The royal family of CiAr continues its journey that mixes holidays with learning. They have already met several animals and discovered new places, where they made new friends and learned new things. But the world is huge and there's still more to discover. After visiting a forest, a marsh and even an icy mountain, the family is now crossing a hot and dry desert. It's been some time since they crossed the portal and entered this territory that seems to be getting hotter and hotter as they walk. “We have a long way to go before we leave this dry place. I'm tired and thirsty.” As usual, Lilikiki complains about the current conditions on the family trip, hoping they'll improve quickly. “Easy, dear. You heard what Velbloud said.” Explains her father. “We have to continue in this direction until we find the oasis, where we can rest and perhaps spend the night.” At the entrance to the desert, they met a camel named Velbloud who gave them some information on how to survive in the desert. “You must always walk together and avoid making great efforts because there isn't much water in the desert, in case you are very thirsty.” “And how do you camels survive?” Asked Tayarinne. “We camels can walk for long periods of time without water. We drink large amounts of water at a time and that water is stored in our bloodstream.” “Wow...” The children were amazed at what they heard. “I have a suggestion for you. Keep heading south.” He pointed south. “If you always follow this direction, you'll find an oasis, a place with some vegetation and water, where you can rest and, if you want, also spend the night there.” “Thank you very much, Velbloud.” Askaru thanked him. "You're welcome. I always like to help whoever visits the desert.” “But why can’t we fly there?” Lili insists, anxious to rest. “It's a long way off.” Askaru explains. “We would get more tired and need to drink more water. It would be risky and we might not have enough strength to reach the oasis in time.” “Then why don’t you and mom open a portal?” The eldest daughter suggests. “That way we can spend more time together and enjoy this family trip.” “Okay, okay. I won't ask any more questions.” The white flyoness gives up, knowing that her father will always have an answer to her questions. The family continues walking through the desert. As they walk, Maine and Tayarinne II play with each other, also using the sand. Their parents watch them with proud smiles. Then, the adult lioness looks at her king and they both get a little serious. “Honey, I…” Askaru tries to say something, but the lioness cuts him off. "What? Are you sorry? It's a little late for that, don't you think?" Askaru just sighs sadly, not knowing how to calm his beloved queen on this matter. He knew it was risky, but at the same time, he knew that sooner or later, he was going to need El'dra's magic crystal. He had to use the crystal more than once during this trip and that made Tayarinne start to suspect something. This time, there was no hiding. The flyon had to use the crystal's powers and Tayarinne watched everything. Some time before, the family was already walking in the desert. While Lilikiki played with her sisters, Tayarinne tried to convince Askaru to tell her the truth. “I know you are hiding something from me, Askaru.” Tayarinne spoke firmly in her tone of voice. “I know you and your magic.” "My queen, please..." Askaru tried to avoid the matter. "Can't we talk about this after our trip?" "No. Let's talk now. How did you manage to cast those spells without El'dra's magic crystal? You got rid of him, right?” "Well, I..." Suddenly, Askaru saw something big approaching them, right in front of him. The flyon stopped, watching the strange phenomenon. He remembered reading something in a book about natural phenomena. “Askaru. I'm serious. Did you get rid of the crystal?” Tayarinne continued trying to get answers from her king. The flyon no longer listened to his queen. He was focused on watching the natural phenomenon that was getting closer and closer to them. Finally, he realized what it was. "It's a sandstorm." He said in a whisper. “Askaru!” Tayarinne spoke louder, trying to get his attention. “It's a sandstorm! Gather, everyone!” He warned his family. "What?!" Everyone looked at the sandstorm and got a little scared, especially the young girls. They formed a circle, holding their tails together. “What are you going to do?” Tayarinne asked, curious to know what her