I've always thought there was something fairly homoerotic about football. A bunch of guys in too-tight pants tackling each other and then playing grab ass when it's done well? Hmm.
I've always thought there was something fairly homoerotic about football. A bunch of guys in too-tig
Eh, I dunno. Any numbers on that? I could as easily say that most aren't because none of my friends who like football are homophobic. Of course, I don't hang out with homophobic people, so none of my friends who like football would be. Point being , it's anecdotal and subjective.
Eh, I dunno. Any numbers on that? I could as easily say that most aren't because none of my friends
Immy as stumbled onto the secret my step-father learned; How to get me to become 'one of the guys' at gatherings. I watch sports and act all enthusiastic... but certainly not for the reason his friends think. |3
Immy as stumbled onto the secret my step-father learned; How to get me to become 'one of the guys' a