"Ngghnmmm" the sounds of a young kitten echoed in a warm car while she shivers and shakes in the cold. She looks outside the window to see passing cars and snow fall. What happened last night? All she remember that she was laying in bed with a pair of strong arms that cuddled her while she slowly passed out. She looked around and sees the hybrid on looking to the traffic while he drives. "You're awake, how do you feel?" He asked softly. The kitten never felt this bad before, her body aches, she's cold and hot at the same time, her nose is running more than usual, and she's feels weak. "So-so baaaad" she weakly cried out. "You got a really bad fever sweetie, but don't worry. It will be over soon." The hybrid reassures her as she passes out again. She finds herself in a meadow of her favorite white flowers; filled with daisy's. She takes a breath and sees a small river. Curious, she heads there towards it and kneels in to touch it. It starts to rain all of a sudden; now the meadow looks grim and sad. "Sweetie wake up, wake up" she heard. She snaps back to reality, but she can barely see from how blurry it is. Gently getting up, the hybrid escorts her to a door. Blackness takes over again. She's at the meadow again. This time she stays put near the flowers, only that this time it's white roses. She took a flower and gives it a sniff, the aroma calms her down as she sits gently. "Voy estar bien."(I'll be okay) She stays there for quite sometime.
"I'm wet?" She looks down and see that the ground is wet. She quickly stands only to see that the water level is rising. But she doesn't panic. She embraces the warm water around her body as it quickly fills up her surroundings. Now floating, she closes her eyes for the last time. "HERMANA!" she quickly opens her eyes. "E-eh?!" She looks in front of her, and sees her little sister in front of her. Shocked she quickly turns her head to look around and sees she's back at this place she calls prison. The orphanage. The little kitten wraps her big sisters arms and begins to sob, letting out tears of joy and sadness. "I missed you so muchhhh! You-you- they said that you sick and they didn't let me in until nooooww!" The little kitten's cries echo around the room as she held her big sister tightly. "C-como llegué... How did I get here?" She studdered while she keeps looking around the room. The little sister looks up at her with tears on her cheeks. "A man brought you here and he-" interrupted by the sound of the door opening, the nurse walks in with the head of the orphanage next to her.
The nurse spoke in a calm and warm voice, "Oh goodie, she's awake, looks like she's recovering very well-" the head brushes her out of the way, "You have any idea what you cost me? They are reporters out in the main gates trying to interview me and investigate about your absence!" She spoke in a serious tone. The nurse pushes the head woman away from the 2 kittens "Calm down head mistress, we are lucky that we were able to even get her back!" She quickly gave the oldest kitten a small tray of hot soup and salted crackers with a glass of water. "Now eat up little one, you need the energy." The nurse spoke gently. The head mistress walks around the girls to see how is it that the kitten even survived this long run away. "I need you to tell the press that what you did was a small tantrum-" the head mistress voice got muffled by the kitten's thoughts as her head runs with question. How did she even end up here? And that dream? Why is she even back here at this place? "ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?" The woman yelled. "Que?" The kitten responded, only to receive a glass full of water splashed to her face. The water spooked and made the kitten flinched, making her spill the hot soup a bit on her and her sister, "OUCH! Mistress, you made her spilled her soup on me!" The little one spoke and begin to cry. "That is enough head mistress! How even dare you-" the nurse spoke but was cut off. "Quiet before I decide to make you fill up those resignation forms." They argued back and forth while the 2 kittens reassure each other, "Are you okay?" The oldest one spoke, "I'm okay,*sniff* it's not even that hot" the young one spoke, while receiving some licks from her sister. The oldest orphan then looks at the head mistress with anger and stands on the bed while holding her soup.
"I have my rights and you do control me what i say!" The nurse argued while the head mistress just scoffs at her. "Oh please, you'll be better off helping the homeless then than here-" BONK! The feeling of burning and pain covers the head mistress face as she takes a moment to process on what happened. Everyone gasp. "You think I even wanted to come back!" The orphan snarled. A small group of nurses peak into the door to see what was the commotion. "You fucking, small PIECE OF SHIT! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" the head woman stomps towards the orphan but was quickly stopped by the head nurse, "Let me GO NOW!" she demanded at the nurse, only to be pushed towards the doors. "Enough! I won't let you hurt this child, guys get in here!" The head nurse ordered and surrounded the orphan. The head mistress growled and yelled "Who do you think all of you are! I will fire all of you if you don't get out of my way!" "Pfft do it." A nurse replied. "You do that and the press outside is really going to be suspicious on why the whole nurse team just walked out." The head mistress just stands in shocked. Realizing the situation she just turns and walks away. "After this whole mess is cleared. I expect resignations from all of you." Slamming the doors she's leaves. The head nurse sighs and takes a seat from how exhausting the situation played out, while the whole team smirks and laughs. "Th-thank you." The orphan spoke and gently hugs the nurse. "No problem sweetie, you're safe here with me."