king had planned. “You'll see.” Askaru started to cast a spell, while the storm got closer each time. “Nechť je tato skupina v bezpečí, před jakoukoli újmou. Ať k nám neprostoupí žádné nebezpečenství. Kéž nás tento štít ochrání, ať se děje cokoliv.” The storm was reaching them, forcing them to close their eyes against the sand. Scared, Maine and Taya II ran to their mother who was trying to protect them. Lilikiki approached and used her wings to protect her sisters, preventing the sand from reaching them. Tayarinne was smiling at her eldest daughter, thanking her. At the same time, the force of the wind made El'dra's crystal shake and the sand that hit it caused its camouflage to begin to disappear. Tayarinne watched this, finally realizing what her king was hiding. Askaru repeated the spell, this time with more intensity in his voice: “Nechť je tato skupina v bezpečí, před jakoukoli újmou. Ať k nám neprostoupí žádné nebezpečenství. Kéž nás tento štít ochrání, ať se děje cokoliv.” This time, El'dra's magic crystal began to glow and a blue dome formed around the family, protecting them from the sandstorm. Tayarinne stared at the crystal worn as a necklace around the king's neck. Then she looked at him with a serious face, apparently disappointed. Askaru looked at her and realized that finally she had discovered his secret. Lilikiki hugged her sisters, waiting for the storm to pass. After some time, the storm disappeared and Askaru stopped using the crystal's magic, causing the dome to disappear too, freeing the family. "We'd better keep walking if we want to reach the oasis before dark." Askaru suggested and the family followed him. For a while, Tayarinne and Askaru said nothing. Sometimes he tried to say something, but he was afraid that she was angry with him. At the same time, Tayarinne wanted to ask him a few questions, but she continued to process what had just happened, not knowing if she should be upset, disappointed or sad. Now they continue their journey, trying not to bring it up, not wanting to discuss it in front of their daughters. Not taking this situation any longer, Askaru makes a decision and stops, the others stopping too, although they don't know why. “Daddy? Why do we stop?” Maine asks, not understanding the reason for stopping. "Lili. Stay here with your sisters. Your mother and I need to talk.” “I don't think we need to…” Tayarinne tries to avoid the conversation, but Askaru won't let her. "Yes, we need." Says the flyon firmly. "Okay, dad." Lilikiki agrees, sensing that something is up with her parents but not meddling in the matter. "Girls. How about we have a sisterly moment?” "Yes!" Maine and Tayarinne II are happy to go play with their big sister for a while. While the three sisters are playing, Askaru and Tayarinne walk to a slightly secluded area, so they can talk freely. “You better be quick. We can't waste much time.” Tayarinne speaks in a serious tone. “Honey, I never wanted to lie to you or hide anything.” Askaru explains. "Yeah sure." She rolls her eyes. "It's true. In CiAr, I told you that I got rid of the crystal because I was afraid you would use it. I know how curious you are.” “And you preferred to lie to me and hide the crystal instead of telling me the truth?” “I couldn't get rid of it. This crystal has a powerful magic that can be useful. It was very useful on our trip already. You saw it. But... You know it's dangerous for you to use El'dra's powers. You're not very used to that.” "Are you saying you don't trust me?" "What? Of course I trust you. It's just that...” "What?!" She's clearly upset. “I don't want anything bad to happen to you.” Now Tayarinne calms down, not knowing what to say. “You know CiAr's magic, but your knowledge of El'dra's magic is not so vast. If you tried to use the crystal's magic... I... I don't know what I would do if I lost you.” Askaru looks at her with concern and love. “Askaru... Was it... Was that the only reason you kept the crystal hidden? To... To protect me?” "Of course, my love. To protect you and our daughters. You are everything to me." Now he smiles fondly. “Awww honey…” Tayarinne smiles back. She's no longer angry. Now the lioness is proud and happy to have someone so caring, kind and brave by her side. It's like she's falling in love all over again. Tayarinne nuzzles her king, purring sweetly. Askaru nuzzles back, also purring. “I love you, Tayarinne.” “I love you too, Askaru. Just promise me you'll