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Saetia Commission - If looks could kill...
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Carowyn commission - Kyle Waltman, CNM

Wanderlustdragon Commission - Carla James, CM

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by rjdobbs
Saetia Commission - If looks could kill...
Wanderlustdragon Commission - Carla James, CM
This is a commission from carowyn of Kyle Waltman, Certified Nurse Midwife from 'Waltman's Women' written by me, R.J. Dobbs. CNMs are considered an 'Advanced Practice Registered Nurse' specialty, and according to the ACNM - Kyle would be one of the less than 2% of their ranks who are men. Below is a provided snippet from John's work in progress - Waltman's Women

-- Start LONG Story Snippet --

Kyle had to admit to himself, the MeadowBridge Hospital was a nice facility. Recently renovated, it served the southern Twin Cities population, and seemed pretty successful judging by the cars of staff and patients parked in the lots around the building. He was confused, however, by the call from Dr. Breyers - an administrator in charge of staff - who called him in for an interview after reading his resume. A resume that he had never sent for a job he didn't know was available - but Kyle was not about to complain about this fact. It was almost two years since he graduated, since Alice had died - loans were coming due, and he was running out of forebearances.

Another thing that the diminutive red fox noticed was that all of the offices in all the medical centers looked alike; like some office designer bought everything in one large 'medical office' box and set it up with a pictorial floorplan. Kyle remarked about this after seeing the inside of the third HR manager's office during one of his many many interviews during the past two years, hearing the same surprised greetings, their struggle to keep their professionalism when they asked about some aspect of his resume or his references - some even asked him how he came to decide he wanted to be a midwife. Of course, they ended much the same way. 'Perhaps my rejection letter came in the box with the furniture too' Kyle mused sadly. He interviewed well, he knew the material, terminology, and studies. The one thing that closed the doors was something that he couldn't change. Kyle, dressed in a professional suit and tie - looking like he stepped out of a Wall Street office meeting, wasn't a woman.

Dr. Breyer's slim feline fingers glided over the keyboard as she typed, before looking back up at the young red fox with a smile. She said, "So...the question is...do you want the job?" Dr. Breyer, a snow leopard of about forty years old, served as the administrator of staff at the hospital and was dressed quite professionally herself, wearing a nice grey blazer and pants and having a ice blue blouse underneath it.

Kyle said, "...I understand I....what?" as he realized his response didn't fit her question in the slightest. He blinked, looking at her a moment - which felt like an eternity - before he stated, "...the job?" dumbly.

The snow leopard smiled, "Your resume is impressive, you worked with talented people who think the world of you - though they seem to think you are wasting your talents in midwifery. I checked your license...you know...background check. I'm satisfied to extend the job offer to you. Of course, if you want to think about it - I will completely understand. This position did just open up two days ago, and we haven't even gotten a chance to post it yet..." she spoke softly, professionally.

"I.." Kyle began, as his mind ran a million miles a second - pondering the ramifications of the next words he found himself saying, "...I accept... what is the next step?"

"Alright - the basics. Scrub colors are usually open, some departments limit colors or patterns. You'll be working in Joy's department... I think she's got her ladies limited to grey, green, and some...very..screaming color of pink. You got something to match?" Dr. Breyer asked.

"Yes, I have some from my OB rotation. 'Hot Blush Pink' I believe the color is. I can get some more as needed" Kyle admitted. During his college days, his willingness to 'dress like the rest' got him more than a casual comment from the other nurses in training - and even from his fellow midwife students. 'Pink is not my color, but its what the others are wearing' Kyle thought to himself.

Dr. Breyer smiled, "That should be good. I can get your badge and paperwork put through today, so would you like to start tomorrow - get you introduced to your co-workers, give you the dime store tour - or do you need a few days to get things settled?" as she pushes some paperwork around on the desk, as if to look for a particular form.

Kyle thought for a moment before he answered, "Should be able to start tomorrow, yes. Should I bring anything with me?"

Dr. Breyer grinned, "Your charming personality wouldn't hurt, bring scrubs - Joy might have you start right in."

