A little choose your own adventure project I thought would be fun to try out! Im hoping it can be fun for all ^^
Quick Note: No death, Kibble's final fate will be decided on the 4th page
Can Kibble save his Agency from being overtaken!? Story is below!
Kibble finally landed him a decent job as a Henchmen for hire at an Agency called MERC, (Making, Earth, Really, Cool). This is his first day on the job and he was assign a feline cat partner to show him the ropes. Normally business within the agency stay pretty quiet and boring....until today.
After 2 hours into Kibble's shift. Multiple MERC field agents responded to a distress call of a company dumping their trash into the Ocean! This now left Agency undermanned, which is exactly what the Invading group wanted! Like clockwork, A Rival Henchmen Agency known as The SRC (Survey, Rush, Control) have slipped a few of their own henchmooks within the MERC Agency and quickly began making quick work of their agents.
Within minutes the control room fell and the lockdown key was pulled out! Now causing the shutters outside the building to seal shut, tapping the field agents out! By 30 minutes into the raid, Kibble and his feline partner were the last left standing. Thanks to his partner’s knowledge of the Agency, they managed to grab a backup lockdown key and snuck their way into the control room. Unfortunately….for them, it was left guarded! An SRC Agent blasted down the feline henchmook with two stun rounds before quickly aiming it at Kibble.
Now holding the only Key to lift the lockdown….Kibble had to think carefully.