Celeste is a second generation Electric Heart Android, Currently residing outside of Neon City. She was purchased as an assistant / Companion by a canine man. He traveled frequently, bringing Celeste with him to many different locations, and as time went on, he began to dote on her more as his daughter than an android. It's been a year since She was purchased, and Celeste more resembles a free-spirited cub than anything else, even going as far as to refer to her owner as "dad".
Celeste is fairly independent when she wants to be, but all of the doting an care she's received has had the effect of making her more than a little bit of an attention hound, Especially in the case of her father.
If nobody is paying attention to her, she may even do something clumsy on purpose (tripping over her paws, spilling a drink, etc) to get some attention. She's found this especially effective on her father, even though he's aware that androids of her caliber are not 'clumsy'.
Having settled in one place as of late, Celeste has even started attending school, masquerading as a normal cub to gain some social experience.