CHAPTER 1 - The start of it all
"Are you ok?!"
"No! Don't let go!"
"Just a little longer...Hang on...!"
"I can't...Ah!"
The sea was raging as a storm crackled and the downpour was a torrent. Slammed around by waves, a Riolu hit some sharp rocks very hard, right in the torso, causing them to pass out. The waves somehow carried the riolu to a beach shore nearby. By the next morning, the Riolu tried to wake up and move, but couldn't. Their vision blurred as they went unconscious once again.
Meanwhile, further north at the front of a guild owned by a world famous explorer named Wigglytuff, a vulpix was pacing back and forth, their heart beating a thousand miles a second
"Ok...come on Cinder...time to be a big girl...I...I can do this!"
The vulpix, Cinder, stepped on the grate
"Footprint detected! Footprint detected!"
Cinder meeped and jumped back, shaking and obviously scared
"Ugh...I can't...What made me think I could do this..."
Cinder looked at their necklace, a stone connected to it hung nicely
"I thought bringing this would help me," Cinder sighed and teared up a bit, shaking the tears away. "I need to go clear my mind. Maybe something washed up on the beach?" Turning around, Cinder headed off toward the beach.
The waves lapping against the shore, the krabby blowing bubbles into the sky, something about it all seemed to calm Cinder immensely. She always came when her fear overtook her and scared her away from her dream of being an explorer.
"Ah...The scenary always makes my worries disappear. Even when I look around I...What...ah!" Cinder saw a riolu collapsesd in the sand, and immediately rushed over. Upon arriving Cinder shook the Riolu, before smelling stale urine. It didn't matter to Cinder, she was worried about the Riolu's condition.
"Ah! You're awake!"
The riolu's eyes came into focus as he met the eyes of a Vulpix, it only took a moment for the Riolu to realize the vulpix had spoken and thus causing the Riolu to jump back only to wince in pain and slump, getting a glimpse of themself in the water.
"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME?!" The riolu tried to stand before a hissing is heard and the riolu and vulpix looked down to see the riolu unconsciously emptying their bladder.
After a few moments where the riolu sat in the water to clean themself, and cool off, he spoke.
"My name is Aster...and as weird as it sounds, I'm a human."
"Um...Sorry but you look like a riolu..."
"Yeah...Ugh I can't remember much else...all I can recall is hitting some rocks...ah! I did feel my stomach get hit...maybe the hit did damage to my nerves...Um...Is...Is there a hospital...or a nurse?"
"Well...there is Audino...She does run a clinic type area. I can take you there, but um...Will you be ok?"
"I should be, Oh right, what is your name? It's weird talking to a pokémon but well, as it stands..."
"I guess you would be confused if you were a human, as you say. My name is Cinder. Here, I'll walk you to Audino. Maybe we can figure out more about you hehe" Cinder smiled and held a paw out, Aster grabbed the paw and got helped to his feet, his lower half wet from the water as he slowly followed Cinder, but the pain kept him from walking very easily. Cinder eventually found a good walking type stick that Aster used that helped with the walking. As they got to treasure town, many pokémon looked at Aster with worry, but eventually Cinder got Aster to Audino's clinic. A pink furret wearing glasses looked up as Cinder and Aster entered.
"Oh my arceus! What happened to him!?"
"Mr.Ace, please, I found him at the beach and he's really hurt, he needs to see miss audino and um...well," Cinder whispered to Ace "He seems to have no idea when he'll...go...we may um...want something to protect during the examination." Ace blushed a bit but given his fur color he was able to hide it.
"Right, i'll get with Audino right away, you're lucky as she's free of clients right now" Ace slithered off to get Audino, in literally 3 minutes Ace calls Aster and Cinder in, as they do Ace hands Aster a pull on type undergarment. Aster was gonna argue but Cinder saying 'beach' got Aster to blush and pull it on weakly as they went to the examination room. After a few minutes, an audino walks in.
"Hello you two, I am Miss Audino, I am the doctor. So...I'm told you got hurt and was washed up on the beach? Mind explaining what happened mister Aster?"
Aster explained how he was getting thrown around in the waves and how his stomach was badly hit and how he went unconscious and was washed up onto the beach.
"Hmmm...I'd like to do an x-ray on you, and a CAT scan, could I do that?"
"Ah yeah, that's fine Miss Audino." Aster was a bit nervous but knew that this would help figure out if anything was wrong or if he just needed time to heal up.