never hide anything from me again." “You have my word, my queen.” The two nuzzle and lick each other for a while, until Askaru looks up at the sky. “We should continue. It's getting late.” “Of course, my king. Let's go get our daughters." The couple goes back to their daughters and watches them play with each other. Lilikiki is running, but she pretends to be slower than her sisters so they can catch her. Maine and Taya II jump on top of the older sister, knocking her down. "We got you!" “Well done, girls. You are really fast.” Lili claims, letting her sisters lick and nibble her ears. Her parents smile at each other before interrupting the beautiful moment. "Girls. We have to continue our trip.” Warns their mother. “Awwwwww really?” They don't look very happy about having to stop playing. "Don't worry. You'll have time to play when we get out of here.” Says their father. “First we have to get out of the desert. It's not very safe, as we've seen." “Okay...” The three sisters rejoin their parents. “Is everything okay, mom?” Lilikiki asks, knowing something was going on between them. “Everything is fine, Lili.” Tayarinne smiles, giving her king a cute lick on the cheek, making him blush a little. Lili just smiles, pleased to see her parents have solved whatever their problem was. The family continues walking, and before nightfall they arrive at the oasis that Velbloud, the camel, mentioned. It's not very big, but it has some water. "Good. It's better than that nasty marsh we were in." Lilikiki comments as she looks around. "But I don't see anything here that we can eat." “I remember reading in a book about animals that live in the desert. Maybe we’ll find a cape hare nearby.” Suggests her mother. “I remember you telling me about that book.” Askaru says. “Stay here with the girls. I'll be right back." “Are you sure you’ll be okay alone?” "Don't worry, dear. I won't be long.” He nuzzles Tayarinne, who nuzzles him back. After the male leaves, the lioness looks at her daughters with a smile. "Let's get some rest, girls." While his family rests in the oasis, Askaru flies around, knowing that cape hare don't usually stray far from the vegetation. He circles the oasis and, after a few seconds, he sees a cape hare heading towards a bush. “You're mine.” He whispers with a smile and prepares to go down. Shrinking his wings, Askaru quickly flies towards the cape hare. The prey only has time to look up and scream in fright. After some time, Askaru returns to his family, bringing with him two cape hare. “Daddy!” Maine and Tayarinne II are happy to see that their father has returned. The flyon lands both cape hare on the ground when he lands next to his family. "I know it's not much, but it should be enough for tonight." He explains. Lilikiki doesn't look very pleased. “Am I supposed to keep my body elegant with… this?” “Come on, sweetie. It's just for tonight. I'm sure that tomorrow we'll be able to eat better.” Tayarinne tries to cheer up her daughter. “Always better than the filth of that marsh.” Lili speaks to herself. "Hello there." A female voice speaks, making them look back. But they don't see anyone. "Down here." The voice speaks again, making them look down. “Hello.” Askaru greets with a smile. "Who are you? What are you doing here?” “My name is Skokan and I'm a jerboa. Sorry if I interrupted you, but I was walking nearby and I couldn't help but hear you. You are visitors, right?” "Yes." Tayarine responds. “We're traveling to see new places and animals. We only stopped here at the oasis for the night, but we'll left first thing in the morning.” "If I were you, I wouldn't do that." Alerts the jerboa. "Why?" “Why do you think we jerboas and other desert animals prefer to sleep during the day and walk outside at night? It's much nicer. During the day it's extremely hot and at night everything seems calmer.” "Makes sense." Says Lilikiki. “The desert is huge. It seems like it has no end.” Comments Taya II. “Hehe. That's right. The desert is huge.” Explains the jerboa. “But everything has an end. However, it's more difficult for you to cross the desert during the day. There are sandstorms, it's very hot... You can get lost. At night it's less tiring and dangerous.” "Alright. In that case, and since we are strangers, can you tell us which is the best route?” Askaru asks. "For sure. If you travel during night, all you have to do is follow those stars.” Skokan points to the stars. “But if you decide