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All Stars Fall Eventually [Personal/Comfort Art]

My Little Whore: Science is Sexy Pg 1

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The Goils
Scrapped - Glamrock Barney Crew
Oiy...very, verrrry long description coming up...sooo bare with me...if you even want to read it all.

So. I am really leaving Fnaf this time...no fucking video, no other drama. This is it. My heart’s been shattered too much by almost everyone in this fandom. I just want to leave, run as far away as I can, and never look back. So many of you Sun and Moon fans are just...really messed up people, and I hope and pray you get some mental help before you destroy another desperate and lonely adult’s life. Hurt people go on to hurt others...and so many of you are so traumatized, that you don’t care who you hurt just because you’re in pain. Just because you’re scared of one singular, made-up, fictional, fantasy kink. If you got SA’ed in real life, I feel sorry for you, and bad for you, but I didn’t do those things to you and neither did Calypso...I’m just one 30 year old fucking (slowly dying) woman that actually tends to keep to herself, and Calypso is a FICTIONAL animatronic. She isn’t capable of causing real damage because she isn’t even real...but your words and actions ARE real, and cause the most damage.

I feel I will never be the same again. I had a big, open, and very soft heart before this fandom...and I’m going to have to learn how to re-soften it, because it’s been beaten down so hard, it’s harder than titanium and darker now than Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder. I’m going to have to learn all about life and love again, and even friendship again, because this fandom...has turned all of those things on their heads for me. Now I don’t know up from fucking down, and can’t trust anyone. You stalkers of me in this fandom will never let me rest as long as I keep doing this content and giving you more…so, no more. Yep. I’m actually done for real now, this time. Consider this the start of my real villain arch. You bite the hand that feeds, you don’t get any more food...and I’ve taken a lot of bites and can tolerate a lot...but I’ve finally reached my threshold, and no longer want to keep supplying everyone with the bullets to load into your guns to shoot at me with. All I wanted to do was be dirty and nasty, and very loving, through these fucking characters and OCs…THAT’S IT! And I hopefully wanted to gain some fucking friends...what an abysmally stupid thought that was.

It’s funny. I’d see complaints of “Where’s a pansexual and poly Daycare Attendant?” Then I do it because that’s just how I am naturally, and still get damned just because it wasn’t in your specific way? I also just thought...you guys were more degenerate than that??? How did my degeneracy and horniness top everyone else??? This is just an average fucking Tuesday in my mind, all those orgies and things. So you want to make a porn empire, but some kinks aren’t allowed and you’re allowed to bully people with those kinks, and only less degenerate and twisted versions of them are allowed??? Well, that’s ultra boring to me, so...you guys can keep that kind of version of the Daycare Attendant, I liked mine way better and I truly was a better artist and writer than 99% of the people that came after me for so fucking long. I was too good, and I did burn too brightly...had to just be taken down before I could take a moment of your spotlight, I guess. I had too much talent in too many areas, and so many just could not stand for that. Shrugs

I was new to the Fnaf scene, last year, and even the Twitter scene, I had no idea wtf I was doing and no idea the amount of darkness these other artists of them would bring me. I honestly give 0 fucks about the games, and even SB pissed me off to no end to play, what a buggy fucking mess! I think jumpscares are stupid and a cheap way to startle someone, and I never been into those point-n-clicks or any of the classics really, I only watched Markiplier play them out of sheer boredom. I was really just madly in love with the god damn Daycare Attendant, and boy do I regret falling in love with him at all now and wonder what the past year could have been like; his fans ruined my god damn heart and life, probably completely, and I have to rebuild and remember to never be so vulnerable, open, honest, and kind ever again when it comes to online interactions. I couldn’t have known though...I couldn’t have known there was no such thing as mercy and real love to Daycare Attendant simps. Everyone leave me the fuck alone now, and hopefully I can find someone who is like my Daycare Attendant in real life around me...I probably won’t settle for any less. I don’t regret everything I’ve learned from this fandom though. I’ve learned about so many kinks and more BDSM stuff then I knew before, and I learned never to trust other fans of something and they just aren’t you...they don’t have your heart, and they will not understand your reasons, even if you explain them in full detail, they will just only see the bad. I learned there is no point to apologizing or making amends, because most of you Twitter users don’t have a heart to start with. Forgot it or dropped it on the ground when you were handed that Ipad as a child instead of your parents being actual parents. I may have had abusive and neglectful parents, but at least the bad can humble you and teach you that human interaction and connection is an important thing. Maybe you all weren’t isolated enough as a child in order to see my perspective...maybe you weren’t all alone in your room, with no friends, and only video games and art as a distraction. Maybe you got to feel the sun on your skin more than I did, got to laugh and play much more than I did without getting beaten down physically all the time, and maybe that’s why you so blatantly and brazenly take other people’s feelings and lives for a joke and something to be played with.