Audino went through procedure and after about an hour of waiting she had the results. She walked in with a bit of a frown.
"So...I got your results, your body is only sore from being thrown around, nothing major...However...It's about your bladder muscles."
"What do you mean? Did something happened to them?"
"Yes...apparently the rock's impact was very strong, so strong that it basically ripped them apart..."
"Incontinent, yes"
Aster looked down and Cinder noticed his expression and turned to Audino.
"Miss Audino? He'd need a perscription to get them easily right?"
"Well, yes Cinder, that would be it...but how will you both make money?"
"Um well...Aster...I wanted to ask you something but I haven't because i've been worried about your results the whole time...But...See I want to make a rescue team, I want to explore the world and maybe find out where this lucky charm of mine goes to...the mystery of it." Cinder showed Aster her lucky charm, a relic fragment. Aster looked at it closesly, noticing it's strange design.
"That is a strange design," Aster handed it back to Cinder. "But what does that have to do with me?"
"Well...Would you...Like to join Wigglytuff's guild with me? I think together we'd be able to pay for your 'perscription' and we'd also be able to explore." Cinder's eyes sparkled with excitement and Aster seemed to hum it over. He'd need money for the diapers, and as it stands he was broke with no experience. After a moment he nodded and smiled at Cinder. "Alright, let's do it, you and me Cinder." Cinder smiled so brightly she practically tackled Aster off the exam table. The sudden hug and jolt caused Aster to wet himself without warning, getting both to blush a bit. Audino meanwhile chuckled a bit to herself.
"Well, if you both are heading to Wigglytuff's guild I do have a pack of diapers for Aster to wear. It's a 40 pack that should be flexible enough for exploration but absorbant enough for 3 full wettings for a Riolu of his size. I'll have the perscription written but can I ask for a favor?" Cinder and Aster looked at Audino a bit confused. "See, Wigglytuff's guild got some stuff for us, but neither Ace nor I have had time to go grab it. If you both could bring it over, i'd be very thankful and you both would get a reward of Poké"
"Yeah, it's how you pay for things Aster. Man the amnesia you got along with your body being beat up must have done a number." Aster realized Cinder was covering up his 'human' past by using Amnesia, which Aster did know he had, as he barely remembered his name or past. They agreed and Audino smiled.
"Thank you, now here's the pack, you can change in the bathroom unless you need assistance."
"Ah that'll be fine ma'am, I should be able to figure this out. {I mean...I do recall having younger cousins I helped change as a human...}" Aster went in and after a tiny struggle, managed to get changed and noticed, true to Audino's word, while a bit thicker they were able to move decently well, as much as their bruised body could. He exited to Cinder and Audino waiting.
"Wow, they do fit you Aster, kind of cute" Cinder giggled warmly, no hint of Malice in her words. As Aster and Cinder headed out Audino reminded them to go get her stuff and come back.
"We will, see you in a bit Miss Audino!" With that, Aster and Cinder headed toward Wigglytuff's guild. Aster determined to figure out what happened and Cinder to join and find the truth to her treasure. This was just the start for Team Hiken!
Chapter 2 - Team Hiken formed
"Ah, here we are Aster! It's Wigglytuff's guild! Um...You Ok Aster?" Cinder tilted her head as Aster was slowly walking up.
"Look, Cinder...My legs feel like they're on fire, granted that's probably because they need to rest and heal. However, it doesn't help that I'm soaked and it's embarrassing!" Aster had tears, he didn't like being incontinent unwillingly, and his legs weren't helped. Cinder walked over to him with a frown.
"Here, lay down, i'll get you changed...I have younger siblings and cousins. So I have some experience. Besides if we're gonna be team mates, we need to get used to this just incase right?" Cinder gave a warm smile as Aster only blushed but laid on his back, Cinder got to work changing Aster applying a good amount of powder. As soon as she was done and had burned the dirty one with her fire, Aster stood up.
"That legs also feel better, so...Wigglytuff's guild...Let's get miss Audino's supplies and sign up."
"That's the spirit! I'll match your pace, Aster." The two walked up the steps, reaching the grate.
"Oh man...This thing always scared me...I can't back away now! I got to be brave!" Cinder stepped on the grate.
"Footprint detected! Footprint Detected!"
"Ah...No...Brave...stay brave!" Cinder waited
"Whose footprint?!"
"Footprint is Vulpix!"
