Deep in the depths of Aquas, there lies a civilization of seafaring creatures, long feared to have been extinct from Andross’ cruel reign, but who ended up surviving and thriving in the planet’s rebirth.
One of these citizens is Xander, a bit of an outcast compared to the rest of his tribe. He has an odd fascination with the civilization above the waters, the creatures that inhabit the tiny islands that dot the planet, and the skies above it. He collects just about anything from that world, no matter how meaningless. He also likes to play around with the atmosphere, imagining what it would be like to be an air-breather…
One fateful day, he managed to find an entire spaceship, left damaged from a battle days prior. While trying to explore the ship, the owners retrieved it and inadvertently brought Xander along with it, but this only caused the owner of the ship, Caden O’Donnell, to pique his own curiosity of the depths below…