She Made Her Choice
Chapter 8
The tall guards did not slam the doors open but the heavy wood creaked at such a volume that the shouting was immediately silenced. Melna clasped her paws behind her back with her head up, spine straight, and thick tail lashing side to side in undisguised animosity. Her memory flew back to almost three months ago walking into a similar situation. This time the guards at her back were here to protect her and the confidence with which she walked with was real.
She stepped toward the center of the circular room where a spotlight shone down on a man that appeared to have been addressing the assembly. Pointing at the man she flicked a paw in the direction of an empty seat at the front row on the lowest level of the small amphitheater. At the sight of her and her escort he quickly scurried off the stage. Assuming his place at the center she waited until her guards had taken equidistant positions around her, standing far enough that all could see her clearly. When she was fully illuminated she heard quiet gasps followed by a woman's voice, ``You attire is an affront to this gathering!''
Melna glanced down at herself looking back up with a smirk. ``This gathering is an affront to me. Tit for tat, as they say.''
She turned a full circle once, slowly, getting a look at the councilors. Men and women sat in stunned silence, a few looking defiant, most looked nervous. She took a deep breath. ``Greetings councilors. As I'm sure you can see, I, Melna Silvana, first daughter of chieftain Chazuk Lefinda out of Serella Silvana, do come before you bearing my firstborn.''
Turning to the left she addressed a different section of the room. ``I assume you were somewhat gleeful on hearing about my capture by the Aldenean forces. Whatever means you came by that information I do not know but I'm sure will soon be made clear. I can't imagine your disappointment when I announced my intended,'' she paused turning again. ``And now I have returned. What plans have I foiled by not allowing you to tear our nation apart in a pointless war against a foe we could never defeat?''
The sounds of a scuffle broke out farther to her left. Intentionally continuing her slow turn her eyes landed on Yezni holding one of the youngest of the old codgers off the ground by the scruff, wrenching a dagger from his paw. A ripple flowed down the fur of her back as a hot rage rose through her chest. Her gaze flicked to Dennara and Wilhemina, they both had sidearms drawn eyes alert scanning the room. A voice called from the back rows, ``Your mind has been poisoned by that traitorous general Banchet!''
``One of your number dare raise arms against the first princess!'' Melna roared back. Her would be assailant now lay out cold on the floor. She closed her eyes for two breaths opening them again to continue in a more measured voice. ``My mind has remained free of the poison you have been forcing onto the radio and newspapers. Even from the confines of the Villa of the Matriarch I have been able to see through the lies you and your ilk propagate.'' Weak protests came from a few of the councilors, but the princess continued.
``Unfortunately I am not here to debate you. I am here to perform the duty for which I was born.'' She turned to the entrance of the room. ``Sire, please enter.'' She waited as the king's guard ducked through the doorway, scanned the room, and marched in, rifles in hand. Her defiant expression softened at the sight of him amazed someone could appear so regal while walking with a swagger. ``I present King Tomlin Akenna of Aldenea, your new Chieftain of All Silvana!'' She delcared without breaking eye contact with the king.
Shouts of ``The king of the enemy?'' and ``A foreigner as chieftain,'' followed.
Melna stepped toward her mate stopping him half way with a paw to his chest. She leaned up to rub her cheek to his and whispered in his ear, ``Sic 'em, boy.'' That got an almost silent snort and a nod. She walked out past the dozen or so regular troops that followed the king and back into the hall. Dennara followed and closed the doors behind them.
The princess put a paw to her mouth and ran further down the now empty hall finding the women's restroom. Slamming open a stall she knelt over the bowl and vomited her morning meal. She kept retching even after she was empty. Jenna had said her digestive issues had eased in her fourth month. Melna wasn't sure she wanted to wait that long.
When the feeling finally passed a paw on her back startled her making her jump and turn to see who it was. ``Momma Sally!'' Arms around the older woman's neck instantly she buried her face in her neck. At least she did until she realized she was making a mess of the white uniform. ``Sorry.''
``It's fine, little one.'' Taking her arms she stood the princess on her feet. ``Let's get you cleaned up. After that you need to get ready for the public announcement.'' Her stomach clenched again at that thought but fortunately nothing threatened to come up. Sally helped her wash her face at the sink. Drinking some of the water from her paws she felt better.
``Is it always like this?''
``It was with both of my boys. You're a strong girl, you'll get through it.''
Melna studied the face of her caretaker, white fur that nearly matched the- now partly stained- dress uniform tunic and a black stripe that started at her nose and went all the way down her back to the end of her tail. ``I missed you.''