"...Cleared! Hey! Have your friend step on up!"
"Oh, um Aster...I think they mean you"
"Ah right..." Aster stepped on...and it ended up with Diglett not being sure, among a bit of giggling.
"...Well, you both don't SEEM bad, come on in!" The gate opened letting Aster and Cinder enter the tent that went down by a ladder.
"...Cinder, why am I not surprised?"
"Not sure...I'll go down first, Aster." Cinder went down and Aster followed, slowly and weakly due to the strain on his legs.
As they reached the next level, they walked down not seeing anyone until a chatot came up from the lower floor.
"Ah you two must be the visitors, now shoo we have no time for salespeople and what not"
"Ah that's not what we're here for! We have two reasons!"
"Two? That's unusual...well, that and that riolu's appearance"
"There's a reason for that...We're here for Miss Audino's supplies, since she asked us that." Aster crossed his arms, a bit annoyed at the Chatot's comment on his appearance.
"Oh? Why would that be?"
"See, we want to also be a rescue team!" Cinder's eyes gleamed before the chatot started laughing as if it was a joke.
"Ahahahaha! A riolu that is still in diapers and a vulpix doing an errand run for Miss Audino want to be rescuers? Ah that's a good one!"
"Hey, I'm not an errand girl. Here read this note from Miss Audino" Cinder handed Chatot the note that was than read silently, Chatot squawked a bit surprised at the results. It explained Aster's condition and informed Chatot of everything going on.
"Well...I see. Let us go see the guildmaster to get your team registered and than i'll let you both go to miss Audino with her supplies. If only you showed me this note beforehand. I do apologize for my rude remarks early."
Cinder and Aster exchanged glances before following Chatot down to Wigglytuff's room.
"Guildmaster, I brought two new recruits...Um...Guildmaster?" Chatot titled his head before the wigglytuff turned around quickly
"Hiya! You two want to be a rescue team! A-Ok! What's the team name?" Cinder's fur spiked realizing she hadn't thought of a name.
"Oh crap...Aster we never thought of a name!"
"Oh no worries, I got a good idea for us, Cinder. We're gonna be Team Hiken!"
"Hiken? What does that mean?"
"It means Fire fist, I'm a fighting type, you're a fire type. It's fitting right?" Cinder smiled after Aster explained and nodded.
"That's right Wigglytuff, we're Team Hiken!"
"Understood, Team Hiken registered...YOOM-TAH!" Wigglytuff jumped up and landed, presenting them with a chest. "Open it up you two"
"I got this Aster!" Cinder opened the chest, her eyes went big. "Look, it's team badges, to show we're an official team! Oh and a wonder map and even a treasure bag!"
"Yep! That's the starter stuff for any explorer!" Wigglytuff hugged both Cinder and Aster. 'Welcome to the guild, friends! I'll read Miss Audino's note to understand the Riolu's situation. Now you both go deliver her supplies so she's all set!" Wigglytuff waved Aster and Cinder off as they gathered Miss Audino's supplies, with Aster surprisingly carrying most of them despite his weakened legs. As they reached the clinic, Ace met them in the lobby.
"Ah, I see you both got them. Oh and look at those badges! Seems you're both set up!"
"Yep, Oh...Aster, are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm fine Cinder...My legs are just strained again..."
Audino walked in from the back at that moment.
"Oh! Aster! I was looking over your scans. Your leg muscles are a bit strained. So you'll need to take it very easy for the next few days and wear this gauze. It was specifically crafted by Leavanny to help soothe muscles that are strained. I'd like you both to come back in a week for a check up."
"Understood Miss Audino, i'll make sure Aster doesn't try to avoid coming back." Cinder put the gauze in the treasure bag along with the prescription note in order to get it filed away back at the guild. After getting Aster's legs wrapped he began to feel a bit better when standing. With everything settled, they headed back to Wigglytuff's guild, making good progress due to the gauze.
"Ah, you two are back right on time. Dinner's just got finished. Come, i'll lead you both to the dining hall to introduce you both and than we can all eat a good dinner."
Once they got to the dining hall and Chatot said he had an announcement first, all the other members looked at him annoyed, but than looked confused when Aster joined.
"Now than, this is Aster and Cinder. They will be joining us as new apprentices. Now, Aster had a bit of an incident where he got thrown around and slammed into rocks, causing him to be incontinent at least urinary wise. So, we are to not make fun of him."
"Yes yes, no making fun of friends, yoomtah!"
