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Cozy Cotton

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by Yury
Cozy Smile
Cozy Cotton
First in pool
I never smoke befor !
All PIc´s made by https://rannie-kins.deviantart.com/
Pls support the artits :D

She is soo cute so sweet soooo awwwwww :D i lover

Pls if you Fav. the Pic´s say something about the pics , thx

( YaY sry still no name)

Type: Picture Series
Published: 12 years, 2 months ago
Rating: General

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12 years, 2 months ago
Oh she is so cute! I loves her already <3
12 years, 2 months ago
Awww thank you yay she is very Cut but also ;) nooooo nasty touching but i Thing she would give you a freinds Kiss on you Cheek;)
12 years ago
So gorgeous & darling & fluffy & downy! (& maybe just a little silly!) =^u^=
The artist did wonderfilly on these beautifoal pieces! Is she your own design?

I look forward to finding out her name! So how many feather-pillow names have you looked at? Seems to me she could be a Goosedown, Skyfluff, or Angelkiss. {from the old wives' tale that freckles are the result of angel kisses (hickeys? love-bites?), & the similarity of angels & pegasi}

No naughty games? Darn! Her fillycious expressions make me feel all warm & tingly! =~_^=
Either of my ponysonae would love to meet her anyway I think, especially the young pega-filly! =^_^=

BTW, thx 4 the shout! And yes I am finding things I like!
12 years ago
Realy Sry  i Must Update this she Hase a Name Cozy Cotton :)

He can meet her , she Hase a store in ponyville Where you can buy pillows :)
Ooh and yes Colors and so are from me :)
12 years ago
What a cute name! =^u^=  And thank you for sharing it here!

You assume my ponysona's a He? I do try to keep most of my first communications ambiguous w/new ppl & let them conclude for themselves my gender; what with most of my OCs being female (and attracted to females, at least bi), some of my 'speech' tendencies, & my use of these furry smilies =^_^=, everyone who had guessed so far pegged me as a gal. I've been waiting for someone to see or at least guess at my masculine side as dominant, so thank you! =^u^=
-- It's the whiskers isn't it? But I can explain that: I'm pretty sure I have some east-european ancestry, & my kitty-smilies don't shave enough! =>.<=
-- Mind you, I guess I did put "pega-sister" in my profile description! Sometimes I slip up like that, oopsie! =^u^;=

(Admittedly, I have been considering the idea one of my ponysona being in fact an hermaphrodite, but she keeps her more male 'side' hidden from all but her closest friends, her 'mates' as it were. She isn't the filly pegasus I mentioned above, anyway; the fact I said 'filly' rather than 'colt' tends to imply female, which is the other reason I was taken aback you said "He can meet her". =^_^;= )
12 years ago
Emmmmmmmmm .... Sorry my english is Not the best so i think i just geht the 1/2 of what you Write .
Its Not a Problem that your Char is a "he" also as he dont Touch her in any nasty why or Kiss her .
She like to hug and snuggel but not more ....
And i Dont like if my Oc going in any extrem Aktion who Someone get killed or so .i like how Sweet mlp is and she is just a normal mlp Pony ;)( no Sex no Death )
Thank your for teilung me soooooo much about your oc's ;) but Maybe next Time a Bit easyer for me as i Say my eng. Is Bad
12 years ago
Sorry, the way I talk & write some times confuses even people here & other native English speakers!

Okay, I can accept Cozy Cotton being off limits to the very naughty stuff, even with fillies! She is both beautiful & sexually attractive, so I hope you'll understand when somepony 'comes onto her' or tries to 'sweep her off her hooves'!
12 years ago
em ......  yes she is nice .... but she is not soo young as you think ... she hase the same age as the" mane 6 "  1 pic of this is just a cibi pic ( big heads ) .......

and please as i say nothing nasty with her ... she scream and run a way if you be to nasty ....
12 years ago
She did look extra cute & foalish in that chibi pic! =^u^=

Well, that is a valid response many times, for certain personalities to react to some things! =~.~;=

For her: =^x^= *mwah!*
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