Chesher is a ghost Pokemon Sona ❤️ I wanted to make. He is inspired by the Alice in wonderlands Cheshire cat.
Name : Chesher
Age : 21
Gender : Male
Sexuality : Homosexual
Species : Gengar
Type : Ghost/Poison
Nature : Naughty/Mischievous
Personality : Chesher is a very curious looking Gengar as he has a more cat like appearance amongst other gengars in his family. He even acts like a cat as he is very curious and quite Mischievous like one. Chesher like most ghost Pokemon like to scare others, he usually knocks things over to startle others (like cats do knocking over stuff...a lot XD) or uses a technique he observed the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland uses by making only his eerie eyes and mouth solid while the rest of him he floats invisible and intangible as he floats through to air. Using the sudden appearance of a floating pair of eyes and smile to spook his victims. He maybe a slight annoyance at times with his constant jump scares, but he is very friendly and huggable and he cares for his friends and loves to give lots of hugs towards them. If you ever harm one of his friends however, the bully would be the victim of Chesher's less than prank friendly/unhinged sort of horror style haunting. which usually leads to a few traumatized victims heading into a hospital for treatment. After a terrifying PTSf jump scares leave them scared to enough for Chesher to be satisfied enough to end the haunting.
1 year, 6 months ago
20 May 2023 07:30 CEST
Initial: 46a65509cc73eadbf263972affcd3596
Full Size: 16678764b8e030f71775fef02153d6ad
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Small: ec84cbecaa8678316ebe260545c23717
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