After a few more details, Dr. Breyer walked Kyle out to the lobby - giving him some brochures and material to read over, and Kyle made his way out to his very used Honda. Once safely inside, he blinked and said out loud, "You...are a midwife, Kyle. YOU GOT THE JOB!" as he excitedly slaps his hands on the steering wheel. He wandered home, using the time to find a good route to get himself from the apartment he shared with his mother to his new workplace.

As he opened the door, his mother's voice greeted him from the dinner table, "How'd the battle go, hon?". The elderly red fox lady played a card game with herself, playing a card before looking up at him with a smile over a pair of reading spectacles - her tail swishing back and forth behind her.

It was the same question she asked, and he never had good news for her after every rejection letter, after every "we'll call you" interview. But she kept him plugging away, and he felt proud to have better news for her. "You are looking at the newest certified nurse-midwife at the MeadowBridge Hospital. I start tomorrow." he offered with grin.

His mother's expression changed to excitement, "CONGRATULATIONS! I knew you could do it!" springing up and hugging him, taking the paperwork from his hands and putting it onto the table. The rest of the evening was spent talking about the future, the past, the hardships, and the glimmer of the future. Dinner flew by as they chatted - his mother had made his favorite, pot roast, and it seemed appropriate since this was the start of something wonderful, new, and exciting. After a prolonged dinner and discussion, they retired for the night, knowing tomorrow would be the start of a challenging new adventure. How little did Kyle know how true that assessment would be.

In the morning, Kyle awoke with plenty of time to get ready. During his shower, he wondered to himself, 'I wonder what they are like - my coworkers. Will they accept me? Shun me? Perhaps I have a parking spot already.' before he rinsed his hair, chuckling to himself, "Already worrying about the office politic. Relax Kyle." He got dressed in something light, as he would change into scrubs at the hospital and he did not want to overheat. A pair of respectable denim jeans he had no love for if they should succumb to getting soiled, as well as a good light shirt would work nicely in the August sun. He expected the hospital to be well air-conditioned, so his scrubs would give him just the right amount of cover.

After a quick breakfast, and a 'good luck' hug from his mother, Kyle departed the apartment complex in his usual fanfare - his meager car backfiring a time or two during the drive. Despite his fears, the traffic was not too bad considering the distance between Blaine and Burnsville - in a way, it allowed him to think about the material he read, memorizing interesting tidbits of information sure to win over tough supervisors during the arduous first days employed. Before long, he found himself in the parking lot of the MeadowBridge complex. One of his hopes was dashed immediately, as he was informed that since he was not a doctor, it meant he would have to park in the employee out-lot and either walk in or take the shuttle bus - something that definitely meant he did not have an assigned parking spot. After finding the employee out-lot, he still was surprisingly early - which allowed him the luxury of walking versus waiting for the shuttle bus, scrubs and wardrobe in arms.

"Mr. Waltman, how wonderful to see that you are a man who believes in being early for your first day" a smiling Dr. Breyer said in greeting to him as he strolled in through the door, with exactly fifteen minutes to spare. She wore a pair of suitpants and jacket, a hospital ID clipped to the right breast pocket, a pair of black slip-ons on her feet - contrasting with the grey high-traffic carpet under them. "I trust you didn't have too much trouble with parking? Not being a doctor, you don't have an assigned spot - but perhaps you can car-pool if you work with someone who lives near you; we always encourage it if possible..." she paused, looking at him, before she said "You....should change... I'll wait for you" indicating the men's restroom with a paw.

Kyle headed into the restroom, slipping into the hot pink scrubs, adjusting everything before turning to the mirror. 'So this is how people will see me' Kyle thought to himself, as he looked in the mirror. 'Its not the most manly outfit I've ever wore, but when in Rome...' he mused as he made his way out of the restroom. Dr. Breyer was waiting, as she said she would be, near the information desk.

"Next stop, personnel - get your photo and details on your ID card so security doesn't get funny about you being here. So, you get a chance to read any of the material I gave you yesterday?" the snow leopard asked Kyle, starting to walk into the hospital proper - away from the world of the general public.

