WIP of my of the banner for the third season of the Adventures of Luna Muenster, now including my great friends in a set of mini comics to show the daily life in the spaceship, as well as an idea of making an alternate story with Crescent Muenster as the main one.
Now you can be a crew member of the ship even if you are not a Chua. It's my idea to draw mini comics, tell stories and make funny comic strips, including some Cameos from friends and fans who want to lend their OC as background characters.
Let's grow the spaceship, let's create a tight bond around the galaxy! _____
The main characters here:
> Rentokun (Twitter) as Rento the Engineer of the spaceship > WallyWingsy as Wally Ace Pilot > Crescent Muenster as the little Robot Engineer > Luna Muenster as the Captain > gilsoftpaws as Gil, the little and fluffy Sniper > konanthebunwolf as Quivik, the newbie Spellslinger