Power Usagi: Birth By Carrot
In the town of Carrota, a young girl named Beatrice Rabbitera was heading to school. A blue rabbit girl with pink hair, and wearing a pink t-shirt and denim pants, she would arrive at her high school (in Carrota, rabbits do not wear shoes as it is a town tradition), as she took her seat in her first class. However, at home, her father, a scientist by the name of Dr. Benjamin Rabbitera, was in his basement lab looking for something.
"Oh, come on, if it's not in fridge, where is it," Benjamin said. His wife, Lora, who was a grey rabbit with brown hair, came in.
"I hope you are not looking for some experiment that turned Bea's hair another color again," Lora said, as she remembered Beatrice's pink hair was once brown like her's, but a failed experiment would change it pink.
"I am, because I left a carrot I infused with a powerful material in the fridge and it's gone," Benjamin said. However, what he didn't know is that Beatrice was eating her lunch, which was a salad with carrots in it, and one of the carrots was his super-powered carrot. Later, she soon felt sick and passed out. Later, she found herself in her room, with her pajamas on.
"I guess mom changed my clothes while I was out," Beatrice said as she changed out of her pajamas, leaving her in a white tank top and pink panties with a green waistband. When she went to open the closet to her clothing door, she ended up ripping the knob off the door, as she was shocked.
"When did I get as strong as Atomic Dog? And how am I going to repair the doorknob," Beatrice said as he managed to get the door open and dress in a black t-shirt with a pink star and jeans. Soon, her father knocked on the door and opened it, seeing the broken knob.
"Daddy, it's not what it looks like," Beatrice said in a shocked tone.
"I know. You are developing super strength," Benjamin said. In the weekend, Benjamin helped Beatrice learn to control her super strength, as well as discover she could fly, and could see in the night and through walls. Also, she could hop higher, with her landing creating a shockwave that can knock stuff down. In the weekend, Benjamin gave her daughter a green bandana-like mask and put two markers on her hands and the bottoms on her feet.
"These markers contain nanomachines that will invisible to all but you and me. When you put the mask on, the nanobots will form a costume I made you," Benjamin said. Beatrice did just that, and as she tied the bandana tight, the markers activated, as the one on her left hand formed into what looked like a green glove, and the nanobots covered all but her toes, as they formed over her shirt and pants a magenta costume with light green trim, gloves and boots.
"Wow, this is amazing," Beatrice said. Later, she flew into the air, when suddenly, she saw the Bad Hares, a local gang of hoodlums, robbing a store, as one of the gang saw her, he fired at her, hitting her in the stomach as she fell into the trash.
"Beatrice, are you okay," Benjamin asked.
"Daddy? Where are you calling from," Beatrice asked.
"I slipped a com unit in your ear. I detected the nanobots took a projectile," Benjamin said.
"Yeah, I got shot by one of the Bad Hares," Beatrice said grasping where she saw shot, but when she saw no blood, she removed her hand to see the bullet crushed.
"Daddy, I thought I was not invulnerable," Beatrice said.
"And that is true, hence why the nanobots that make your costume were made to protect you from small projectiles like bullets, and it seems they work," Benjamin said.
"Well, I better stop them before they test out how many bullets it will take to get through my suit," Beatrice said as she did a huge leap and landed on the Bad Hares' escape veihicle, an old van, crushing it. The bad hares dropped the bags of money in shock.
"I shot you. What kind of freak is unharmed by a bullet," one of the bad hares asked.
"Do I look like a freak? I am Power Usagi," Beatrice said as she went in and started to fight the Bad Hares. Soon, she pummeled them and used a broken beam to tie up all but one, who escaped, but not before bumping into a grey hare.
"So, your little gang is busted. Don't worry, I can bring a means to get even with this so-called Power Usagi," the hare said.