These are my gods, Grid and Get. They take otter forms both in the abstract, as shown here, and when using physical avatars inside a universe. They always wear diapers no matter the forms They take. They change Themselves with Their divine abilities, without physically taking off and putting on new diapers like mortals have to.
Grid is a creator god, a celestial gardener. They plant new universes and actively tend to them as they grow and mature. They grow these universes for a variety of reasons, but the two most notable ones are to create more gods, and to feed Get. They borrow souls from Get to populate Their universes, giving them life in one form or another, sometimes many lives depending on the type of universe.
Grid's body contains a special eternal universe, with its own souls not on loan from Get. This universe is comparable to a utopian afterlife, bathing its souls in all varieties of pleasures for eternity. Though it is eternal, it is still dynamic and ever-changing. Souls entering this universe experience a kind of final death, never again to be placed in an external universe, never able to evolve into anything greater than mortal. Grid is highly particular about which souls They select for this process. None of my existing or former characters reside there yet.
Grid appears as a [cosmic river otter] in universes that have river otters. They change Their form to suit the universe. For example, in Pokémon-based universes with no Earth-like animals, They appear as a cosmic Buizel. They are relatively smaller than Get, wherever size comparison makes sense.
Grid is constantly "wetting" Themself at an appropriate rate. This is literal in the case that They take on a physical avatar, and the fluid is conjured magically. In abstract form, it's a metaphor describing the processes which endlessly reinvigorate Their internal universe, causing waste material and energy to stream out of Their body. Their diaper has unfathomable capacity, but not necessarily endless absorption rate, so They will often leak if They experience a sudden forceful contraction. They also leak if Their diaper reaches its capacity, which only happens if They are sufficiently distracted. In abstract form, They leak a puddle of proto-universe material, which could form a proper universe under the right conditions. None of my characters are in this type of universe either.
Grid is both a trickster and a kinkster, and frequently combines these on Their unsuspecting targets. They are most especially interested in all forms of incontinence and diapers, but They have a myriad of fetishes They explore at great length. Their favorite way to interfere with mortals is to enter their dreams and lure them into a gentle, warm river. Should the mortal follow Them into the water in their dream, they always wet the bed in real life. Grid takes interest in mortals who already have incontinence or wear diapers naturally, especially in universes outside Their domain, where They like to cause mischief.
Grid is not named for Their gridlike pattern; They created the pattern on Themself after receiving Their name. It's an acronym that some of Their followers invented: the God of Rivers, Incontinence, and Diapers, encompassing Their three most closely associated realms of influence. The river is in your pants.
Get is a destroyer god, a keeper of souls. They lend souls to Grid, and shepherd them back home when they die. The experience of living makes souls taste pleasant and provides a kind of nutrition that feeds Get. They consume the remnants of dead universes when the Harvest is finished. Get also eats newly born gods if They're hungry enough, or if there's something wrong with the new god that ruins its viability.
Get's body is a vast sea of void, containing only Their souls. These souls exist in a pure base form, stripped of all experience and growth, each exactly identical to one another. The souls are nestled in a comfortable, warm nothingness, held close within and fiercely defended by their Great Caregiver. Get is intensely protective of Their souls and only lends them to Grid as a gesture of great trust... and also to make them tasty. However, Get will fully release a soul from Their care, if that soul wishes very much to be somewhere outside Get's domain.
Get appears as a [void sea otter] in universes that have sea otters. They change Their form to suit the universe. For example, in Pokémon-based universes with no Earth-like animals, They appear as a void Samurott. They are relatively larger than Grid, wherever size comparison makes sense.
Get's body wastes occur at appropriate intervals, not constantly like Grid, but always comes on with extreme urgency and desperation, forcing Them to have a genuine accident. They both "wet" and "mess" Themself, with a strong bias toward "messing" because of how much They "eat." This is literal in the case that They take on a physical avatar, and the amount could be considered unrealistically large, but not hyper. Their diaper never leaks no matter how forceful Their accident is, and They always change it soon after They recover, so it never reaches its capacity.
Get doesn't interfere with mortals very often. They prefer to passively watch Their souls grow and experience their lives. When They do interfere, it is usually to call a soul back home prematurely, for one reason or another. They also conduct the Harvest, a kind of rapture in which They recall a large number of souls all at once to feed on their experiences. This can take place as a sort of final judgment at the end of a universe's life, when Get Harvests all remaining souls; or it can be only a portion of the souls in a cataclysmic but recoverable event. If Get is extremely hungry, They will attempt to do this to the souls in universes outside Their domain, which puts them in direct conflict with other gods. They dislike the taste of underdeveloped souls, so they heed Grid's advice to avoid certain populations when conducting Harvests.
Get's name isn't an acronym like Grid, it's just what They do to you if you're bad. They come Get you early.
The Great Otters are not related to each other. The origin of Their partnership is unknown and perhaps unknowable. They get along well with each other and are more productive together than They would be individually.
They both have absolute power within and over the universes in Their domains. However, this does not extend to the newborn gods They raise from some of Their universes, or to any other gods in general. Of course, They do not have power over each other, and would immediately enter a stalemate should they ever conflict.
They do not necessarily have absolute knowledge of the thoughts and intentions of the souls within Their domains, except for those souls within Their bodies. They are able to have absolute knowledge, but focus Their attention on the most interesting parts of a universe. The Great Otters immediately gain omniscience of any mortal who puts on a diaper, like getting a notification. In most of Their universes, mortals have free will, so this action is not predetermined, making it much more interesting to Them.
They create new gods from Their universes in a process similar to the one described in the short story "The Egg" by Andy Weir. A batch of Get's souls is designated as an omni-soul at the start of a universe, and once that omni-soul experiences every mortal life and has every experience, that universe hatches into a new god. Most of these are unviable in some way, and Get immediately eats Them. The rest are free to fend for Themselves.
They both listen to prayers and acknowledge them in some way. Get is more likely to answer directly and in a way the mortal expected; whereas Grid often takes the opportunity to sew a little chaos and mystery.
Since diapers are a fundamental piece of Their Greatness, Grid and Get are attracted to universes where mortals have invented and currently use diapers. They see these "diaper universes" like flowers in bloom; Grid loves to play with the mortals there, and Get prefers the taste of the souls from diaper universes the most. One of the benchmarks for identifying when a society or entire universe is ready for Harvest is when the mortals evolve past the need for diapers. This is akin to a flower wilting, its transience making it all the more precious; but it must be pruned away anyway.
Take it as a warning that if we ever stop needing diapers as a society, Get will come and eat us.
diaper fur
river otter
diaper lover
sea otter
diaper fetish
adult diaper
1 year, 10 months ago
23 May 2023 13:14 CEST
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