Heh. Yeahhhh. If there was ever a good week to upload this, this is it XD To summarize, I'm quite glad that work has only given me 1 shift next week cause my god did I need a buncha time off to relax/rest and then get caught up on stuff. Starting on Feb 28th, I had 3 days in a row of work, then I headed immediately off to a juggling convention from Friday through Sunday up in Pennsylvania for the weekend, had a day off on monday to rest from that, before two more work days , Thursday I had off but that was to prepare for FurTheMore which was from the 10th to the 12th of course. Get home from that on Sunday night, have Monday to recoup and unpack before three days a row of work again, followed by Friday off, which I then had to use to clean the house to get ready for my monthly house party furmeet that I host. That went well, and then I'm cleaning the house on sunday night from it and I get a drippy nose, OH NO. YEP! I have to call out sick from my next 3 days of work this past week cause I'm sick with something! :D YAYYY! and this brings us right up to today, where I'm still feeling sick but am about 70% better or so I think? and I haven't had more than 1 day off in a row from work or an event this whole month :D FWEEEEE!!! Sharky is like, so drained and ded and feels so bad about how he hasn't gotten hardly ANY of his 3D commission work done for the whole month xD BWARRR.
Don worry though, just slide a Costco pizza or some Spaghetti under my nose and I'll come back to life :) and if you can find me a can of 7/11 Quake Energy Drink that's even better!
As for the doodle, I got this doodle from :iconDraconicDKW: a while ago when I first popped into his telegram and saw him doing doodles for others and went like "Auuuh! I am so tempted to ask for art too but I'm brand new here and also it's rude/goche to just ask for art when you're not aquaintances yet and yet bwarrrgh I want a doodle cause those doodles are awesome and- *DED*" and he drew me ded flopped near his art table as he pokesme to see if Im still alive XD