That got a smile. ``And I you.'' She pulled the younger woman into another hug. ``Alright, let's get out of here.''
On exiting the restroom a motion to her left caught her eye and she turned to see Dennara standing with a military discipline she hadn't seen in a while. She was holding left paw to right shoulder in a stiff salute eyes straight ahead staring down the hall. Melna blinked a short moment before her brain kicked in. ``Momma Sally, this is Colonel Dennara Robbins. Dennara, this is General Sally Banchet.''
How on earth was it possible for the much shorter woman to look down at taller guard? Melna's fur ruffled and the air was almost electrified as the general regarded the colonel. ``She wanted to...'' She trailed off at a momentary flick of eyes in her direction. She was almost scared.
``My foster daughter speaks quite highly of you, colonel.'' This must be the general Banchet that the history books spoke of, not the gentle woman that cleaned the scraped knees of a little girl.
``If I may say, general, you have raised an excellent young woman.'' Melna's ears got hot.
``I did my best to protect her. Can I trust that you will do the same?'' Sally's eyes narrowed.
``I will do so as long as she allows me, general.'' A corner of Sally's mouth turned up ever so slightly before she returned the salute. Dennara moved her arm to her side remaining at attention.
``At ease, colonel.'' Sally held out a paw. ``It's good to finally meet you.''
Dennara took the paw and to Melna's eyes Sally seemed to shrink back to the size she had always known. ``You as well, general.''
Melna looked between the two soldiers then gave a snort of laughter. The tension of the moment evaporated. ``I think you two will get along quite well. May we return to the trailer? I want to get out of this hideous thing before I need to make my proclamation to the citizens.''
Sally stepped aside and turned to follow Melna beside Dennara. ``Why did you wear that, anyway?''
She again looked past the swell of her belly to the bright fabric hanging from her waist. ``I couldn't think of a better way to demonstrate my disregard for the council. It was either this or set fire to their tails.'' She was quiet for two steps. ``I may ask the king if we can do that anyway.''
``I think half those old coots are bald,'' Sally replied getting an amused snort for Dennara.
``Killjoy.'' Melna stopped by the exit doors and let out a sigh. ``What's it look like outside?''
Dennara stepped out for several seconds before returning. ``There's a crowd starting to gather. They look more curious than hostile.''
``To the trailer it is.'' The doors opened and there was an audible gasp followed by murmuring from the few dozen citizens gathered behind the honor guard still lined up. She walked purposefully to the trailer nodding to the lieutenant that opened the door. Once she was again alone with the general and colonel she sagged sitting heavily on one of the couches. ``Dennara, would you please get me a glass of water.''
``Sure thing, Melna.'' Sally gave the other soldier a side eye and returned her gaze to the princess with the hint of a smirk. Melna shook her head with a smile.
She downed the whole glass, the cold liquid helping to settle her stomach. ``I guess I better get dressed. It's time for the people to know there's hope for the future.'' Getting up she retreated to the rear of the trailer to change into her formal wear. Sally followed. ``How have the people been handling the occupation while I've been gone. I haven't been privy to much news from home.''
Holding up the gint for her to slip her arms into Sally replied, ``Lately the people have been opposing the council much more than the Aldeneans. I don't know who but someone has been spreading rumors of war profiteering and general corruption in the council. Transcripts of a few meetings were copied and spread to the citizens even before your surrender.''
``Are they going to revolt over me handing the nation to Aldenea?'' She asked quietly, clipping the chain for her fenner.
``No, the last two and half decades have not been kind to all but a few of the citizens. It will be a shock to many but as princess you have the right to choose any you deem worthy to be chieftain.''
Melna turned to face her caretaker. ``I don't want another Age of Wars. The Aldenean military can put down any violent revolts but that won't put the people at ease. I don't think it will come to that but the idea still scares me.''
Sally looked long and hard into her eyes. ``What do you believe the king would do in such a situation?''
A memory flickered in her mind, staring at a profile with a content smile as he looked out over Alda City from the spire. ``Aldenea is peaceful because it is strong. I believe the king will lend that strength to Silvana so we can be peaceful as well.''
Sally stared back with a serious expression. ``You love this man, do you not?''
Melna stared back well aware Dennara could clearly hear anything being said. Honesty was the best policy, wasn't it? ``Yes, I do. He has treated me with nothing but kindness and grace since I left the gates of the villa. I want to be with him when I'm not, and I want to stay with him when I am.''
