“You found something for me to use?” I asked the lions.
Frank pulled a white bundle from his pocket and handed it to me. I unrolled it, and in it were eight scraps from what I guessed had been a bed sheet. “All from him?” I asked.
“I… don’t know,” Frank answered. I tilted an ear. “Me and Fred fucked him for a couple of hour this morning. So it’s probably from us.”
I looked at the stiff pieces of fabric in my hand. “Without knowing which one is his, this could take a while.” Could I use the phrase I’d work out? It would certainly point me to the owner, but how many time could I do it? I had no idea how much this was going to take out of me.
“I can take care of that,” Fred said. He reached behind his brother for the shallow bowl on the side table. He dumped the glass beads out of it. “Put a smear of blood on the table, over there.” He indicated the coffee table.
“Why do I have to be the one to bleed?” Frank complained, cutting his thumb with a claw.
“Because you heal.” Fred took his cock out.
Frank left his fingerprint in blood on the table then sucked his thumb. The cut had vanished. “You can heal too, I don’t see you cutting yourself.”
“You know which phrase to use? You’re welcome to jerkoff and write it if you do.” Fred stroked himself to hardness.
I couldn’t tell if they were annoyed at each other, or if this was their normal brotherly banter. They’d been gone too long.
I heard a murmur of appreciation behind me and looked over my shoulder. Zee was eying Fred, smiling, but it was Tom who looked like he wanted to sit on it. Fred did have a really nice cock.
“Is this normal?” Marcus asked.
“We use cum to write magical phrases.”
“I have plenty of cum,” Tom said, “how came I can’t to that too?”
Frank took over stroking his brother.
“Because it isn’t just the cum, it’s the power we channel into it.” I watched them for a moment, from past experience, it would take a few minutes for Fred to cum, and turned to Tom. “Magic doesn’t originate in us. It flows through us from our God.”
“Okay, so I’ll join your religion. I’m an easy going guy.”
“It’s not—”
“When did you become religious, Denton?” Zee regarded me.
“It’s not that simple. In my Faction, we call ourself the
Society—” Marcus grinned. “—you have to be born one of us. They’re raised with the knowledge of our God and we go through ceremonies to come into our power. Because of my parents dying in the fire when I was eight, all that happened to me late, last spring.”
“And you simply accepted it?”
Someone behind me snorted. I thought it was Martin.
“No, I fought it pretty hard, but when your God comes down and fucks you, He makes for a pretty convincing argument.”
“How good was he?” Tom asked.
“God had sex with you?” Marcus asked.
Fred grunted before I could reply and I checked on him. The bowl was on his stomach and Frank was holding his cock over it, jets of cum flowing into it.
“No, *my* God. The christian god isn’t… he isn’t the one I follow.” I didn’t have the time to go into how the church had been created in the twelfth century.
“You said Factions, plural, meaning there are more than one
“We’ll have to continue this later.”
Fred was bent over the table, he hadn’t bothered tucking himself back in. He took a moment to consider the space then dipped a finger in the cum and wrote sigils. He wrote fast, but clearly. Four sigils on containment around his brother’s blood, then one of movement, then focus, again movement, and one I didn’t recognize, simple connectors between each except for the containment ones, those got a blocking connectors They would prevent the energy from flowing outward. After the sigil I didn’t know he out an equivalence connector.
He looked at the work, then did a mirror image on the other side of the last connector, meaning both unknown sigils had to equal each other? The space in the center of the four other containment sigils he left empty. He then re did the entire thing above it. When he was done with that one he smears come cum in the center of the containment sigils on the side of his brother’s blood, then drank the cum.
I looked at the design. This was one of the more complex
Phrase I’d seen. Even the one I’d come up was that complex.
“Okay, so I can guess this is where the cum soaked fabric goes, but what’s this? I never seen that sigil before.”
“It’s a quantifier,” Fred said.
“Okay, so what does it do?”
“Well, it should take the life force from each side, and compare them.” “Should?”
“I came up with it on the way here. I haven’t had a chance to test it yet.”
“Well, of anyone here I trust you to come up with something on the fly that won’t blow up. SO I just energize it?”
Fred nodded. I put one of the fabric pieces in the center of the containment sigil and pushed energy in the Phrase.
Nothing happened.
I looked at him.
He took another piece and put it in the other phrase. I looked at it, then frowned. I couldn’t feel him pushing energy into it, but that’s what he’d done, and like me hadn’t gotten the result he’s expected. We couldn’t sense magical energy flow, and the only way I could see it was when I was out of my body.
He touched the equivalence sigil and nodded. “Right, I don’t have any sigil for actual output. You going to have to put your hand over the connector and push the energy in from there. Since it’s your energy, you should be able to feel what is happening.”