The other guild members made some small mumble, but none seemed to be of malice, it seemed to be just agreeing and a bit of pity, with Aster didn't really care for.
"Alright Aster, Cinder, go take your seats. Everyone chow down!"
Everyone began to eat, chatting as well, it even got to the point that Aster didn't even really feel awkward talking as his situation wasn't brought up and they all started to feel more like a big group of friends. After everyone ate, chatot showed Cinder and Aster their room and left them to settle down for the night. As they laid down Cinder started to talk, but stopped when she realized Aster wasn't really listening.
" something wrong?"
"Ah...Sorry's just...Well here I am, stuck wearing diapers forever, needing leg bandages because my leg muscles are strained to heavens know where...I don't want pity but it just feels like...well like i'm a baby...Sorry Cinder...I'm just going to get some sleep." Aster laid down and closed his eyes, drifting into sleep, the weight of everything from the day finally hitting him like a boulder. Cinder meanwhile was frowning and an idea came to her mind. She blushed but figured if it'd make Aster happier, even a bit, she'd do it. Aster would just have to find out in the morning. Hopefully this didn't make their partnership awkward. Cinder laid down after doing what she needed and fell asleep, although it took a while...especially since she decided to wear a diaper, and she was going to tell Aster she would do it so he wouldn't be alone. She'd let Aster decide if it was stupid or not. Cinder SOMEHOW fell asleep despite the bulk between her legs.
Chapter 3 - The first mission.
"HEY! WAKE UP YOU TWO!" A loud voice rang making Aster and Cinder feel dizzy.
"If you two aren't at assembly, the guildmaster will NOT be happy. And if he ain't happy...brr...ANYWAY, GET UP AND HURRY!" The loudred left leaving Aster and Cinder to come to.
"Ugh...loud...meeting...Ah! Aster we gotta hurry!" Aster and Cinder rushed out, nevermind the fact that Aster was soaked and his legs were burning once again. Cinder's diaper, still dry, was forgotten about being around Cinder's waist, both very focused on getting into position.
"Ah, good you two arrived. The guildmaster is taking time waking up so...Um...Cinder you don't need them as well, correct?"
"Huh...Ah! I meant to talk with Aster but we got woken up and had no time to talk!" Cinder blushed forgetting what she had done.
"What do you mean, Cinder?"
"W-Well...Aster...Um with how you felt last night, I decided to put one try and make you happier...I-I can take it off and we'll never talk about it again. I just...I didn't want you to feel upset because of stuff outside your control." Aster was a bit surprised and scratched his cheek a bit, he wasn't sure WHAT to say to that.
"Well! Friends! Does it truly matter the reason?" Wigglytuff stepped out of his room with a smile.
"Cinder wanted to make Aster feel better, now we have to ask Aster, how does he feel about it?" Wigglytuff smiled at Aster and Cinder, giving Aster room to speak.
"Ah well...While I appreciate the gesture, you didn't have to wear..."
" looked so upset last night Aster...I know I could have just kept saying it didn't bother me but well...Your expression just hurt to see. You were so sad...I figured if we were both wearing you wouldn't have anything to worry about."
"Cinder...pfft...hehehe..." Aster started laughing but not in a taunting way, more of a confused way. "You're so strange Cinder, but...thank you, it does kind of help a bit...and now I feel my legs wanting to give out."
The other guild members along with chatot and Wigglytuff helped Aster down gently as Cinder went to get some gauze for Aster's legs. Wigglytuff also gave Cinder and Aster time to get Aster all changed in private.
"...So what are you going to do, Cinder? Do you really want to wear them anymore?" Aster was finishing up wrapping the gauze himself.
"Um well...mmm...I really need to pee..."
Aster got a mischevious grin and looked at Cinder.
"Well, just use your diaper. I'll change you, and we can just have diapers be a part of our team's uniform~"
Cinder jumped from the sudden exclamation by Aster, which also caused her to let go from not being able to really hold it. She teared up a bit from embarassment but also the relief felt good. Not having it puddle under her was a surprise at first but a realization afterward.
"It's..warm. I...I haven't used one since I was a kit...Um...I guess it wouldn't be bad...we could get missions done without bathroom breaks...Um...can you...?" Aster smiled and grabbed another diaper and nodded, as Cinder laid down. After getting Cinder changed they both headed back, in dry diapers and new bandages. Aster and Cinder returned to the others, who looked confused at Cinder.
