“You’ve been silent,” Magdalene said. I glanced at her in the passenger seat. She looked relaxed.
“I just don’t like that we both ended up at the same place when we’re working different cases.”
She nodded. “The name got you there.”
“And one of your seers got you there.”
“It could be a coincidence.”
“I’m not a fan of those,” I moved to the right lane, letting a speed freak drive by. “Ever since I found out Gods were real, it feels like it’s them manipulating us.”
“That would be your God manipulating you,” She said, “The
Gods can’t reach outside their factions.”
I nodded, then sighed. “It doesn’t feel like He’s involved.”
She stared at me. “You know how He feels like?”
“Intimately.” I didn’t elaborate. I wasn’t going to give details about having sex with my God to my sister.
When I didn’t add anything to looked ahead. “What bothers me is that she took someone from the Society. Your people could see that as a provocation by us.”
I turned on Government Road. Five miles and we’d be at the Bureau. “We’re going to get Luis back before anything happens to him. You said she needs to wait until midnight, so we have some time.”
“That’s if I read the signs correctly. I still don’t know what she’s doing so I could be wrong.”
“We’re going to hope you’re right, and go after him as soon as possible.”
“Then why are we heading to the FBI Offices?” I glanced at here.
“I have to work around them, so yes I know where their offices are.”
“I need to talk to Zee. Zikabar.”
“That buck friend of yours?”
I smiled. “I’m surprised you remember him.”
“You were inseparable from the moment you met at school, yeah I remember him.”
“He runs the Denver office. I need to convince him to give me the briefcase before it causes them troubles. I’m not sure how far the people after it are willing to go. Two men have been killed.”
“They’re the FBI, I’m sure they can keep it safe.”
“How hard would it be for you to get it?”
“It wouldn’t be easy. There’s a lot of people there, trained and armed.”
“What if you didn’t care about hurting them?” She didn’t answer.
“Exactly.” Before I could add the rest my phone buzzed. I glaced in the lower left of my windshield, but the field where the ID normally appeared remained blank. That shouldn’t happen, bu I accepted the call anyway.
“I’m guessing that you’re looking for your briefcase.” It took me a moment to place the voice.
“Are you?”
“Yes, the FBI has it. I’m heading there to see about getting it back.”
“Don’t bother, they no longer have it.”
“Tom, what did you do?”
“I’m hurt you think I’d do anything against the FBI. When have I ever seemed suicidal to you?”
“Then what do you mean?”
“They were attacked. A small team got close to the building, blew a hole in the wall, when in and came out with it in moments. Very well organized, pros.”
“Any casualties?”
“No idea. I didn’t go in. I’m following them. They’re in a gray Toyota Milwaukee, heading your way.”
“How?” I spotted it, and a moment later it was driving by me. I had to wait until there was enough space in traffic before fishtailing and gunning it in the opposite direction.
“Nice,” Tom said. “I didn’t know you could drive that way.”
“Where the Hell are you?”
Lights flashed in my rear view mirror. “I’m watching your ass Spotty-butt”
I accelerated, zig and zagging around the other cars.
“You know,” Madgee said, “you’re not a cop anymore. You can get stopped for speeding.” She was holding on the armrest. And I had a momentary flash to the last time I’d been in a high speed chase. Clutching the armrest like her.
The difference being in the driver’s seat made.
“If they have the briefcase, I can’t let them get away.”
“How good of a shot is your passenger?” Tom asked.
“I’m decent,” she answered.
Tom’s Precision pulled along side us and he lowered his window. Madgee lowered hers and he reshed out, holding his gun.
“So you can shoot out their tires!” He yelled over the
Instead of taking it, Magdalene reached behind her and showed him her gun.
“You two are insane,” I said.
She looked at me. “Just keep the car steady.”
“There are other cars.”
“Stop weaving, and I won’t shoot them.”
If there were any cops around, we were ending up in prison for sure. Better make this quick then.
“Wait until after the intersection.” I said, As Magdalene leaned out the window. It was a tight fight, but she still managed to get half her torso out.
“I have the shot now.”
I sped up to get in front of Tom. “They’re going to run the light. If they lose control in the intersection the cross traffic won’t have time to react. After it I have to hope people will get out of the way.”
I was going sixty in a thirty-five zone, it was as fast as
I dared go, the Milwaukee minivan was going faster. I hoped Magdee was as goos a shot as she thought, it wasn’t going to be easy.
She fired three time in quick succession, the minivan had just crossed past the intersection, and the driver lost control. He weaved back and forth. He slowed, but before he could regain control, it flipped and rolled.
By the time I Parked behind it two people ran out, in opposite direction. “Go after that one,” I told Magdee, pointing to the on that had slipped between two office buildings. I ran after the other one, the one holding a briefcase in his hand. I pulled out my stunner and followed him down the alley. Even though he was limping slightly I had trouble keeping up. I stopped and took aim and shot him. The beam dispersed on his back. He had an interference vest. Shooting him in the legs or arms wouldn’t help. The electromagnetic field it generated covered his body.
There was a gun shot behind me and the man went down. I glanced over my shoulder at Tom holstering his gun, and ran for the man, who was rolling on his back. He looked my way, and Tom let out a chocked cry as he flew back.
The guy was Society.