to travel during the day… Well… Try to keep going in the same direction.” “Thank you, Skokan.” Tayarinne thanks her with a smile. “You are all so nice here in the desert.” “We know it's not easy for someone like you who doesn't know the desert. Now, if you excuse me, I'm going back to my den." "Sure. Thanks again, Skokan.” “Thank you, Skokan.” The three daughters also thank her. "You're welcome. Bye." The jerboa leaves. “What do you think, my king?” Tayarinne asks Askaru. “The jerboa's right. It would be much easier for us if we traveled overnight.” “But… We also need to sleep. Especially the cubs.” “We can carry them while they sleep.” Then he asks the eldest daughter. "Lili? Do you think you can spend all night walking?” "Can't we open a portal?" The white flyoness suggests. “We already talked about this, sweetheart.” “I know, I know. This is a learning journey and a family vacation.” "Exactly. So? Can we count on you?” "Yeah..." Lili accepts it, despite still thinking it would be faster to open a portal to cross the desert. "Girls." Tayarinne speaks to her youngest daughters. “Let's continue our journey. You can lie on our backs.” “Yaaay!” The cubs are happy. Maine jumps onto Tayarinne's back, while Taya II jumps onto Askaru's back. They love the comfort of their parents' fur and start purring a little. The family returns to walk through the desert, leaving the oasis, after having drunk some water. As the jerboa suggested, they follow the stars she has pointed out to them. The desert looks more beautiful at night with the moonlight and the stars above it. From time to time, Lilikiki helps carry her sisters so that their parents can get some rest. The journey is long but peaceful. Finally, the family manages to see the end of the desert, starting to see more vegetation. "We did it." Tayarinne smiles at the sight, as do Askaru and Lilikiki. At dawn, the family is resting among bushes, Maine and Tayarinne between their parents, while Lilikiki is sleeping next to her father. Maine and Tayarinne II wake up and jump on top of their parents to wake them up, happily. "Mom! Dad! Wake up!” “Wh-What?” They wake up, realizing that their daughters are already awake and apparently in good spirits. The two flyon cubs are full of questions. “Are we out of the desert yet? Where are we? Where are we going now?” “Well, girls. We crossed the desert and now we are in some kind of forest.” Askaru tries to explain. “But before we continue our journey, we should rest a little and eat something.” “Don't worry, girls.” Tayarine adds. “Certainly our next destination will be more pleasant than a hot desert.” “Cool!” “Askaru, honey. If you don't mind, I'll hunt this time. Lion style, you know.” She smiles. "Alright, my queen. I'll stay here with our daughters. Be careful." "Always." They nuzzle each other, purring. Askaru, Maine and Taya II watch the lioness go on her hunt, while Lilikiki continues to sleep. Askaru looks at the white flyoness and smiles proudly, before going off to play with his youngest daughters for a bit.
It's time to cross a desert and Askaru's family will learn a few things about how how to survive in the desert. But it's also time to face the truth and to show how family must stand together and trust each other instead of keeping secrets.
Thank you for writing such an awesome story! x3 This chapter was more serious in some aspects, but as always, I adore cute family moments of it just as much as Czech sentences. It is such a nice addition! Also seeing them all dealing with desert conditions is something new and fascinating for me. I would love to meet that kind little jerboa irl, hehe :3
Thank you for writing such an awesome story! x3 This chapter was more serious in some aspects, but a
I'm glad you enjoyed it. :) Of course. Besides the little drama, your family is always adorable and united. <3 Using Czech is like a rule at this point, hehe. But I think it's nice and fun, since it's your main language. ;) About the jerboa... Take a look at the information I wrote. ;)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. :) Of course. Besides the little drama, your family is always adorable and
Oh. I thought you are replying to my sentence: I would love to meet that kind little jerboa irl, hehe By which I meant that I would love to meet this creature in real life, as me in person. :)
Oh. I thought you are replying to my sentence: I would love to meet that kind little jerboa irl, he