"Hey, hey, why are you still wearing Cinder?"
"It's just how me and Aster will roll, Corphish. We'll be able to do expeditions with less worry" Cinder smirked as the other's just kind of shrugged and turned to Wigglytuff.
"Welcome back friends~ Chatot if you will!"
"Of course guildmaster!"
Chatot lead the guild in their daily thing
"Ok guild, Onward to your daily activies...Ah, Team Hiken one moment." Everyone headed out as Aster and Cinder stayed back as Chatot requested.
"What's up, Chatot?" Aster tilted his head to Chatot.
"Simple, I'm going to show you both the job board. Please follow me." Chatot lead the two upstairs, to a board near the ladder leading to the top. "This board here has jobs, from pokémon that need an item to be found, that have fainted, among many other things. Let's see...Ah here we go, this will do." Chatot handed it to Cinder who read it over before exclaiming in annoyance
"Going to retrieve a pearl someone dropped?! I was expecting something like exploring new areas or searching for rare treasure!"
"Cinder...We're newbies at this...We have to do basic missions to get better ones, right?"
"Exactly Aster! This is perfect for a team's first mission! Now, this is at drenched bluff so let me see the map...There marked it for you two. Now, head out and good luck!" Chatot waved the two off, as they headed to Drenched bluff. As they proceeded through the dungeon they fought their way through the pokémon, such as anorith and shellos. Along they way they picked up about 120 Poké total and 3 apples before reaching the 7th floor.
"Ah, there it is, Aster!"
"Phew...We made it. Those shellos were not helping...Let's get the pearl and get cleaned before we head back. Besides, my left leg's acting up. That jump off the wall to force palm one of the Shellos didn't help my leg much."
Cinder chuckled and helped with Aster, as Aster helped right after before they headed back.
"Ah thank you both! I just couldn't settle down without my pearl atop my head!" Spoink gave the rewards to Cinder and Aster, a few items and 2000 Poké before bouncing off.
"Aster...We're rich! Ah well, not rich but it's a start!" Chatot came over with a smile.
"That was a good job, however I must break some news. As you are part of the guild, 90% of the money from mission earnings goes toward the guildmaster."
"...That...means we 200 Poké from this..." Aster fell to his knees realizing how little they got as Cinder froze in place and fell to her side as if her spirit had gotten ripped from her body. After Chatot got the 1,800 from them Aster looked at the 320 they had from the dungeon and reward money and sighed, patting Cinder's back as they went downstairs when Chimecho called for dinner. After dinner Cinder and Aster went to their room to relax.
"You know...I was pretty bummed about only getting 10% but...I guess it makes sense. The guild needs the money to teach us everything right. We'll just have to work hard is all, right?" Cinder laid down her head on her paws as she looked at Aster.
"Yeah, that seems to be it. We just need to work hard tomorrow, Cinder." Aster and Cinder tapped paws against one another as they smiled. Aster undid his leg wraps to give them some air. They both laid down to get some sleep, Cinder still getting used to a new sleeping position.
"Cinder, hey...Cinder, get up!" Cinder felt something pushing against her butt and turned to see Aster's foot pushing it.
"Aster...get your foot off my butt."
"It's not...remember?"
"...Still counts...ugh the sun's rising...Ah! Loudred will be here soon!"
"Yep, so I thought i'd wake you up early, so we can get changed and ready for the day!" As Aster and Cinder got changed, the sun's rays began to enter their room. As Cinder got Aster's first leg bandage on, Loudred entered.
"Oh, you two are AWAKE already? Saves me trouble, almost done?"
"Yes loudred, we just need one more leg bandage on and we'll be there shortly. Give a minute?"
"You got five. Chatot will be happy with your punctuality." Loudred left as Cinder got to wrapping Aster's other leg.
"Phew, there we go. Day 2 of 7 before we have to revisit Miss Audino~"
"Yep, alright Cinder, let's go!"They rushed out. As always they did the morning cheer but Chatot stopped them again.
"Today, we're going to be using the OTHER board. Come come"
As they headed up, Chatot lead the two to another board.
"Wait...What is THIS board for, Chatot? I know yesterday's was the board for pokémon IN trouble so...?" Cinder tilted her head, a bit confused.
"See, these pokémon on this board...are Outlaws!"
Aster and Cinder jumped back a bit in shock. Outlaws...Pokémon of all shades of evil. From petty crimes to murder...
