This image, created by JomoOval is the cover art for
Chapter 58: Thank You For The Music of Life Goes On.
Coinciding with the release of the Greatest Hits album, Lester Crowley arranges a goodbye tour for them. Luckily, they were all available for a short tour (which sold out in hours).
Left to right: Don-Don, Dipper, Emily (with cub), Birch, Stan, Perseus, Stargazer, Luna, Sara, and Corona.
The cover art for Chapter 58: Thank You For The Music by MaxDeGroot, created by JomoOval, wonderfully captures the spirit of Lester Crowley's goodbye tour. Featuring beloved characters Don-Don, Dipper, Emily (with cub), Birch, Stan, Perseus, Stargazer, Luna, Sara, and Corona, this piece coincides with the release of their Greatest Hits album and the memorable tour that sold out in hours. A fitting tribute to their journey and legacy! Official Website
The cover art for Chapter 58: Thank You For The Music by MaxDeGroot, created by JomoOval, wonderfull