Sonic and I have been together for what seems like years now and everything seems so perfect... but, why do I still feel as though there's something missing from our lives?
We've both got jobs, we're living in the same house, engaged to be married, and everyone supports us being together.
What more could we ask for?
... I know this sounds selfish of me, but why does it still feel as though me and Sonic deserve more out of our lives?
As these questions plagued his mind, Shadow was suddenly, and rather rudely, awakened by the sound of his colleague laughing.
The black blur's weary eyes opened and he was soon, unfortunately, reminded that he was currently at work, and had taken a nap in his office chair.
A frustrated sigh left his lips, as this day was just like any other at GUN headquarters. The dark and dreary surroundings of this place always made him wish that he was back home instead, snuggled in the arms of his beloved blue-furred boyfriend.
Looking around the room, Shadow noticed that both Rouge and Omega, strangely, shared the exact same facial expressions as his own. That distinctive look of pure boredom plastered across their faces... even though Omega doesn't have a 'face', as such.
Just like any other day, Team Dark were all given the 'exciting' task of typing up mission reports, waiting for field work, and looking through personal GUN files; even though they weren't really supposed to. It was all part of Rouge's idea for passing the boredom.
Shadow glared in Rouge's direction as a small giggle now left her lips instead of a laugh, and her look of boredom was now replaced with a snarky grin... just like his, Shadow thought.
There's no doubt about it. She's found some interesting information on someone again.
Before he could even ask Rouge to be quiet and stop looking up personal files, however, Shadow sighed as Rouge began to speak, even though she could clearly see that he was about to say something.
"Haha! You won't believe this... apparently, one of the commander's hobbies is flower arranging!"
Our commander... arranges flowers? Okay, I'll admit it. I just couldn't help but chuckle at the situation, as it was just so amusing to imagine our tough-as-nails commander doing such a gentle thing.
Shadow had no idea on whether Omega had found it humourous or not, due to his lack of a 'face', but he seemed to be somewhat intrigued by it.
"Flower arranging is much more difficult than you may think. It is a good skill for improving one's ability to be precise."
The black blur's eyebrow cocked as this response seemed a bit suspicious to him.
And a small smirk had now appeared across Rouge's face.
"Wait... you like to arrange flowers too, Omega~?"
"Yes. I have done it once or twice before."
There was a small pause as both Shadow and Rouge tried to comprehend what Omega had just said, but Shadow soon shrugged his shoulders in Rouge's direction, confirming that it wasn't really their place to judge Omega's interests.
But, on the other hand, Shadow did find it pretty amusing as well.
A few minutes after that interesting revelation, the clock in Team Dark's office struck 2pm and the all too familiar sound of their commander's metallic boots striding across the concrete-covered ground become apparent to them.
Rouge rolled her eyes and let out a sigh, as she looked over to Shadow, before turning her attention back to Omega.
"Ugh... here we go again, boys... another boring meeting with the commander."
Meetings... tch, we could do well without them, to be honest.
Shadow followed, reluctantly, and adjusted his GUN jacket, as Omega left the room, with Rouge tagging behind him, perfecting her lipstick.
Since Omega and Rouge were both tidying themselves up for the meeting, Shadow decided that now would be a good time to check his phone for any messages from HIM.
I just hope that whatever Sonic is doing is much more interesting than this...
Meanwhile, in Station Square;
Sonic, Knuckles and Tails smirked proudly, as they confidently, gave each other high-fives. After, once again, settling the score with the doctor.
It seemed that the scientist just couldn't resist using the same old Buzz Bombers and MotorBugs against them.
Either way though, they were all now spread across the ground, shattered into hundreds of tiny pieces, and the little animals, who were inside the robots, were now stripped of their robotic armour and free to go back to the forests of Station Square, and the Mystic Ruins.
Team Sonic all shared a good laugh as the doctor looked very annoyed, pounding his fists against the control panel of his machine, like a kid having a tantrum, before flying off again, as usual.
It'll be quite some time before he attacks us again, for sure!
As Sonic gave his usual thumbs up and praises to his best buds, Tails looked so excited at the fact that his newest invention had helped in the destruction of Egghead's Badniks.
Tails always looks really cute whenever he gets excited, but don't tell him I said that.
"It worked, it actually worked~!"
"Heh, it sure did, buddy!"
The blue blur soon gave Tails a noogie, for old time's sake and soon turned his attention back to Knuckles.
<i>And good ol' Knux... he has that same old smirk across his face again... it's pretty much always been his smirk that he always loved to do after a battle, especially if that battle was against Egghead.</i>
"I think that'll take care of Eggman for now... and all three of us really do kick ass together."
Sonic and Tails stared at each other, in disbelief, as they shared the same confused look.
Did Knux really just compliment us..?
The blue blur couldn't help but smirk in his direction as he gave him a friendly wink.
"Aw, Knuckles... you flatter us~"
As always though, Knuckles responded in his own, stoic, kind of way.
"Oh, be quiet... we ARE a team, you know."
Sonic and Tails shared a good chuckle as Knuckles headed back to the Mystic Ruins.
Heh, Knux was right though. It'll probably be a while before Egghead comes back again...
After a few minutes of chatting with Tails, however, he said that he was working on a new invention and had to get back to his workshop.
As usual, Sonic and Tails said their goodbyes and the blue blur decided to head back to his and Shadow's place.
Sonic bent down to check that his sneakers were okay, and soon felt the familiar sensation of the wind blowing through his quills, as he ran back toward Station Square.
As he ran, Sonic checked his watch and felt his heart skip a beat as he realised that it was now 6pm, which means that Shadow would be back home soon.
I'd better hurry if I wanna get there first!