"Opened twenty years ago, MeadowBridge Hospital was opened to serve the residents of the Burnsville community as well as the southern Twin Cities and is operated by a non-profit organization. Providing the standard emergency services, the hospital changed over its Labor and Delivery ward about three years ago to a birth centre format - which I am now a part of." Kyle offered, trying not to be too long-winded as they walked.

"Impressive. I can imagine that its a bit different to go from being a member of the public at any institution and joining its staff - see the inner workings as it were. I'd imagine you won't be dealing with the other departments much - but there is a cheat-sheet of extensions at the nurses' station in your department, not to say your just a nurse of course - but you share it with the nurses. You share lockers and change rooms with the doctors. You...are the only man working in the department besides OB/GYNs and specialists right now - all of the RNs are ladies, as well as the orderlies and internists... so you are definitely not in Kansas anymore." Dr. Breyer offered with a kind smile, jokingly with the last part.

"Seems to be the motto of my career... not being in Kansas, that is" Kyle mused out loud, walking with the administrator. They arrived at Personnel Services, and things proceeded pretty smoothly. The dingo woman who went by the name of 'Chandra' took his photo, asking, "What department, Dr. Breyer?"

"He's a Certified Nurse Midwife. He's in Joy Sander's department." Dr. Breyer answered as the dingo looked at her with awe, before looking at Kyle curiously. The administrator then said, "He's a surprise...so no phone calls to Joy, OK?"

"Why does that sound ominous?" Kyle asked, as the dingo typed on her computer, nodding.

"Joy is a traditionalist...in some ways. But your very qualified, and I know she needs the help." Dr. Breyer stated plainly, before turning to the dingo behind the desk, "Just need him to sign a few pieces of paperwork, then off we go".

Kyle sat down across from the dingo behind the desk, and started reading paperwork, signing at the end before he paused, noticing them looking at him taking the time to read each one, "Just want to make sure I am not unwittingly signing up to become a surprise organ donor or to become Thursday's Mystery Meat dinner or anything" he joked with a quirky smile.

Dr. Breyer and Chandra, the dingo lady, chuckled out loud. "Oh no, not new hires - nothing like that. Just your standard releases, employee record files, etc." Chandra added, just in time for his badge to finish printing out of the card printer. She grabbed the small plastic badge, and in a practiced motion, slipped a pink lanyard onto it - passing it to Kyle, "Check the spelling of everything, make sure I caught your good side before I program things like your employee number and other things you'll need when working. Don't need you to get stuck with paying for lunches out of pocket in the cafeteria or not being able to open certain doors to get into employee areas."

Kyle accepted the badge and looked it over. The badge bore the MeadowBridge Hospital logo and name, had a very nice photo of him as well as the words 'Kyle Waltman, RN, CNM, Meadows Birth Centre" as well as the usual barcode and indications official badges possessed - including a lavender block with the words 'MeadowBridge L&D' in white within it. "Looks good to me, Chandra" Kyle mentioned, handing it back to her, knowing she had yet to program the card's electronic parts.

The dingo took the card back, and put it into the card programmer attached to her computer, "Just remember, you will always need to wear this badge whenever your on duty - security does not have the ability to look you up if you don't have it, and you won't be able to log your hours without it. Don't lose it - its a pain to replace and change out your door codes, passwords, and the like. Unless you have a compelling reason, they charge you for replacements - it's not cheap."

Kyle nods, "Wear it around my neck at work, always have it, never lose it - got it" he watched the dingo work at the computer, her fingers tapping away at the keyboard with professional determination. Although this was the first hospital he worked at in a professional capacity - he was not entirely unfamiliar with the process of identification badges - he had worn them throughout his college labs, during his rotations in the emergency room and in the obstetrics ward - though they all were 'student' badges. This would be his first 'real' badge, and as he had not lost his others - he knew that he would not lose this one either.

"All done - let me know if you encounter problems with it, but the failure rate for these cards are pretty low." Chandra stated, pulling the card out of the little programmer on her desk, and handing it back to Kyle, who looked at it and put it on - the badge resting against his chest. The dingo smiled, "Like you've worked here forever." After some discussion about mundane details, Kyle rose - shook Chandra's hand, and resumed his tour with Dr. Breyer.