I felt for his ability, and got a sense of something moving away. I looked at the briefcase and focused as hard as I could. If nothing else I wanted to make sure he wasn’t getting it.
Instead of it moving away. Everything around it went flying, The dumpster behind it, the papers and cans on the floor, the guy on the ground, oh, and me. I lifted five feel and went back a dozen. I went limp as I landed and rolled for a few more feet.
“What was that?” Tom asked. On his feet and offering me his hand. I let him pull me up. I hurt, but nothing felt broken.
I didn’t answer him. I went for my briefcase. I couldn’t believe what I’d gone through to get it, considering I hadn’t even wanted it initially. It had weight to it in my hand, but nothing moved in it. I’d go through its content after I’d rescued Luis.
I turned to see Tom patting the unconscious man down. He had to have hit the wall hard.
“I can’t find any weapons on him,” Tom said when I was next to him. “There’s nothing in his gloves.”
“Come on, we need to leave.”
“How did he make us fly back like that?” the badger asked. “I didn’t feel a shock wave or anything. I don’t know, it was like gravity changed for a moment.”
“Tom, we can’t stay here. There are cameras everywhere, the cops are going to be here shortly.”
He wasn’t happy, but he took a step away. “What are we doing with him?”
“Don’t you want to question him? Find out who’s after your briefcase?”
“No, I have it, that’s all I care about.” I grabbed his arm and pulled him along.
Let whatever family he was with deal with the police. I didn’t know how I felt about knowing Saracen’s killer would walk away form this a free man, but I couldn’t let that bother me right now.
I was going to have to deal with Alice. Cameras had picked up the chase and the system would identify it. Hopefully she wasn’t going to show up today.
Magdalene was by my car.
“I wasn’t able to get a hand on him, he got away.”
“It’s okay.” I put the briefcase in the trunk. “I don’t care anymore.”
“Okay,” she hesitated. “Does that mean we’re going to focus on the other case?”
“There’s another case?” Tom asked.
“How are you?” she asked.
“Tom Marrows.” He smiled and offered her his hand. “Me and spotty-butt here used to fuck.”
“You and half the city,” she replied, not shaking his hand.
“What’s your interest in this?”
He looked at his hand before lowering it. “I just want to help him.”
“Sure, You just happen to carry a gun, and be tailing the people Dent was looking for. Just to help him? How about you try again.”
“Well, I am hoping he’ll be grateful for the help and he’ll want to fuck me afterward. You seemed rather possessive of him.
You do know he’s gay, right?”
“I’m his sister, and I don’t trust you.”
Tom’s face lit up, “Bovine, or course. I don’t remember every seeing a sister before.”
“She left home before we met,” I said, “and we were under strict rules not to talk about her. And you don’t need to try to get on my good side, just catch me when I’m not busy and horny and I’ll fuck you. And Magdee, leave him alone. I no longer need you looking after me.”
I hadn’t meant to sound so harsh. She’d made herself my body guard after the fire. She’d kept the bullies of the weird cheetah living the the bovines. I certainly owed her.
“Look, I’m sorry, I just don’t have the time to deal with personality conflicts. Tom, I’m going to need your help.”
“Dent, I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Magdalene said.
“I know, but I’m still going to need his help, as well as yours. I need both of you on my side. You’re the only ones I have right now.”
“How about all those rich guys you sleep with?” Tom asked.
“You seem pretty tight with them.”
“That could change at any time.”
Sirens in the distance reminded me we had to leave. “Tom, follow me. Magdee, I really need your help, but I’ll understand if you don’t want to get involved.”
She pulled the door open. “Of course I’m with you, dumb ass.” She sat in the car and I did too. “But he isn’t one of us.” She continued once our doors were closed. “He doesn’t belong to a Faction. He’s normal.”
I pulled into traffic, and Tom was right behind me. “In the middle of all this, I can use some normalcy. But Tom also has skills that could be useful.”
“Do you trust him?”
“I do. I can’t tell you why. I really don’t have any reasons to, but I do.”
“Okay, if you do, I will too.”
The rest of the drive to Martin’s place was in silence.
* * * * *
Martin eyed Magdalene and Tom, who were standing on each side of me, suspiciously. Colby was with him, and both were dressed. I had warned him I was bringing guests. Fred and Frank weren’t here yet.
“Martin, this is my sister, Magdalene. And this is an old friend of mine, Tom Marrows.”
“You’re message said you needed our help with something.” “I do. Any Idea when Fred and Frank will be here?”
“Shortly,” Colby answered.
“Good. Luis Santiago has been kidnapped.”
Martin sat straighter. “What is his father doing about it?”
“Nothing. I’m handling things.”
“Dent, if this is… our business, why did you bring them?”
“Because It’s also her business. I’ll explain in more details once the others are here.”
“And him?” He pointed to the badger.
“I need his backup.”
“Denton, this isn’t wise.”
“I get it.” Why was I beating around the bush? Why didn’t I feel ready to tell him the truth of why I’d brought them with me. It wasn’t because Tom was here, I trusted him to keep what he was going to learn here to himself. So why was it? I started to force myself to tell him, but was interrupted by knocks at the door.
Colby let the lions in.
“We got it!” Frank said. He stopped, looked us over, his gaze pausing over Tom and my sister. “Okay, why is everyone so tense?”