A pet commission featuring their girl Susie who went over the rainbow bridge last year. I seriously love drawing people's pets and I am honored when I get to draw memorials but still-they make me sad every time.
You can find some WIP's *including the reference photo in its original size and resolution-which is worse than just bad xD* on my Tumblr: http://nwalter.tumblr.com/
awh man, I am so sorry for your loss hun *hugs tightly* You will be okay again, maybe not this year but next year this time you can remember and smile. When my dog died last year, I thought I would never be happy again but after many month of grief -it gets better, time heals.
awh man, I am so sorry for your loss hun *hugs tightly* You will be okay again, maybe not this year
awwwh thanks so much :'D well, you can learn it, 4 years ago my art looked like shit *proof is here https://cottondragon.deviantart.com/gallery/32810146#/d... xD* I'm working on a big tutorial book to cover everything I wish I had known when I started drawing, including anatomy, fur, etc :D
awwwh thanks so much :'D well, you can learn it, 4 years ago my art looked like shit *proof is here
umm... how would i commission somethin like this from you... i have a really special kitty in mind, have loads of pics of him left.. and i know my ex would love to have such....
umm... how would i commission somethin like this from you... i have a really special kitty in mind,
oooh kitty <3<3<3 I love cats! If you want a commission just send me a email to delicatstudios@gmail.com with all details and references :D I charge 15$ per hour *sketching is free, I don't bill that*. It is very, very nice of you to want to have something done for your ex *hugs*
oooh kitty <3<3<3 I love cats! If you want a commission just send me a email to delicatstudios@gmail