A smile spread across Sally's face. ``I need to meet this man that has captured your heart so.''
``He would like to meet you as well.'' Glancing at Dennara then back, ``Though, I think you need to prepare yourself for a certain amount of hero-worship. You are quite famous among the military ranks of Aldenea.''
That got a resigned sigh from the general. ``And here I was hoping to leave that behind me.'' She patted Melna on the arm. ``Alright, when the king is finished with the council we'll head to the stage for you to make your pronouncement.''
She turned to Dennara. ``How's the crowd?''
Her guard peeked out a curtain. ``Anxious, though they don't look, wait the king is coming.''
The three women backed into the small sleeping area of the trailer before the door opened admitting Tezal immediately followed by the king. He let out a breath as the door closed. Bentas, Wilhemina, and Yezni remained outside. Tezal eyed the older woman in the white uniform glancing at Dennara and getting a nod.
King Tomlin turned as well catching sight of the odd-one-out of their group. His eyes brightened. ``General Sally Banchet, if I may presume.'' Giving a polite nod.
Sally bowed deep and straightened. ``You may, chieftain.''
His eyes tracked over to Melna and gave her a smile before looking back to Sally. ``The princess speaks quite highly of you. Though, I must admit I've been something of a fan of yours since primary school. I hope we will have time to talk over midday or supper, sometime.''
Sally smiled back. ``I'm sure that can be arranged, chieftain. Though, if I may interject, the princess still needs present you to the citizens. The sooner the better. Also, the active generals are still being recalled, they should all be here tomorrow for their formal declaration of loyalty to the new chieftain.''
The king blinked then a smirk pulled at one side of this mouth. He looked to Melna. ``You could have warned me.''
She smiled back. ``Where's the fun in that? Did you think taking over a nation was going to be easy?''
Sally spoke up drawing back the king's attention. ``We are a very traditional people, chieftain. It's really one of our major flaws as a nation. Once the ceremonies are over things will begin to calm down.''
The king returned his gaze to Melna. ``Alright, are you ready to do this?''
``Yes, chieftain,'' she replied with a glint in her eye.
He just shook his head. The group again left the trailer. The crowd gathered on the other side of the honor guard had swelled to more than a hundred. Murmurs followed by cheers from the crowd when Melna exited behind Dennara. She paused for a moment to look over them. They were why she hadn't just run away. She choked down a lump in her throat and lifted a paw to wave at the citizens. King Tomlin took position beside her the palace guard forming up around them.
They walked the straight hall to the opposite side of the building. ``What will happen to the councilors?'' Melna asked.
``They are being placed on house arrest until they stand trial. They will be tried under Silvanen law since we aren't going through with annexation immediately.''
She let out a breath bringing up a paw to tap on her front teeth.
If the crowd on the north side of the building was big the assemblage on the south side was more like a sea. Almost the whole capital had turned out. Thousands of people coming to see the pronouncement of a new chieftain and any not here were likely sitting with an ear to a radio. Melna couldn't stop the fur of her back and tail from standing on end.
A large stage protruded out from the side of the building with a podium set in the middle. Ten soldiers in the white dress uniforms of Silvana stood around the perimeter of the stage. Melna looked at the king. He spoke softly in her ear. ``They are Silvanen soldiers that freely chose to side with us. We thought it best.'' She nodded back then mounted the short set of stairs up.
When she appeared behind the podium another, much louder, cheer erupted from the mass of faces before her. She forced herself not to clamp her paws to her ears but instead held to the edges of the podium trying her best to keep her composure. Then the crowd quieted she looked down at the microphone in front of her and unfolded a sheet of paper on the podium's surface.
With a deep breath she began. ``People of Silvana,'' her amplified voice echoed across the densely populated city square before her, ``those present and those listening to radios across the nation. I appear before you today to announce my first pregnancy.'' Another cheer rose up from the people. ``I had not expected to stand before you in this way for much more time but recent events have made it a necessity. This trying time is now over and those responsible, those who can be, will be brought to justice for their crimes against you and against the citizens of Bemorn and Aldenea.
``I have spent the last three months as a guest of Aldenea. While there I have been treated with the utmost respect and kindness. I have seen her cities and her people. Aldenea is a peaceful and prosperous nation.'' The crowd stood wide eyed. She took a deep breath she turned and motioned her mate to join her at the podium. ``That prosperity is why I have chosen King Tomlin Akenna as our next chieftain. I know as our leader he will treat all of you with the same respect and kindness that he has shown me. Before I met him I asked if the king was a good man. I was told, `His Majesty King Tomlin Akenna is a good and fair man. You have nothing to fear from him as long as you remain true to your word.' This sentiment has proven true in the time I've known him.
