in trouble as they both know that they were not supposed to spank the little ones. That's a job for grown ups.

"Let's get a diaper on those red butts now." teased Gunter as they all chuckled.

The older boys taped a diaper on each little one and put a new pair or pants on over that.

"C'mon Caiden! Let's go play blocks!" suggested Grayson as Gunter finished taping up the diaper on his waist.

"Ok!" agreed Caiden as he sprinted off with his friend while Kyle and Gunter went to watch TV.

About 20 minutes later Helga and Cheryl walked back in with groceries in hand.

     "Boys! We're home!" exclaimed Cheryl as they all rushed to greet them, "Why hi there! Well the house looks to still be standing. How were Caiden and Grayson?"

"Oh they were good. No problems..." lied Kyle to his mother.

"...Yeah. No problems at all." echoed Gunter to Helga.

"That's great. I'm so proud of you two. Such big boys taking care of your little brother and friends." praised Cheryl as she noticed that the little ones were in different clothes, "Why are Caiden and Grayson in different clothes?"

"Oh uh....You know how little boys are...They spilled some water on each other on accident." lied Kyle again as his mother was skeptical and about to ask more questions before Gunter piped in.

"Yeah!...So when that happened we changed their clothes....and diapers too! Yep, we even changed their diapers." added on Gunter.

"Well what good big brothers and friends you are. They're glad to have you. I think you two earned a treat later." said Helga as she patted Gunter's head.

"Can you all help us take the groceries into the kitchen?" asked Cheryl as she shrugged off the shaky story from Kyle.

"Yeah!" exclaimed all the boys as they each grabbed a bag and brought it to the kitchen.

     After all the bags were brought into the kitchen, the moms started to put the groceries away. Kyle and Gunter were helping when they found a bag of cookies. They started to open the bag to grab a cookie or two before they were caught by Cheryl.

"Ah! Stop right there you two. No cookies before dinner." declared Cheryl as she pointed at them with the leek in her paw.

"Yes ma'am..." replied the boys in unison bashfully as they were caught red handed.

"That's what I thought...I've got my eye on you..." said Cheryl playfully as the boys giggled.

Cheryl grabbed an empty cookie jar from the top shelf and began filling it with the new bag of cookies.

"These are your treats for later for being such good babysitters." explained Cheryl, "But AFTER dinner."

     After the jar was filled Cheryl placed the cookie jar on the top shelf of the cabinet. After the groceries were put away, the moms went into the living room where the toddlers were while the older boys went to play in Kyle's room.

"My mom and Mrs. Helga aren't guarding the cookies anymore. Lets go get them." schemed Kyle as Gunter nodded in agreement.

The two thieves quietly grabbed a stool from the other room and tip-toed to the kitchen. They quietly made their way into the kitchen and Kyle climbed up on the counter.

"Careful...Careful..." whispered Gunter nervously as Kyle gently grabbed the cookie jar and handed it off to his friend.

Kyle closed the cabinet behind him quietly and climbed back down. They then swiftly put the stool back and rushed to coat closet with their spoils.

"I can't believe we pulled it off." giggled Kyle as he popped the lid open.

Kyle and Gunter dug into the cookie jar and ate more than their fair share of cookies.  Not long after the older boys completed their heist, the Smith boy's father returned home from work with a surprise in hand.

"Hello everyone! I'm home and I brought pizza!" announced Mike much to the tots excitement.

"Caiden, why don't you go get your brother and Gunter while the rest of us set up the living room for a picnic?" suggested Cheryl as the adults and Grayson headed to the kitchen.

"A picnic! Oh boy!" jumped Caiden as he rushed to his brother's room.

"Kyle! Gunter!-Oh....Dere not heres." said Caiden as he opened the door to Kyle's room.

     Caiden went up and down the hallways looking for his brother and friend. He was about to give up when he heard snickering coming from the coat closet.

"Kyle...?" said Caiden as he opened the door and pulled back the coats to find Kyle and Gunter with a mostly empty cookie jar, crumbs on the ground, and chocolate on their faces, "*GASP*"

"Wait! Caiden, I can explain!" stammered Kyle.

"I'm tellin!" declared Caiden as he sprinted down the hallway.

"No!" shouted Kyle as he took chase.

"Mommy! Daddy!" shouted Caiden as he ran down the hallway with Kyle in hot pursuit.

