I wanted to make a slime girl. She turned out very cute! This is Selcii (cell-sea). She was born in the depths of a ruined dungeon when a glittering star fell from the sky and drifted down through the earth, eroded holes that led down into the depths of a large dwelling from a long lost civilisation that is now just a dangerous ruin. The star fell into an inert puddle of slime that had been used as part of this civilisation's technology, and infused it with magic and life. This newly born creature wondered why she was alive, but found no purpose for her to serve in the dungeon of golems animated through enchanted slime. She had no function. So she left to explore the outside world, and find out what it is that goes on out there! When she ventured out, she found civilisations of living, breathing people! And she wanted to know all she could about them and how to make friends with them.