Character Sheet for Gelemar
Halianx (Part Lion and Rabbit with a Scorpion stinger)
Character Description
Gelemar is a powerful warrior who hails from the Redpaw Tribe, he was born with the mark of Keeper Volox, the Keeper of coordination and accuracy, in his right eye. Gelemar has abilities beyond any others when it comes to ranged weaponry, but he must keep his enemies at bay, because his hand-to-hand skills, with the exception of small blades, do not compare. He is one of the more accident prone members of the tribe, and usually gets himself into situations he has much difficulty getting out of. Not only did Volox bless him with incredible archery skills, but setting his mark upon him also granted him an alternate personality. Gelemar's conscious can, at any time, fade between him and his inner fighter, Liomar. While physically and visually he stays the same, mentally he is an entirely different creature. Liomar is brutal, powerful, and does not run in the face of danger, he is unforgiving, and only desires to protect those he cares for.
Gelemar is shy but loves talking to others in small groups. He's very quiet and doesn't like to show negativity toward others, hiding any negative or depressive emotions deep inside. He prefers to spend time with feral creatures and his tribe, but will interact with outsiders, although it takes an emotional toll on him. He's protective of those he loves, and can snap into his vicious, violent alter ego, Liomar, when he feels him or his loved ones are threatened.
Loves hanging out with feral and sub-feral creatures, being around his tribe, practicing archery and dagger training, crossdressing
Dislikes those who threaten his family and tribe, intimidation, speaking in large groups
LIves on Kudonta, also known as the Free World, a primitive planet filled with gorgeous and lush greenery, forests, and jungles. Gelemar and his tribe live in an open meadow of Kudonta, a beautiful prairie type area that is surrounded by large, powerful beasts such as Shagbeasts.
5'11", 200 lbs, Gelemar is a Halianx, a creature that has a lion face and long, rabbit ears. He has a large mane-type poof of hair that surrounds his whole neck, the crawls up the back of his head and ends at his forehead with a nice, lush head of hair. He has light tan fur that fades to a creamy white around his stomach and groin, with some dark brown patterns of fur around his arms, hands, legs, and ears. He has a muscular build, and red fur paint around his eyes and left arm.
He wears a loon cloth most the time, just like the rest of her s tribe, but loves wearing women's clothing that Thulmul sneaks into his tent occasionally.