"Caiden! Please! Wait!" pleaded Kyle.

Suddenly, Kyle lunged and tackled his little brother to the ground which stopped the tattle tale in his tracks. Both Smith boys were a little dazed as they took quite a tumble in the hallway. Caiden started to bawl as Kyle tried to sooth his brother.

"Gotta put the jar back! Gotta put the jar back! OOF!" sprinted Gunter frantically before he tripped over the Smith boys in the hallway and sent the cookie jar flying.


The jar shattered on the ground and Caiden was in full meltdown mode and was crying his little eyes out.

"What is going on here?" asked Helga as she was the first grown up on scene.

"It's Caiden! W-we were trying to stop him from stealing cookies and he tripped and the jar broke!" lied Kyle outright much to Gunter's fear.

"Is that true Gunter?" asked Helga skeptically as she picked up Caiden and tried to sooth the bawling toddler.

Gunter nodded 'yes' as Caiden shook his head 'no'.

"Hhmmm...How did such a little guy get ALL the way on the counter to get the cookie jar AND carry it all the way over here?" asked Helga as she suspected that the older boys were lying more and more since she noticed the crumbs and chocolate bits on them.

"...Um..." stuttered Caiden.

"Mama! Mama! Caiden didn't 'teal da cookies! Dey did! Caiden founds dem wit da cookies in da cwoset!" explained Grayson as he ran over to his friend's defense which angered Kyle.
"Oh really...?" said Helga as she glared at Kyle and Gunter.

"Yeahs! So pwease dun wet Caiden gets a 'pankin. We alwedy gots one from dem today!" pointed Grayson as he ratted out Kyle and Gunter.

"They did what?!" exclaimed Helga as she pulled back on Caiden's and Gunter's diaper to find their bottoms were still a little pink from their trip over their babysitter's lap earlier, "Mike! Cheryl! Come here please!"

Kyle and Gunter gulped as they knew that they were in big trouble.

     "What's going on in here?" asked Cheryl as her and Mike walked in.

Helga explained all that had transpired over the last few hours. She told them how Kyle and Gunter bullied and spanked the littles while they were babysitting them, how they stole the cookies, and how they lied about all of it.

Cheryl asked if all that was true and Kyle and Gunter nodded 'yes' in shame.

"You two wait right here." ordered Mike as he went to the other room.

"I am VERY disappointed in you two and you're both in BIG trouble." chided Cheryl as she grabbed Gunter's and Kyle's suspenders and collar respectively.

"To the couch. NOW." commanded Mike as he returned with Kyle's paddle 'Mr. Pow Pow' and started to undo his belt much to Kyle and Gunter's fear.

"C'mon boys, let's get you cleaned up and ready for dinner while your parents deal with those two." said Helga as she led the toddlers out of the room.

Cheryl took the paddle from her husband and led Kyle to one side of the couch. She unbuttoned his pants and started to pull his shorts and underwear down.

"No mommy! Please! I'll be good! Please don't paddle me!!" begged Kyle as he gripped his underwear.

"Kyle Maddox Smith! You move your paws this instance or you'll get double what you're due." warned Cheryl as the crying Kyle obeyed and had his pants and underwear dropped to his ankles.

"Wait! Mr. Smith! You can't spank me!" shouted Gunter as he tried to prevent his underwear from being pulled down.

"I very well can. Your Aunt told me to give your hiney a good whipping with the best if you acted up and by golly you've earned one. Now move those hands before I give you double." explained Mike sternly as Gunter reluctantly obeyed and was dragged over Mr. Mike's lap.

Cheryl pulled had her oldest step out of his britches and underwear and had him bend over her lap. She then grabbed Mr. Pow Pow and applied it to Kyle's unprotected bottom.


"OWOWOW! MOMM-OWIE! I SOWWY! OHOHWHAHA....!" wailed Kyle as his mother blistered his bottom.

"This is going to be a hard, but necessary, lesson for you to learn young man! You DO NOT lie to grown ups, bully your brother or others, disobey your parents, or steal things that don't belong to you!" lectured Cheryl as she wore her oldest son's bottom out with the paddle.


She finished with those ten firm swats that left Kyle a blubbering mess. Meanwhile, Mike grabbed his belt and started spanking his charge.


Gunter started bawling immediately as this was only the third time he has ever been spanked and the first time with the belt. Mike gave a similar lecture to Gunter and finished up with five more licks.


