For all adopts I'm willing to draw additional art to update old art, or if you just want to get a new piece of art for them! (snuff, nsfw, sfw, fetish, etc) Just message me about it, and we can work out a price! :3
willing to haggle on almost all of them, i'm desperate
1. Comes with the two sided ref shown and an additional drawing located here: 2. Hand drawn 3. Hand drawn 4. Comes with headshot and 4 additional drawings located here: 5. Hand drawn 6. ON BASE [Base by me] 7. comes with the halfbody shown and an additional drawing located here: 8. Hand drawn 9. comes with the fullbody shown and 3 additional drawings located here: 10. comes with the headshot shown and an additional drawing located here: 11. Hand drawn 12. comes with the bust shown and a older version of the drawing located here: 13. Hand drawn 14. Hand drawn 15. ON BASE [Base by me] 16. Hand drawn 17. Hand drawn 18. Hand drawn 19. Hand drawn 20. Hand drawn 21. Hand drawn 22. Hand drawn 23. Hand drawn 24. comes with the fullbody shown and 1 additional drawings located here: 25. Hand drawn 26. Hand drawn 27. Hand drawn [other artist] 28. ON BASE [Base by Tincierto] 29. Hand drawn 30. Hand drawn 31. Hand drawn 32. Hand drawn 33. ON BASE [Base by me] 34. Hand drawn 35. Hand drawn 36. comes with the fullbody shown and 1 additional drawings located here: 37. comes with the fullbody shown and 2 additional drawings located here: 38. Hand drawn [other artist] 39. Hand drawn 40. Hand drawn [other artist] 41. Hand drawn 42. Hand drawn 43. comes with the fullbody shown and 9 additional drawings located here: 44. Hand drawn 45. Hand drawn 46. Hand drawn 47. Hand drawn 48. Hand drawn 49. Hand drawn 50. Hand drawn 51. Hand drawn 52. Hand drawn 53. ON BASE [Base by me] 54. ON BASE [Base by me] 55. ON BASE [Base by me] 56. Hand drawn 57. ON BASE [Base by me] 58. ON BASE [Base by me] 59. ON BASE [Base by me] 60. ON BASE [Base by me] 61. ON BASE [Base by me] 62. ON BASE [Base by me] 63. Hand drawn 64. ON BASE [Base by me] 65. ON BASE [Base by me] 66. ON BASE [Base by me] 67. ON BASE [Base by me] 68. ON BASE [Base by me] 69. Hand drawn 70. Hand drawn 71. Hand drawn
do you have a account? If so i can transfer the character to you on there, if not i can give you an invite code so you can make an account, or i can just hide them so that no one else sees them ^^
awesome possum! you can send the money here: do you have a