Zee and Marcus spoke together in low tones. I could feel Tom peering over my shoulder and Magdalene was watching attentively. I placed my and over the equivalence connector and fed it energy. Nothing happened for a moment, then I felt something, but I couldn’t tell what it was, or what it meant. I kept going, I’d give this a couple of minute and if it didn’t resolve itself into something I could use, I’d look for a different way.
I looked at Fred, to tell him this wasn’t working, but colors appeared in my peripheral vision, under my hand. I looked and nothing. I unfocused my eyes and they reappeared.
Colors were flowing from the cum stain and the fabric down the sigils to the connector, where they matched perfectly. It wasn’t much of a stretch as to what that meant. I took the piece
of fabric an handed it to Fred. “This is yours.” I took another one and put it in its place.
“You’re not really going to eat that are you?” Magdalene said.
I looked up, Fred was putting it in his mouth and closed.
“Right,” I said. “You’re going to want to pay attention what happens to your cum from now out.” “Why?” Marcus asked.
Martin took over. “Your cum is a direct line to your life force. We could use it with a Phrase and do you harm, regardless of the protection you have, or even take control of you.”
“You don’t mean phrase like when I write report.”
“No. That is a Phrase.” He indicated the table. “Two actually. Magical symbols we call sigils that channel our energy to accomplish something you’d say is impossible.”
“Like now it’s letting me tell if the cum stain on this belongs to Fred, Frank, or someone else, probably Luis.” I moved the fabric to Frank’s Phrase.
“It’s got to be Luis. The sheets were changed last night, and the three of us were the only to use it.”
“You said we need to take care of our cum,” Zee said, “But what about, err, her secretions?”
The broke my concentration and I looked at my sister. She was blushing, and then I was too. I looked at Martin and the others and no one had considered it.
“I guess,” I said, “It’s better safe than sorry? I mean, that’s yours so I guess it would make sense it would give us the same kind of control.”
“Does that mean you can do that too?” Tom asked.
Magdalene shook her head. “The Society is a male only
“What happens to the girls then?” Marcus asked.
“We don’t have any. Our God makes it that we only father boys.”
“So there are women in your Faction.”
“No, they are allies, Mister Malhotra met my wife. She’s an ally, she knows about us, but she isn’t a disciple of our God.”
I handed this piece of fabric to Frank.
“Why does she do it then?”
“For some it’s because they believe in us and know we need to have sons for us to continue. For others.” I saw him glance at me. “We promise them a way out of the situation they were in.”
“And what happens to them after they give birth?” Marcus’ tone was demanding.
“They help us raise our sons. They’re aren’t tools we use and then discard. Tessa is my wife, We won’t have sex, other than to have sons, but I do care for her.”
I put this piece aside. It didn’t belong to either of them, but I wanted to test them all before jumping to a conclusion.
“Do you love her?”
“No. Love is rarely a factor for us. We are attached to someone greater, but it does happen. From what I’ve gathered,
Denton’s parents love each other deeply.”
They fell silent, and without the distraction I went through the rest faster. In the end, three were unmatched. I scrubbed Fred’s cum stain off with my thumb and sucked it clean before putting a piece of fabric on each side of the Phrase.
“Wait,” Zee said. “Denton has just swallowed some of your cum. Doesn’t that put you at risk?”
Fred shook his head. “Ingested cum mixes with his saliva and degrades almost immediately. Same for when you cum inside someone. It isn’t really the saliva that does it, it’s being surrounded by someone else’s life force.”
Zee was silent for a moment. “Can one of you do something to me if they cum in me?”
“No. The few who can use their cum while it’s still inside you can’t harm you. It’s almost exclusively tracking and precognitive who could. Their cum acts as an anchor within you for their ability.”
“Okay, the lesson is going to have to end. This three pieces belong to Luis.”
“And what does that give us?” Marcus asked.
“Hand me the bowl,” I told Frank. “Actually, you’ll get a demonstration of why you don’t want to leave your cum lying around. I’m going to use Luis’ to find out where he is.”
“If this Luis—”
“Santiago.” Zee supplied his husband.
“If he knew this could happen, why did he leave it around?”
I pulled my cock out and stroked myself.
“We were in the house of one of his father’s allies,” Fred said. “The guy knew about us, and the sheets were going to be bleached. There was no reasons to worry.”
“Then why did you drink your cum?”
The lion smiled. “Cause it’s cum and I’m not going to let it go to waste.”
I saw Colby come forward and I looked at him suspiciously.
“I’ll help,” he said.
“We don’t have time for you to fuck me.”
“Got hands.”
“So it is not just to me he barely speaks,” Zee commented.
“Wow,” Tom said, “So those stories I heard were true, you do bottom now.”
“He has a very nice ass,” Marcus said, and all the guys in the room, except for Tom, nodded in agreement. I felt my ears burn.