I will never be able to forgive the absence of mercy that I was displayed, time and time again. I will never forgive what this fandom has done to me...I’ll never be able to forgive it all, but I hope to any higher power, than I can forget eventually...while your lives fucking burn. You’ve sealed your fate when you’ve prevented me from being able to freely love a robot without prejudice...I do hold a certain type of magic about me, that gets released on those who do nothing but destroy. You’ve made the Aether and the Universe your number one enemy when you’ve destroyed an actual good heart...nothing good will really stick for you in life now...you’ll all be the new Kings and Queens of Nothing, who deserve that fate and more...while my kingdom is rebuilding from scratch.

The worst thing is, those I would try to trust and talk to to gain as a friend...you’d just betray me, eventually. You’d be friendly with me until I told you vulnerable secrets and things I’ve grown from...and then, you’d exploit them and out them...stupid things I’d do as a teenager. You’d even exploit my sex addiction too...someone who can’t really say no, to almost anyone. One of you even sexted me, and used me to cum once...and then that was it. You know who you are, every single person who ruined my fun and creativity for this stuff...I was so excited about someone being dirty with me just randomly...only for them to never talk to me again once I came back, or just outright turn against me...all probably too indoctrinated by their little friends against me already. You guys taint everything you touch (that bullied me)...and got to them and poisoned them, too, more than likely. Not that it matters anymore, as I’ve pretty much have moved on...was forced to. I no longer need my smut in order to sleep or really even need to see or hear him anymore to get off...so if anything, your cruelty actually made me a lot stronger.

I thank you for your cruelty, everyone involved...it taught me everything I needed to know about the world, other artists and authors, fandoms, and love...or more so, the lack of love. You’ve all who’ve wrecked my life...taught me so much about humanity...I was getting blinded, again. Blinded by the rose tinted glasses, thinking there was more to people than just...their flesh and what that can give me, but I guess, I was wrong. There’s usually nothing in there but vapidness and emptiness, and humanity truly is doomed and a blight to this Earth...and I can only hope that a few can really prove me wrong, and heal this broken heart in my reality...

So now, I’ll be secretly waiting on and hoping for the end of Fnaf. I will grin the largest grin on my face, when Scott Cawthon and all his buddies at Steel Wool say they are no longer making anymore Fnaf, and I hope Scott says he regrets it, and regrets the fans, and hates you all. I hope he hates you all, and will never provide you anymore games or anything, just as I will do now. After all, if I can’t have it...why the hell should any of you? What really makes you better and more worthy of an ENTIRE fucking fictional franchise?! Nothing, that’s what! So you deserve to lose it, all of you heartless SOBs. It deserves to be turned into a memory, and I hope it’s a painful one...

So, goodbye, yet another love in my life...but I really am stronger than anyone can ever truly know...and I can and have before, walked away from something I loved very dearly once it caused me nothing but pain and heartache. I had to make him let me go in a picture...or he never will. I needed to have one last embrace. I know he’d want me to have my freedom back...I know he’d want me to heal and get even better and do even cooler things as an artist...so, I love you Sun and Moon...goodbye, my love...and to my fans...please, don’t forget me, okay? Maybe every now and then if you still love Sun and Moon...maybe give my stories another read through (if I don’t just get PUNISHED for this last little leaving message and those taken down, too...), please keep my naughtiness alive and I hope you cum so much to it...I’m just sorry there really is no more now from me, and about 10-15 side stories got taken down unjustly, and I don’t have the time or energy to repost them, nor want to...so if you saw them when you could have, I hope you’ll remember those for quite some time. Only a few are on other websites...ones I won’t link because I do not want to make that mistake again...you’ll just have to find me through following on my Twitter.

I am unafraid to post my Twitter anymore and be my unadulterated self, and just know, I’m really showing my ass now on it...and saying and doing whatever the hell I want. I still will post art and still have my nasty audios of these guys on there for people to enjoy...I won’t get rid of them, even if I do regret everything. So if that kind of thing interests you, my Twitter now kind of being like a facebook and for more personal opinions and art and stuff still, then feel free to follow...just don’t be a dickhead to me and try shady shit behind my back...I throw out the ban hammer like no tomorrow now, only because I have to, and I don’t let people rob my peace anymore...I am not that nice anymore for anyone to keep taking advantage of me. But I will however be doing other kinds of porn works eventually and that audio stuff is on my Twitter. It’s @thenothingqueen, https://twitter.com/thenothingqueen

Hopefully, any other people that are thinking about making art and stories for these guys and come across this, and join Twitter...I hope you take heed. Just be a lot more careful with who you interact with...maybe instead of making my mistakes, and constantly pining away and doing so much for love and acceptance...you’ll tell these people to go fuck themselves, instead...and be able to keep your love for them pure and in tact...like I should have from the very beginning. If you can’t be unhinged sexually in art and fiction...then where in the eff can you do it, you know? There isn’t exactly facilities dedicated to orgies and rape fantasies...