"H-Hey Chatot...Murder is kind of...serious...Y-you can't expect us to take our MURDERERS can you?!" Aster looked a bit pale at the idea.
"Oh of course not, those missions are for very high ranking teams. Now than...Bidoof! Come here please!"
A brown beaver like pokemon came up
"Yup yup, you called Chatot?"
"Yes, please show Team Hiken around Treasure town and help them pick out an outlaw that's around their level please?"
"Yes sir! Yup!" Chatot walked off as Bidoof guided Aster and Cinder into town. Cinder didn't need any explanation about town, as she knew it from head to toe, easing Bidoof's need to explain, Bidoof let the two go gather their items and would meet them back at the outlaw board. Cinder and Aster headed toward the Kecleon brothers, who were talking to a marill and Azurill.
"Oh, hello kecleon brothers, what's going on?"
"Oh hello young Cinder! Marill and Azurill here were just purchasing stuff, their dear mother is very sick at the moment, so they've been doing errands for her." The purple kecleon explained, as Azurill and marill said their goodbyes and headed off.
"Wow. Those two are working so hard."
"Yep, what did you two need to--"
"Mister kecleons!" the marill and azurill brothers rushed back. "There was an extra apple, but we didn't purchase this many."
"Ah yes, that my dear little ones, are a gift from us two. For you both to share with one another." The green kecleon smiled, alongside his brother. The marill and azurill's faces lit up as they smiled.
"Thank you so much!" Marill bowed and headed off with Azurill, who tripped dropping an apple.
"Oops, here let me get that for you" Aster grabbed the apple and handed it to Azurill.
"Thank you sir! Um...Are you ok?"
"Oh, right. Um...well the diapers are necessary due to a medical problem. The leg wraps are just cause my leg muscles are pretty hurt, but the legs will heal. Either way i'm still strong!"
"Wow, so cool! Thank you again" As Azurill went over to his brother, Aster begin to feel the world stir for a bit. Soon he heard 'Help me!' and was shocked as he blinked and the world steadied itself. Apparently Cinder and the Kecleon brothers didn't hear anything, leaving Aster confused but deciding to just drop it, maybe Aster was just having weird thoughts. They gathered a few items and headed back, seeing a drowzee talking to the rill brothers.
"Oh hey you two, what's going on?" Cinder walked over
"Oh, Cinder! Mr.Drowzee said he's seen our missing water float and could guide us to where it was to help us find it."
"Oh think nothing of it you two, how could I not help young children such as yourselves. Come i'll show you both," Drowzee accidently bumped against Aster as they passed "Ah my apologies young one." As soon as Drowzee walked off, Aster felt the same diziness again...but this time, he saw Drowzee threating azurill before hearing the help me. Aster pulled Cinder aside to explain what he saw.
"Aster...I want to believe you, but Drowzee seemed to be so nice...Besides, we aren't allowed to just go after anyone randomly, we're apprentices. Come on, we gotta get back to Bidoof."
"Right...Sorry it just seemed so real...My mind must be overthinking stuff." Cinder led the way back as Aster seemed to be in thought, but still followed close. As they got back, Dugtrio announced it was updating the board, Bidoof explained how it was Dugtrio's job, one he did proudly. As the board turned back around to show the updated list, Cinder began to shake as her eyes narrowed. "Aster...up there...Look!" Aster looked and his fists clenched as they both saw Drowzee, and rushed out, leaving Bidoof confused.
"Look, there's Marill! Marill, where's Drowzee and Azurill?!"
"I...I don't know, they suddenly disappeared to Mt. Bristle..."
"Cinder, let's go!"
"Of course!" Aster and Cinder rushed off toward Mt. Bristle, fighting off nidorina and nidorino among a few other pokémon. As they reached the peak, they saw Drowzee threatining Azurill before Cinder threw a stick at Drowzee, getting his attention.
"Well, well...What have we here?"
"We're Team Hiken! We're here to Rescue Azurill and take you in!" Drowzee looked a bit shocked.
"A rescue team, chasing me here this is...Huh...pfft...I see...i'm your first ever outlaw is it?" Cinder flinched a bit as Drowzee smirked. "Yeah, I'm an evil outlaw...but can you two diaper wearing babies take me out...even that Riolu looks like his legs will give out, he must be pretty badly disabled or beaten up. Not even fully recovered...Can you two even beat me?" Drowzee began to laugh before feeling a punch that sent him sliding as Aster used force palm.