"I figure a bit of the education will be hands-on on who is who within what department and such. Midwives work strange hours so you will most likely interact with other RNs in the department. You also don't handle shift changes like the others either - you have the option of staying with your patients, but you need to be careful not to put in too many hours or you won't be able to last your regular schedule." Dr. Breyer mentioned, walking with him toward 'The Birth Centre' as it had been branded by the hospital - the standard 'Labor & Delivery' moniker replaced easily on signage throughout the hospital.

"Got it. So, I answer to Joy normally?" Kyle asked, still a bit concerned over the statements people were making when he was introduced as the new midwife in the department, and that he was a 'surprise' for Joy. Added to the fact that this was to be his first job, and he could feel the anxiety building in the background as they passed people in the hallway. They nodded to Dr. Breyer, and many said, "Hello" to Kyle as they passed by - doctors, nurses, orderlies.

"Yes, she is the department lead." Dr. Breyer answered, looking over at Kyle, who stopped. She stopped in response, "Why do you ask?"

Kyle asked, "Can I just ask a bold question here?" with a concerned expression on his face.

"Sure, ask away" Dr. Breyer answered, looking at him curiously.

"Joy, being the department head, would normally interview and hire her own people - subject to administration approval. You are parachuting me in - without Joy's knowledge, so I am a bit concerned that this could...end badly. Why do that? Why hire ME of all people, considering I never gave you a copy of my resume to the best of my knowledge." Kyle asked, his ears burning as he did so.

Dr. Breyer stood quietly for what seemed like a few minutes as they looked at one another. Kyle could see her thinking of her response, and he hoped dearly that he had not stepped over the line into the realms of bad tastes. She DID just hire him, but he knew as well as anyone a job that he kept for all of twenty minutes did not help advance his career. The snow leopard finally responded, "I got a copy of your resume from your former instructor at the U of M in Minneapolis. I've always been a big proponent of equal employment, and she argued that by not giving you even a chance - I was enforcing the very discrimination I've fought throughout my entire career. Women can be police officers, firefighters, and soldiers - and that was because we fought for it. Why can't a man be a midwife - especially someone who has fought so hard to get here? Joy wouldn't have entertained the idea, but sometimes - we don't know how something will work until we just try it. You did your clinical rotation at the Mayo Clinic, one of the best hospitals in the free world, Kyle - and you practiced in Emergency Medicine under the guidance of some pretty prominent people in their fields, who have sung your praises and your hard work. As far as I am concerned, you earned your right to be here, wearing that name badge and those scrubs." crossing her arms in front of her as she stood across from Kyle. She offered, "Does that satisfy your curiosity?"

Kyle nodded, as his ears wilted a little, before he answered, "Yes. Thank you. I didn't mean to sound ungrateful or anything - I just...didn't want this to be this fiery dramatic start and finish of a career I've worked very hard for..."

Dr. Breyer nodded in agreement, "Joy is stubborn - and there are times we don't see eye to eye. But she's one of the best CNMs I've had the privilege of working with, and she's practiced as a nurse of some degree for thirty years. Trust me, she won't fire you. She can't fire you without administration approval or just cause - and if she fired you for being a guy, that's legally actionable. Don't give her just cause, and you'll be fine."

Kyle thought of it for a moment, then agreed, "Alright" as he resumed walking in the general direction they were headed before he stopped them - and Dr. Breyer resumed to keep up. He was used to friction amongst his peers, but this surely would be the first good test of his resolve.

They reached the double doors leading into the department, and Dr. Breyer looked to Kyle - who without saying a word, pressed the door open button, causing the double doors to slowly swing open quietly - the threshold between the regular hospital and the birth centre was abrupt; transitioning from high-traffic linoleum into pleasent, durable carpet. The hospital's beige walls had been redecorated into a pleasing pastel of warm pinks, wimsicle blues, and gentle abstract patterns as they stretched into the department. Together, they resumed their journey - the double doors closing quietly behind them.

There was no one in the hallway leading to the nurse's station. Most doors were closed, but a few vacant rooms lay beyond open doorways, piquing Kyle's more curious side. A mature raccoon lady in hot pink scrubs noticed them, but did not approach - looking at them both curiously before returning to her paperwork. Behind the nurse's station, there was a few stacks of paperwork appearing to be in process - as well as a computer terminal that showed the hospital's screen-saver logo lazily on the screen.

