Here is the final piece in this series of images: Vertumnus, the Greek God of change, seasons and plant growth.
Keiran was from the very beginning very lacking in confidence. However he did in the end dare to be honest with his friends, revealing more about himself to them. This was originally meant to transform him into Vertumnus. As the comic was being cut shorter and shorter, I did make the decision that only Keiran would have a "God Form", but this didn't stick, because I felt like the ending was very rushed to begin with... showing so many things, and it felt like it would overwhelm my audience.... This is why in the end, you only really see the spear-fusion thing, and nothing else.
Vertumnus isn't the most well known of the Greek Gods, but his association with nature, change and growth made him an instant pick!
Longtime followers of me might remember that back in 2009 and 2012, I had drawn him before (Oh man, that's like 11/14 years ago!), however he did look very different back then... And yeah... As I worked on this project, and had decided on how the deities should look, I realized that Vertumnus didn't really fit with the rest, and so I gave him a redesign, basing it on Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon, a very important TV series from my childhood. Felt like a very beautiful idea to eventually become said "beautiful rose-wielding hero".
PS: If you payed attention, you might notice that this image has different proportions than the rest. This is because Vertumnus is supposed to be taller from the others (look at the neck). To convey this on an image which is not shared with any other character, I did simple keep the symbol in the same spot as it would be for the other characters. Vertumnus is the only one whose head reaches far beyond the symbol!