"Let me set the record straight. I'm incontinent, my legs took damage as well...but Cinder and I are ANYTHING but babies. Wanna talk tough, Drowzee? Fine, bring it!" Cinder blinked in surprise at how brave Aster was and steeled herself and got into position to fight Drowzee. Drowzee kept trying to use hypnosis and confusiong to defeat them, but even with Aster's legs, his speed dodged the moves as Cinder kept using faint attack and Aster used force palm. Eventually confusion hit Aster and as Drowzee got close to use pound, Aster felt a surge of power and made a bone club appear that he hit drowzee with like it was a sword, knocking Drowzee out cold.
"Whoa...Aster what was that?"
"I'm not sure Cinder...But seems I don't have the ability to make it appear on will, not yet. Anyway, let's take drowzee to the police and get Azurill back to Marill. As the brothers hugged, Magnezone rewarded team Hiken with 3000 Poké, but of course they only got 300, they sighed but agree they did a good thing. They ate dinner as always and got changed before bed, Aster laid back and felt his whole body ache.
"Ugh...that whole event, along with the adrenaline has worn off...My whole body aches now, Cinder."
"I hear you Aster...You know your ability...that dream about Azurill being in trouble...It helped us today. I do wish our share was bigger for the capture of an outlaw but what can we least we got a bag upgrade, more space. You know, it was storming like this the night before we met...Hmmm...No memories yet?"
"No, still nothing."
"Hmmm...Maybe that ability and you being a human turned pokémon are related? I mean...I don't know you as a human, but you must have been a good person. I guess it's good, since more and more bad pokémon are popping up due to time going out of whack, all due to the timegears. They serve a very important function, without them time in the area would stop completely..."
"Stop completely? There's no way..."
"There is, it's why everyone makes sure to not disturb them. Anyway we better get sleep, night Aster."
"Night Cinder..." a forest.
"...Do my eyes decieve me...No, this is infact a time gear, the first of many...Soon, I can complete my mission." A grovyle grabbed the time gear and rushed off, as time slowly began to slow down. Whatever the Grovyle's plan was not a good one.
Chapter 4 - A new job.
It had been 4 days since Aster and Cinder had rescued Azurill, they woke up early as usual, Aster had to visit Audino the next day, after the morning cheer Loudred called them over.
"Look you two, Diglett's got some stuff to do today so you two are taking over sentry duty"
"Sentry duty...? What do you mean?" Cinder tilted her head, confused about the whole thing.
"Ya remember the grate you stepped on? How Diglett said it was your footprint?"
"Oh! So...we're doing that job?"
"Exactly, you and Aster will be identifying footprints...Well, Aster will. You'll be seeing if it's correct. I of course will be here as well. Got it?"
"Loudred, I do, but what about my legs? Won't it cause pain to get down there?"
"You handled missions tougher and longer than this! Besides, you can sit if you want. You already got a cushion for that" Aster blushed a bit as Loudred's comment, but conceded and headed down with Cinder, it took him a bit to find the grate area and he sat down as soon as he got into position. As the day continued, Aster got the footprints correct as Cinder relayed the answer to Loudred, after about 6 hours, they were done. Due to getting every single visitor right, they got a good amount of rewards. Aster went to change as Cinder talked about how the next day was Aster's appointment with Ms. Audino.
"I see, i'll inform the guildmaster so he knows you both will be at the hospital tomorrow." Chatot nodded to Cinder before sending her off, Cinder went to find Aster and saw him on his back.
"...My legs gave out. I just laid down here to rest..."
"Well, you seemed to have gotten changed without my help. That's a good sign."
"Please Cinder...Bandages? I kind of need my legs to work..."
"Oh right! Sorry Aster!" Cinder grabbed the extra bandages and got Aster's legs wrapped and helped him up. The pair decided to head to the beach to relax before dinner. As they sat down, they reminenced over how they met on the very same beach.
"You know something Aster...When I found you washed up on the beach...The trip to Ms. Audino's...I...Um nevermind. It was stupid forget I said anything."
"Cinder...You're pretty, you know? I'm glad we're a exploration team...I don't think i'd be able to do it if it wasn't with you." Aster laid his head against Cinder. Cinder looked at Aster's eyes and both parties stared into the others eyes before they blushed and turned away a bit.
"Um...T-thank you, Aster. You What's that?" Cinder walked over to the shore, and Aster followed. A yellow egg with a pink stripe near the bottom had washed up.