``These are strange times we are living in, but I know we will come out the better for it if we treat Chieftain Akenna with the respect we would any other man in his position.''
The crowd seemed stunned. Melna took the king's paw in hers. This was the hard part, would the people accept the king of an enemy nation as their leader? After what felt like an eternity but was probably only a few seconds, voices in the crowd began to call out. It built until the crowd was cheering louder than before. She released the breath she had been holding.
She stepped aside to for him to take position behind the microphone. Setting his own paper down he looked over the mass of people and waited for them to quiet again. ``People of Silvana, three months ago a young woman stood before me with a heartfelt plea for the safety of the people of her nation. Her motivation has always been the protection of the citizens of Silvana. I know this because I feel the same for the people of Aldenea. I would do anything I needed to do to protect them. As your chieftain I promise to care for you in the same way.
``The war is over, let the nations of Silvana and Aldenea be at peace so we can rebuild Silvana into the great nation that it is.''
There was no pause from the crowd when their new chieftain stepped away from the microphone. As the people cheered their leader Melna stepped in to put her arms around her mate leaning in to rub her cheek to his. The two turned to give the people a wave and retreated back to the council building.
They were lead to an office where they could sit, Melna was quite grateful for it. The king's guards stood in far corners of the room, Dennara and the rest had remained in the hall. They were soon joined by general Banchet and one more Silvanen official. ``Excellent speeches, chieftain, princess.''
This came from an older woman with dark blue fur, Ganden's mayor, Angie Tirov. ``I must say that after recent history the people's sentiment toward the leadership has been growing more negative. This is probably the best time for someone considered an outsider to take on the roll of chieftain.''
Chieftain Akenna, Melna didn't feel his first name alone fit the title, leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. ``I must know, from a citizen, how do the people feel about Aldenea? The ceasefire only began a few months ago, before that it was open warfare and they were losing badly.''
``I think I can safely say that a majority of the people view Aldenea more favorably than they do the council of elders. The biggest contributing factor being the inzritarian aid that the Aldenean military has been doling out. The council appeared to have gone into hiding almost immediately after chieftain Lefinda's death. In all honesty, the primary reason I was elected was because I opposed the council in continuing this war.''
``Running off at a time like this is never a good look.'' The chieftain-king sighed. ``My primary goal is to get the people back on their paws as soon as possible. We can move forward with any other plans after that.''
``Civilian casualties have been minimal as well as the destruction of residences. I estimate less than thirty years to have the physical scars of the war healed. Farmland and food production even less than that.'' The mayor had a confident look on her face.
The conversation continued for some time. Melna wasn't quite sure what to do with herself, officially her job was complete. She needed to choose the next leader and have a pup. That was done. She sat listening when a strange feeling made itself known in her belly. A moment before she was going to get up for the restroom again she realized what it was.
She failed to suppress a squeal putting a stop to the meeting and drawing all eyes to her. She looked at them embarrassed for a moment. To jelt with it, she took her mate's paw and held to her swollen middle. ``Please tell me you can feel that.''
Silence reigned as the king stared intently at the back of his paw. She felt it again and his eyes flicked up to meet hers. A broad smile grew across his face. ``Yes, I do. This is... amazing.''
It then clicked in her mind. This wasn't a means to an end, she was going to have a pup. Her responsibilities to her nation were over. Now she had a responsibility to this little one growing inside her. She looked at the faces staring back, mayor Tirov and momma Sally were beaming at her. Even the two stoic giants had turned their heads slightly to view the scene. Tears blurred her vision.
The mayor let out a breath. ``I think, chieftain, that will be enough politics for now. The palace is being vetted by Aldenean security at the moment but it can be ready as soon as you want to move in.''
``Thank you, mayor. My mate and I shall retire to the trailer for now, its well after midday and we haven't had a chance to eat anything yet.''
Mayor Tirov stood and held out a paw. ``You seem like a good man, chieftain. When I first heard of our princess' decision I will admit I had doubts. I see now that I should have trusted her judgment. I'm looking forward to seeing what you will make of our nation.''
The chieftain took the offered paw. ``I do hope I can live up to those expectations, mayor.''
