Once again, I keep on thinking of random characters to create, and this is my latest~
Since re-watching the Crash 4: It's about Time's cutscenes and gameplay for like a million times, I thought it was finally time to draw Crash and Phoebe a kid, and this is him x3
Jamie's Bio
Name: Jamie Species: Bandi-Quoll (bandicoot and spotted tailed quoll hybrid) Nickname/s: Jay, Jay-Jay Family: Crash Bandicoot (father), Phoebe Quoll (mother - https://www.deviantart.com/hedgecatdragonix/art/Crash-B...; obviously when she's an adult!), Coco Bandicoot (auntie), Crunch Bandicoot (uncle), Dr Neo Cortex (grandfather, not by blood), Tawna Bandicoot (designated godmother), Aku Aku/Akano/Lani-Loli/Ika-Ika & Kupuna-Wa (guardians/protectors; whenever Crash, Coco and Phoebe are out adventuring) Story: Born on N Sanity Island, a few years after the events of It's About Time, Jamie grew up with his parents, his auntie Coco, his uncle Crunch, and Aku Aku. During his childhood, Jamie quickly picked up on his father's abilities and would often practise using them, which would, unfortunately, often lead to him getting hurt. Aku Aku always made sure to keep a close eye on Jamie whenever Phoebe, Coco and Crash were out adventuring, knowing that he shared the same love of adventuring as his parents and would often try and get into trouble. As he aged, Jamie's love of adventuring switched to more of an interest in cautious exploration, and he also learned how to keep his abilities under control as well as to only use them if and when necessary. As a teenager, Jamie mostly kept to himself, but would always stay with, or be close to, his parents, auntie, uncle, Tawna, or Aku Aku, since he felt very uncomfortable with people he didn't know or trust. Personality: Unlike his father, Jamie is more of the introverted type, who prefers to keep to himself, but will sometimes have his 'silly moments' which often help to ease tense situations as well as helping to make him feel happy. Likes: Wumpa fruit (though not to the extent that his papa does!), exploring new places, finding and collecting treasures (often crystals and gems, of course!) and helping his friends/family with any errands Dislikes: Being involved in conflict, social situations, confined spaces, Cortex (except when him and Crash have to work together, then he tolerates him a bit more!) and N Tropy (he scares him the most out of all of Cortex's henchmen!) Strengths: Like his father, Jamie has the ability to perform a Double Jump, Super Charged Body Slam, Triple Spin and Death Tornado, but won't use these moves unless absolutely necessary. In regards to his personality, Jamie's strengths lay in both his ability to listen and sympathise with others, as well as his willingness to always help others. Weaknesses: Jamie's introverted personality can often make him feel nervous or overly sensitive, particularly during social situations and will sometimes be too anxious to fight off any threats, often choosing to 'flight' instead of fight.