"An egg...? Um Cinder...Isn't an egg washing up...Bad?"
"It...Means either it was abandoned or the parents sent it off before...Meeting their end...Let's get it back to our room. Wigglytuff has to know..." Aster patted Cinder's back and picked up the egg, both rushing back to the guild, carefully of course.
"Guildmaster Wigglytuff! We need to talk!"
Chatot jumped up when Cinder barged in as Wigglytuff and Chatot were speaking.
"Oh my friend, what's wrong?" Wigglytuff walked over as Aster walked in holding the egg.
"We..found this egg...washed up on the beachshore." Wigglytuff and Chatot looked shocked, as it was rare for an egg to wash up. After a bit of talking, they made a makeshift crib for the egg. Wigglytuff promised to watch the egg while Aster and Cinder were on missions. Chimecho soon called for dinner after a blanket was placed on the egg to slightly cover it up. Cinder and Aster ate, but their worry over the egg and their apprenticeship at the guild weighed on their minds. As the next morning rolled around, Wigglytuff himself came to wake up Aster and Cinder, as they got up and got set to go visit Miss Audino, Wigglytuff promised to watch over the egg.
"Alright...If...If anything happens please inform us immediately." Cinder looked at the egg worried
"No worries friends! Uncle Wigglytuff will watch the egg! Please be safe on your way." Wigglytuff smiled and waved them off.
Aster and Cinder made their way to Miss Audino's clinic, arriving right as the doors opened to be greeted by Ace.
"Ah, Cinder, Aster! Right on schedule. Audino, ma'am, Aster's here."
"Ah thank you Ace, please send him and Cinder in. Thank you dearie." Cinder noticed Ace's cheeks flush a bit as being called dearie, smiling a tiny bit to herself as she and Aster went to the exam room. Audino did an examination of Aster's normal functions before checking the legs. After about 2 hours, she had her results.
"Well, the good news is your legs are healed up. Sure they can get inflamed if overexerted but they're stronger than before. Keep the gauze incase the legs start burning and hurting. Other than that, you're in perfect health. Have your apprenticeship been going well?"
"Yeah...Well um...there is ONE thing that's come up." Aster explained to Audino about the egg and how he and Cinder weren't sure how to raise it while also being apprentices.
"My my...that certainly IS a big change. Well, I do have a list of items you'd need to raise a baby correctly. Besides being a doctor, i'm also a licensed pediatrician."
"What aren't you, Miss Audino?"
"hehe, Oh Aster, i'm not an astronaught" Cinder chuckled at the sarcastic remark.
Audino handed them a list. Things seemed to be understandable. Diapers, formula, etc. Aster and Cinder sighed after it and put the list in their bag, in order to remember what to grab. They left and paid Ace at the front and exited the clinic.
"You know, Aster, we'll be parents to this child..."
"Ah...Cinder you really gotta remind me? I never raised a child as a human...I don't even remember if there were ANY babies in my family after I was born." Cinder patted Aster's back as they headed back to the guild. Aster looked at the paper, talking about how to tell how close the egg was to hatching. They stopped to buy a thermometer to check the egg temperature. As they walked back they chuckled to one another. Eventually they got to the guild and went to their room.
"Hello friends! Welcome back!" Wigglytuff had a children's book in hand.
"Hi Wigglytuff, were you reading to the egg?" Cinder walked over and sat down while Aster put their bag up where they made a spot for it.
"Yep yep! I wanted the egg to hear some words before it hatches."
"That reminds me...let's see...73 degrees...80 degrees means the egg will hatch in a day or two..."
"Oh? Where did you get that info friend?" Wigglytuff walked over to Aster who got the thermometer set. Aster showed Wigglytuff Audino's notes. Wigglytuff called Chatot over and the 4 talked, when the egg was at 77 degrees, Aster and Cinder would stand by helping with sentry or errands while one stayed with the egg in order to make sure they didn't miss the egg hatching. With the agreement made, Chatot and Wigglytuff headed back to Wigglytuff's room. Aster sat next to the egg.
"Well Cinder, looks like we'll be parents..."
"Yep, but let's be happy knowing the egg isn't going to be raised by evil or bad pokémon."
"Yeah...We should rest for today. We'll have to put in extra hard work tomorrow." Cinder nodded in agreement as the pair rested until dinner, and than after dinner went to sleep making sure the egg was taken care of.