The theorist said that bear don't just eat honey but also bee larvae, ants, fish and berries but Pooh and woozles just only eat honey and claimed Tigger said honey is only meant for heffalumps and woozles. The Theorist also reminded that woozles can shapeshift and Pooh must have transformed into a bear in order to live in The 100 Acre Woods. Eventually he forgot his past and started to believe he's a bear. I want to point out that woozles have a tail but Pooh doesn't unless he got rid of his own tail in order to become a bear. That could explain why his rump tends to get torn sometimes.
Personally I don't think Winnie the Pooh would be a woozle but the theory did get stuck to my mind, so I had to draw a fanart of what would this Pooh Woozle look like. Woozle the Pooh or Pooh Woozle is an alternative universe counterpart to Pooh bear who is a woozle, instead of being a bear, and he never moved to The 100 Acre Woods. Would it be interesting if Pooh Woozle met Liya the woozle from Pink Heffalumps on Parade comic by BluTaiger.