Colby knelt behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He took the bowl out of my hand and wrapped his other around my cock. He pressed against me, and I held on to the table to avoid tipping forward. He ground against my back as he jerked me off, his cock becoming hot as it became hard.
He was good, Fuck, the armadillo was good at everything sex related, hand job, blow job, topping and bottoming. He had me panting withing a few minutes, then grunting when he bit my neck and within a minute of that I was cumming.
He didn’t stop grinding as I panted, but he did let go of my cock. I gave him as long as it took for me to regain my breath. “If you’re not done, you’re going to have to finish without me. I have work to do.”
He leaned in and whispered, “spoilsport.” Then he stood. I expected Tom was ogling him. Colby was well endowed.
I took the bowl of the floor and looked at the table. The Phrases had been wiped away, giving me space. I wrote my sigils in a circle, an energizing, next to a focus, next to a twinning.
I repeated this three times, a regular connector between them. Around that I drew nine containment sigils and blocking connectors. I wanted the energy focused inward.
Fred watched me attentively. “How is that going to help us find Luis? You don’t have any sigils to call to him.”
I smiled as I put one of the pieces of fabric in the middle. “I don’t want to call to him. When I thought this up it was to get around someone looking for indication of that.” I looked to make sure everything was perfect, then drank the little cum that was left. I haded it to Fred who cleaned it.
I pushed power in it, a little at a time, The first time I’d tried this, I’d fed all the energy at once and the central focus had burned up. After a minute I could sense the energy spiraling inside the containment. I took a breath to calm myself. This was as far as I’d gone before. I hadn’t had anything to track. It wasn’t often I got my hands on someone’s bodily fluids during a missing person case.
I made a small cut in my palm and pressed my hand over the fabric. The energy flowed in me. And I gagged.
Someone grabbed my shoulders as I did my best not to throw up.
“Denton, dear. What’s wrong?”
I shook my head, and that was a mistake. Someone rushed me to another room and bent me over the sink. I didn’t throw up, I didn’t let myself. As much as it felt like my stomach was rebelling, that wasn’t it. I’d barely eaten anything today. It was my body rebelling against having someone else’s energy mixing in. Unlike like when I swallowed someone’s cum, my life force couldn’t dissolve it. I had to find some sort of balance.
“Denton, please talk to me.” It was Zee’s comforting voice.
“Sorry,” I croaked. “I wasn’t expecting this.”
“Don’t know how this magic will affect you?”
“New Phrase, never tried it before.”
He squeaked. “Never? You meant you could have hurt yourself? Are you hurt?”
I almost shook my head again. “No. Life forced aren’t meant to coexist like this.” With me doing anything, the nausea passed. It still wasn’t comfortable, but I could stand on my own. At least until I opened my eyes.
I almost fell and grabbed onto the nearest person.
“I have you.” Marcus this time. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m sort of blind.” “What?” Zee screamed.
“Not like that.” Everything was fuzzy. I turned my head, and a point of ‘light’ came into view. I knew it wasn’t really light, but that was how my brain interpreted it. It was Luis’ life force, the piece in me was being called to him.
“He’s in that direction.” I pointed. “Pretty far away, I think.”
“No, No,” Zee said. “Stop this, this can hurt you.”
“Zee, I’m fine.”
“You are most certainly not. You have no idea what this will do to you. It could be destroying your eyes.”
“It isn’t. It’s Luis’ life force. It’s forming like a veil
I have to look through, so it’s all fuzzy.”
“This is unacceptable. I will not have you putting your health at risk like this. We have a direction, that will be enough. You can end this, how even you do that.”
“I do it by releasing Luis’ energy, but I’m not doing it.”
“Denton, You are being unreasonable. Think of how Marcus will react if you end up blind.”
I might have rolled my eyes. I couldn’t tell. I grabbed his arm. “Zee, I was a cop, you and Marcus work for the FBI. We put ourselves at risk all the time. This is no different.”
“Denton, please.”
“Zee, trust me. I know what I’m doing.” He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. After a moment he released me, but he didn’t let go of my arm.
“Okay, I didn’t expect my eyesight to go, so someone’s going to have to drive.”
“Lets take my car,” Tom said.
“I’m riding with Denton.” Zee stated.
“Then I’m going with him too,” Marcus said.
“I can’t take a fifth.”
“I thought it was a family car,” I said.
“It’s been modified. Four is all that’ll fit.”
I took out my phone. “Magdee, you can follow us in my car.”
“Do you want anyone else riding with me?” She asked taking it out of my hand.
“I don’t mind. You might be able to fit everyone.”
“I’d prefer driving my own car.“ Martin said.
“I guess me and Frank can ride with your sister.”
“Good. Now that’s all resolved,” Tom said, “Lets get going.”
Zikabar gently pulled me forward.