The smug, egocentric, bitter, alcoholic, self destructive, rude, (and well, a lot more similar adjectives could go along, but we get the picture) bartender of Mirasol. A young lion with notorious commitment issues who is fueled almost entirelly by mojitos. Or, well, anything that includes rum.
He founded the Mirasol beach bar along with Anne and Erica, and has, since, been a 'castaway' there. And who can blame him. The second bartender always has a mojito ready for him, and when he feels the customers piling up, he shrugs and heads off to the beach, toiling his life away through one night standers and small insignificant pleasures, searching, as he claims, the love of his life. Through the haze caused by his addictions, he constantly fails to see that all he ever wanted, all he ever needed (to quote a famous song) was right there, in front of him, offering themselves. But this cat is either too stupid, or too drunk. Or a combination of the above.
Black humour, witty retaliations, and a flirting style that would make Blackadder smirk. That's Matt.
P.S: During the story Matt constantly shaves off his mane. This is what he looks with it fully grown though. Early rock star years, could be guessed.
12 years, 5 months ago
21 Sep 2012 02:24 CEST
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