Be comfortable in your seat, your back must be always in contact with the back of the chair. When standing, don't bother to stand "correctly", as over-correction can also be cause of pain. Just try to stand reasonably erect. It's reasonable when there's no pain, nor discomfort.
Be comfortable in your seat, your back must be always in contact with the back of the chair. When st
Hope you don't have my problem I have psoriatic arthritis in my spine I eat Tylenol 8s like candy because my back hurts so bad you want to dig your eyes out of your head.
Hope you don't have my problem I have psoriatic arthritis in my spine I eat Tylenol 8s like candy be
If you have psoriatic arthritis, kiss doing stuff good bye,I had a business I'm a locksmith and was doing great till one morning I was sure I was dead I could not move I had to pee being in the morning and couldn't get out of bed till hours later, when I could get up I went to the hospital ER because I was in so much pain, and after 10 hours pass by this doctor came in and told me to hang it up I was done, he told me not to lift anything over 10lbs or id be in a wheelchair the rest of my life ,,, so I had to sell everything in my business 😔
If you have psoriatic arthritis, kiss doing stuff good bye,I had a business I'm a locksmith and was
Very very limited exercise I do try to go shopping for food but even that is getting hard to do and I try getting out side and do some fishing I have a lake across the street from my house and that turned out bad because I ened up getting bitten by two ticks and ened up getting Lyme disease so I ended up with a double whammy :/ , all I can do is pretty much just sit and watch YouTube I don't like tv anymore, and then I get a nasty surprise yesterday I owe the power copm $225. ,,,, Oh when it rains it pours. :/
Very very limited exercise I do try to go shopping for food but even that is getting hard to do and