This is the closest thing to a fursona I have, after being a cheerful Lutrai and then a curmudgeonly skunk. I'm not no longer those, but this outdoorsy fellow is who I wish I was. He's also my D&D character.
This is the closest thing to a fursona I have, after being a cheerful Lutrai and then a curmudgeonly
Thanks! He's an outdoors type, has no house or apartment. Summer on left, winter on right-- well, probably early autumn, because he's just picked a bunch of mushrooms. Chances are, he traded foraged items for ingredients he doesn't have early in the day, invited some friends who live near where he's camping, and dinner is already in progress, just waiting for the fungi.
Thanks! He's an outdoors type, has no house or apartment. Summer on left, winter on right-- well, pr