The little piglet's were so red one could mistake them for bacon. Gunter was a bawling mess by the end of it.

     After the butt bustings, the Smith parents let their wayward child up and let them cry it out. They rocked and soothed each of them as the boys started to calm to just a sniffle while they rubbed their very sore behinds. When Kyle and Gunter calmed down, Mike and Cheryl stood them on the ground and led them to the corner of the room with the diaper changing supplies. They adults each grabbed a diaper much to the boys protests.

"N-no...! We're not babies! We dun need diapers...." whined Kyle.

"Please Mr. and Mrs. Smith! I haven't worn diapers since I was a baby..." cried Gunter.

"Hush you two. You have both acted like little babies today. Caiden and Grayson even acted older than you both today. So you'll both be treated like a toddler since you want to act like one. Kyle, you'll be wearing diapers for the next two days. That means no big boy potty and you'll have the same rules as Caiden. Bedtimes, tv shows, and all. Gunter, you'll be wearing a diaper until your Aunt comes to pick you up. Then it's up to her." explained Mike as he diapered his son and Cheryl diapered Gunter.

After the older boys were diapered they were sent to the time out corner.

"Now you two put your nose in the corner and think about your behavior while we set up the living room for dinner. If you're good in time out, we'll let you stay up for dinner and the movie." instructed Cheryl as the adults went back to the kitchen to get things ready.

"*Sniffles* I'm sorry buddy. This is all my fault..." whispered Kyle to his friend.

"*Hic* It's ok, it's my fault too..." assured Gunter.

Caiden and Grayson snickered at the older boys misfortune as they passed by as Kyle and Gunter blushed as red as their butts were.

     "OK boys, you can come out of the corner and join us for dinner and movie." announced Mike as they shuffled to the middle of the room.

"We're sorry Caiden and Grayson." apologized Kyle.

"Yes, very sorry." echoed Gunter.

"Yeah yeahs shh! Movie on!" brushed off Caiden as he was engrossed in the Paw Patrol movie on the TV.

Grayson didn't even respond as he was glued to the TV.

Kyle and Gunter glanced at each other, shrugged, and ate their pizza and watched the show.

The movie went on and about halfway through both toddlers were out cold. When the movie ended Kyle and Gunter were instructed to get in their pajamas and shorts respectively. The tired boys obeyed and slid on their clothes over their diapers and tender bottom. Not long after the boys changed into their clothes, Gunter's Aunt knocked on the door to pick him up.

     Cheryl and Olga have been texting most of the day and Olga was very aware of what had transpired on their playdate. She told Gunter to get his rain gear on and get ready to go. Gunter once again apologized to Cheryl and Kyle for the trouble. Kyle apologized to Mrs. Olson and Gunter as well. All was forgiven by each side. Kyle and Gunter hugged and they went their separate ways. The Rodgers left and on their way home Aunt Olga informed Gunter that he too would be in diapers for the next two days like his friend will be as further punishment and that she had already bought a pack of diapers and supplies on her way home much to Gunter's dismay.


Art by Drawing-Count

male 1,193,749, female 1,084,895, wolf 193,183, butt 117,336, diaper 78,021, babyfur 39,177, red 17,589, lynx 13,811, crying 13,741, mother 11,279, hug 10,183, spanking 9,804, pig 8,568, friends 8,164, son 7,911, father 7,879, brothers 6,854, naughty 6,829, caught 5,293, punishment 4,645, belt 3,930, rain 3,521, cookie 3,449, tickle 3,174, pajamas 3,153, pizza 2,208, kitchen 2,124, chase 2,000, diaper change 1,963, laughing 1,943, babysitting 1,733, spanked 1,721, bully 1,453, bare bottom 1,349, paddle 1,107, soaked 867, bedtime 783, mike 675, kyle 543, mean 525, nephew 518, otk 507, aunt 481, closet 470, caiden 461, gunter 376, flashlight 311, busted 296, playdate 226, steal 199, corner 176, babysit 156, cheryl 140, time out 136, tackle 130, paddled 100, sprint 93, grayson 81, cookie jar 78, diaper punishment 67, helga 45, bawling 40, groceries 37, olga 35, temper tantrum 22, tattle 11, whooping 5, whoopin 4, whooped 2, babsitters 1
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 1 year, 9 months ago
Rating: General

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