The DigiPet app, was a revolutionary AI tech tool. Able to integrate with almost any type of software, they were used by almost everyone. From students, to teachers, engineers, business work, even world leaders. The Digipet was here to help out humanity with it's technological needs...
Unfortunately in the end, they could not save humanity from itself, as a catastrophic war lead to their ultimate demise...
The Digipets, were left alone running the energy of the world to keep the net online, as this was their only means to be. They even did their best to ward off malware and viruses, as well as to keep things organized. Without the human element to cover for blindspots however, the spread of corrupted data would spread, causing software and data of all sorts started to bleed into each other's code, resulting total digital chaos.
One type of software however, and old type of simulation based off the "survival of the fittest" rules of nature, known as the Tierra simulation, became the dominant coding that brought order to the swirling mess of cyberspace. Some of the Digipet designs were reborn as something new. Given animal like appearances that the simulation deemed natural. In this process, they lost their identity as "Digipets." The constant that ran through their code became "Tierra." So thats what the started to call themselves. The Tierra. Various Tierras of all different shapes and sizes would populate all of the net, and any devices still connected to it. Who knows what life will be like, for this invisible ecosystem, as a remnant of destroyed society...
There are currently only 50 different types of Tierra, but each of them seem to come in 3 variants. The Kilobyte form (KB), the Megabyte form (MB), and the Gigabyte form (GB).
Streetsparks are resourceful, even in more savage parts of the net. The KB variants in particular are versatile with their use of energy, being for disruptive stuns, or boosting itself or allies.
MB variants of Streetsparks are just as knowledgeable as the KB variants, but are a bit vain. Suffering from what some may call "main character syndrome." Always putting themselves in the role of leader and butting heads with dissenters. Perhaps they need a "character growth" installation into their programming.
GB Streetsparks a wildly erratic in nature. Outgoing in either endearing or destructive ways, absorbing and releasing large amounts of electrical energy. Sometimes large enough outbursts can cause it to change into the MB or KB variants.
So yeah, trying to flesh out this whole thing of collectable creatures. I'll call them Tierra for now unless that becomes an issue later on. But until then, I hope you enjoy as I slowly try to work on these.