Julian the Riolu and Nick the Oshawott had left Serene Village a few days ago. They slogged through countless dungeons, until reaching the peak of the mountain. It was late, so they decided to stay and sleep for the night. The cold had been getting worse as they ascended the mountain, but it had only gotten this cold very recently. Julian was doing well in the cold, his thick coat of fur doing him well. Nick, on the other hand, did not do so well in the cold. Although there isnt a type disadvantage to ice, water types don't do well in the cold.
"H-hey Julian" asked Nick "is there a-a-anything else we have that could help me warm up?"
"Well, there's one thing we could try" began Julian "but it needs some explaining."
"I-I'm willing to t-try anything"
"Have you ever heard of vore?" Asked the Riolu "do you remember anything like that in the human world"
"N-not that I can think of"
"And how much do you trust me?"
"With my life." Responds the Oshawott "please do it, whatever it is"
"I'd be... swallowing you whole"
"Well th-that's certainly w-warmer than out here" Nick joked, cracking a feble smile
"You're not at all disturbed by that?"
"I've been an Oshawott for a few months now. And stuff doesn't really surprise me anymore"
"Alright then. Headfirst or feetfirst"
"Whichever gets me in your gut quicker"
Julian approaches Nick, and sticks the Oshawott's feet in his mouth. Making a big gulp, he begins work on Nick's abdomen. The Riolu had never tasted anything quite as good as his friend. Julian kept swallowing, more and more of the teal belly disappearing into his maw. His teeth scraped lightly against the scalchop on Nick's chest, before quickly pulling it in
"Huh?" Thought Nick "My brain keeps telling me to resist but... this feels so right... like I belong here."
Julian had gotten all the way up to Nick's head. Now for the hard part. The Riolu's jaws stretched impossibly wide, overtaking the Oshawott's chin. Creeping up his head, tickling his nose.
Nick saw the roof of his best friends mouth pass over his eyes, enveloping him in darkness.
"Even if this is the last thing I see" thought Nick "it's a pretty damn good last sight.
The Riolu's jaws passed over the Oshawott's ears and slowly closed. One final gulp later, and Nick was fully contained in Julian's belly.
"Well," said Julian "You tasted absolutely divine. But now for the important part, there are a couple ways to go about getting you out of there."
"So I will survive this. Huh" thought Nick
"I could let you out when you're ready, be it in the morning, after the next dungeon, or even when we get to Lively Town. Or, I could digest you, which is painless, and then reform you whenver"
"Reform?" Asked Nick
"Whoa. Kinda surprised I can hear you in there. Basically, I'd bring you back to life. You'd just wake up in the bed whatever morning you chose."
"How about you reform me once you get to a warmer part of the mountain"
"That works for me. You care when I start?"
"Once you set out for the morning." Replied Nick "Your belly is nice and comfy. Is want to enjoy it tonight"
"No problem. Goodnight Nick"
"Goodnight Julian"
Julian wakes up in the morning, feeling the still-sleeping Oshawott in his gut. He sets off down the mountain, and begins to digest his meal.
"Hey, Julian"
"Didn't realize you were up"
"Just woke up." Replied Nick "And I can tell I'm digesting already. It actually feels pretty nice. Before it fully happens though, I wanted to ask, can we do this in the future?"
"Of course my scrumptious little snack"
"Thanks Julian, I'm looking forward to it"
And so Julian descends the mountain, belly shrinking as he does. Half way down, it's getting late so he stops to sleep again. He sets up his bed, and Nick's next to his. When he wakes up, Nick is there as expected. Not in his own bed, but snuggling with Julian.
"I guess you really liked it then" says Julian
"Mmmh yeah" responds Nick.
The two set off for the day, looking out to a future of many adventures, meals, and maybe even more.