So, writers block, depression, and all that good stuff. I decided to post some of the things I've been coloring.
This one though, this makes me happiest.
For those who don't know Ester here was my first Sona. My first original character. or at least the first one I ever really committed to as more than an RP profile on Yahoo Messenger or Furcadia.
She's the star of my original story series. Something I would have kept up if the person her wife is based on hadn't died. That wound still hurts, and it always will.
Here we see Est as an adult though. Happily married to Diana and even with a young child. Her mother has handed over the restraunt she once ran for a small bistro. Her friends have all moved on to happy lives. As for Est? She's gone from shy bully bait to a lit teacher at Western Michigan University. She has a novel series that's being turned into a Cal-arts cartoon. Really, she's happy. As she deserves to be.
Yes, My self loathing makes typing that feel odd. But I love what