Shiitake Cat (豊後 にゃんTHEえもん) is the Namco mascot for Oita Prefecture. Shiitake cat is a ronin Samurai wielding a fish-katana and gives people tours.
Poor Kuri had no idea where he was when he woke up. He didn't even remember how he passed out or how he got here. All he knew is that he was stuck in a vacbed and was barely able to move. An alarm rang out and the vacbed released him and he could now see himself in a mirror. He was wearing a big, puffy, thick rubber suit of a cat with a shiitake mushroom on his head and a fish in his hand. He squirmed and writhed under all the thick rubber trying to pry it off or find a way to escape the suit but he couldn't. Before he could react someone in a waiter uniform came into his cell and ushered him outside past a ramen and sushi restaurant into the middle of a mall. Panicking and confused Kuri attempted to run off but before he could get too far from the restaurant a shock was sent rocketing through his body, paralyzing him in place temporarily. He tried to move forward but the paralysis kept him in place until he motioned to step backwards. He ran from person to person trying to beg for help, but the squeaking of the suit and its thick padding muffled his pleas. It also probably didn't help that the suit was talking over him. It was repeating selling points, specials, and slogans to the passers by. Kuri's frustration grew, the suit kept him contained and he was a prisoner of his own body. A month later Kuri saw his friend Stoats n' Oats browsing the mall. In a moment of desperation he would wage everything on one desperate move to get his help. He ran over to Stoats to whack him with his rubber fish until Stoats fled and got help and he would be arrested and cut out of the suit, freeing him. But as he lifted up his fish, the shock activated, paralyzing him again. Stoats, alerted by the loud squeaking and creaking turned to see a slippery, rubbery, adorable big cat mascot running up to him and showing him his fish. Kuri tried to plead for help but the mascot's built in voicelines just kept talking over him. To Stoats this was just a really enthusiastic mascot showing him his floppy rubber fish. A crowd gathered around Kuri as Stoats began to take pictures. Kuri, partially free from the paralysis started to try to move around, but his jerky movements just looked like silly dancing to the awing crowd. Stoats, convinced by the advertising slogans and sales pitches decided to eat at the restaurant, right out of Kuri's captor's hands to his dismay. Stoats became a regular there, going to the restaurant every week or so and every week Kuri would be forced to see him or his other friends as regulars. The restaurant became their favorite and they always enjoyed the happy mascot that would run up to them, greet them, and dance just for them.