With that the group exited the office. King Tomlin (what was she supposed to call him now?) slipped an arm around her shoulders pulling her against him. She leaned into the affection putting arm around his back. The crowd had mostly dispersed leaving less than twenty shouting greetings. Melna spotted some familiar faces among the stragglers. She motioned with a paw and Dennara bent down to hear. ``Those two men,'' she nodded it their direction, ``I would like to meet with them if possible.''
Eyes darted to the king, he nodded. ``Yes, princess.''
The king, the princess, and Tezal the guard entered the trailer again. The king sat on a couch and Melna remained standing waiting for the knock that came only a moment later. ``Enter.''
Dennara followed the two men, one of dark blue fur the other black both with white furred cheeks and necks that would continue past the collars of their shirts. Both men looked nervous. Melna beamed. ``Chezum, Maluk its good to see you again. How are...'' She trailed off seeing the black furred Maluk leaning heavily on a crutch. Her eyes traveled down and saw he was missing most of his right leg. Her fur bushed. ``What happened?''
Maluk looked at the floor. ``I was shot early in the war.'' His gaze flicked to the chieftain and back down, ashamedly. ``It was during the invasion of Aldenea. They couldn't save it.''
Melna looked the king, he nodded back at her. ``Please, sit, both of you.'' She directed them to the couch opposite the one occupied. ``Your ma... Chieftain, these are my older brothers. Chezum and Maluk Lefinda. They're the only men I've seen with any kind of regularity.'' She tried to lighten the mood still horrified at the state of her brother. She sat next to her mate.
Bowing their heads they replied in unison, ``Greetings, chieftain. It is an honor to be in your presence.''
``I can see the family resemblance. You two fought in Silvana's military?''
The two kept their eyes down. ``Yes, chieftain. It is tradition in Silvana for sons of the chieftain to serve. Though after the war began we did not serve for very long.''
The king regarded them for a long moment. ``Gentlemen, please be at peace. I'm not going to punish you. I daresay you've been punished enough. Maluk, have you had any Aldenean doctors look at that? They might even be able to get you fitted for a prosthetic.''
Their shoulders loosened at that. ``Not yet, chieftain. We were concerned... we weren't sure they would treat me, considering.''
The king turned his attention to Dennara. ``Colonel, when we're done here please see that the two are taking to the hospital.''
``Yes, your majesty.'' She replied, moving to exit the trailer.
Melna let out a breath. ``Aside from the obvious, how have you two been?''
Chezum responded with a more relaxed attitude, ``As well as can be expected, I suppose. We've been trying to keep our heads down, though. Father hasn't been exactly popular lately. After you called the ceasefire we returned to the capital and been staying with some friends.''
Maluk spoke up, ``When we heard you were coming back to announce the new chieftain, well, we were hoping to see you again.''
``It has been a few years, hasn't it? I wish someone had told me what happened to you.''
Maluk responded, ``We've been doing alright. No one that knows us has formed a mob or anything.''
She sat up, startled. ``Has that been happening? We shouldn't be having mob justice.''
Chezum shook his head. ``No, fortunately. Though, I think its mostly due to the Aldenean peacekeepers. Anyone that's been trying to stir things up gets arrested fairly quickly.'' He turned his eyes to his nation's new leader. ``Your soldiers have been doing a good job of keeping the people calm, chieftain.''
The king nodded solemnly. ``I can only hope so.''
Maluk grabbed his crutch. ``I'm sorry, we've taken enough of your time, chieftain. Melna it is good to see you well.''
Melna stood holding out a paw for her brother which he took and stood as well. She was disappointed they wanted to leave already. ``I want to see you two again soon but first please go see the doctors.''
The king got to his feet. ``If you two need anything feel free to contact us. I'll do what I can''
The brothers again bowed their heads. ``You honor us, chieftain.''
Melna pulled them into a hug. ``It's good to know you're safe. Please call on us again, soon.''
Chezum rubbed the top of her head like he did a long time ago. ``We will, little sister. I definitely want to meet the little one once he or she is born.''
She opened the door for them. ``Take care of each other.''
``We will.''
They left, that had been too short of a visit. Melna's good mood was dampened. Outside the trailer she could a man's voice. ``Gentlemen, please come this way.'' She looked at her mate, emotions whirling inside her. He stepped close to put his arms around her.
``They will be well cared for. Don't worry, love.''
She leaned into him nuzzling his shoulder. ``I know, I just wish it never happened in the first place. When Dennara and the others first brought be through Ginad there were... The war finally became real. But this,'' She choked. ``This hits a little too close to home. Maluk used to carry me on his back when we were little.''
He said nothing, just held her for a long time.