As if to break the picturesque scene, a large hippo lady comes out of one of the rooms with a grin on her face. She too was dressed in hot pink scrubs as she walked over to the large whiteboard near the nurse's station, marking some short-hand before capping the marker. Her hair was brown with very light whisks of grey flowing through it, which cascaded over her shoulders and ended just below her broad shoulders. Around her neck, a nametag read, 'Joy Sanders, Department Head, RN, CNM' amongst the other standard information - hung at about eye level for Kyle.

"Joy" Dr. Breyer said, getting the hippo's attention, who came over to them both, standing a little taller than Dr. Breyer and much taller than Kyle - who stood his ground. 'She's a big, big lady' Kyle thought to himself as he looked up slightly to avoid the appearance he was looking at her bust.

"Dr. Breyer... what an unexpected surprise. I see you brought a new friend" Joy said, her smile shrinking a little. Her expression told the tale of two professionals who did not get along, but kept things civil between a superior and a subordinate for the sake of a polite atmosphere. She looked at Kyle only for a moment, before returning her gaze to the administrator, "So, what brings you to our little corner of paradise?" she said in self-amusement.

"Joy Sanders, I want you to meet Kyle Waltman. He's a new hire" Dr. Breyer said, indicating Kyle with a paw.

Kyle couldn't help but smile, offering a paw - which the hippo shook firmly. 'Whew, that was awkward - I was afraid that it could have gone a lot worse...' Kyle began to think to himself.

"Nice to meet you, Kyle. I...think you might see about returning those scrubs though, blush pink is midwives' colors in this hospital." Joy smiled to him, her attention being drawn to Dr. Breyer before she read his name tag.

"Exactly the reason he's wearing them, actually." Dr. Breyer stated, pointing to Kyle's name badge. Joy turned her attention to Kyle's name badge, looking it over before looking over him, then behind Dr. Breyer as if to look for someone hidden, then over her shoulder as if her search continued.

"Okay...isn't this where that guy jumps out, saying your 'punked' or something - exposing the other nimrod with the camera in the trash can or laundry basket... hope he's not in there, by the way - soiled linens in this department would be gross to hide in" Joy said after her search, looking to Kyle for a moment before returning her gaze to Dr. Breyer.

Kyle looked confused before Dr. Breyer put a hand on his shoulder, as she stated, "If this was a joke - I would have prefaced it with my standard disclaimer, since jokes from an administrator can be so badly misconstrued. You needed a replacement for Nurse Laurens, and I did one better, which should greatly help with the busy times around here..."

Joy looked at her, "You know he's a guy, right? As in, not a woman - can't be a midwife, the opposite of one of us?" she stated, looking at Dr. Breyer's suspiciously. The hippo placed her large hands on her ample hips, her posture speaking to her unaccepting attitude. Kyle had seen it before, but he had to admit - seeing her tower over him was very intimidating. Joy saw the raccoon lady out of the corner of her eye, as she bellowed, "Carla! Come over here and meet our new co-worker" motioning to the approaching raccoon.

Carla stood about Kyle's height, though she shared much of the ample proportioned Joy fashioned under her similar scrubs and pants. Carla's hair was jet black, with no grey to be seen as she looked Kyle over with dark brown eyes. Her nametag read, 'Carla James, RN, CNM' which Kyle could recognize as meaning Joy and Carla would be two of his coworkers. After looking him over for a moment, she looked at Dr. Breyer and said, "Oh hell no." in a serious tone, backing away a step.

Dr. Breyer said, "Oh hell yes." pushing Kyle very gently forward, as if to instill confidence in the young man who was quickly becoming outnumbered as others came to the nurse's station, noticing the growing commotion. Kyle knew this wasn't going to be as simple as it seemed only a few moments ago.

-- End LONG Story Snippet --

Character concept belongs to me, story and work belongs to R.J. Dobbs, and artwork is copyright Carowyn.

Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 1 year, 9 months ago
Rating: General

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