So yeah sorry for the ultra long description of this picture, and thanks if you read all the way through...but these things really needed to be said before I left for good. I never truly deserved this type of treatment, and I am not having a repeat of last year, ever again...and please, don’t any of you ever…everrrrr...do this to anyone again, and I pray to God, Satan, or anyone...that people are given more chances by those that hold more power over them. I pray that empathy and mercy is a thing can be taught since it didn’t come naturally to so many...you needed your crowds to come after me...because you are too weak to stand alone, and too pathetic to even type to me and talk to me at all like a friend when everything was going down. I too pray that next time someone like me in the fandom is stumbled upon...that you take their lives more seriously and realize everyone is grey and makes mistakes...So...Goodbye Sun and Moon, I love you bois, but I resent your fans with the upmost disdain, and can only hope the years going by can ease my pain...so fuck you Fnaf, fuck you bullies, and keep following this horrible path through life, leaving nothing but destruction in your wake...you will in turn, be destroyed yourself.

Old DA account with all old stories and art: Olivia-the-Dragon (Will just have to find it on DA I'm not posting the link or going back there)

All larger older stories and an HP one I am still working on: https://archiveofourown.org/users/DragonGamerGirl13

*If some of this rant/leaving message doesn't make sense that is because it is mostly for another website.

*Update: Also nevermind on the Twitter, it got suspended permanently just for me speaking my truth and now I can't make other ones either...it's okay, that just means I won if I offended so many just by being myself. You guys can try to chase me off the internet as much as you want but, I'll always just find other websites...

female 1,022,477, human 102,486, digital 33,332, digitalart 22,586, blue 19,552, digital art 18,285, hermaphrodite 18,089, robot 17,430, couple 15,227, crying 12,627, tears 9,824, hug 9,679, digital media (artwork) 7,571, sad 5,135, fandom 2,795, free 2,384, animatronic 2,277, emo 2,138, bullying 1,698, embrace 1,399, personal 1,388, sadness 1,383, boyfriend 1,323, girlfriend 1,076, depression 1,025, five nights at freddys 986, comfort 885, emotional 775, vent art 713, five nights at freddy's 672, upset 657, escape 579, depressed 504, fnaf security breach 503, personal art 472, comforting 447, freedom 359, embracing 332, sorrow 276, five nights at freddys security breach 262, fnaf porn 260, starry 242, heartbreak 177, venting 169, bullies 164, five nights at freddy's security breach 108, hermaphrodite/male 99, harassment 97, running away 70, broken heart 64, fandoms 60, daycare attendant 59, leaving 56, bittersweet 53, moondrop 41, moon fnaf 33, run away 23, released 16, fnaf moon 15, cyberbullying 3, free bird 3, freeing 3, feeling blue 1, out of cage 1, moon fnafsb 1, wipe away tears 1, wipe tears 1, comfort art 1, freeing myself 1
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 1 year, 4 months ago
Rating: General

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1 year, 3 months ago
I know it hurts when people in a fandom treat you like crap for not agreeing with their views, but it's not really fair to write off an entire fandom as awful just because the fans you knew personally were assholes.

It is within your right to stop engaging in a franchise because of finding the fandom toxic, but wishing for a franchise to die just to spite the worst parts of the fandom with no regard for the ones who are actually decent people is rather myopic and petty.

I wish for you to recover from your pain, however long that may take, you did not deserve to be bullied and assholes do deserve to be called out for being assholes, but wishing a franchise to cease production over attracting toxic fans is not the answer.

In my experience, a fandom devoid of toxic fans is near-nonexistent, and I have frequently encountered fans of works I like who harassed me for expressing views they didn't agree with. There will be horrible people attracted to a particular work of fiction no matter what, but don't think for a minute that what they say to you is worth a piss in the wind.

I wish I could do more to help you, but I don't know what else to say and am unsure if what I've said thus far was the right thing to say. Whatever action you take next, my only hope is that it's what makes you happy.
1 year, 3 months ago
And yes I know every fanbase is toxic...but NOTHING has beaten the harassment and stalking I have recieved...and if you got it, you'd understand my complete disdain now. They ruined my life, literally.
1 year, 3 months ago
Eh, still, if I can't have it, no one else should. Don't care if it's petty, I've been harassed for OVER A YEAR because of pettiness over kinks and disagreements. I wish Fnaf was never invented tbh. I'm glad you didn't go through all I did, but it made me really almost commit suicide and I could be dead rn. I have no mercy for Fnaf fans anymore.
1 year, 3 months ago
Try to make peoples life so bad and actively try your hardest to get your friends to destroy them too, you don't deserve anything, let alone fnaf. You want someone to kill themselves because they have different kinks than you, you don't deserve SHIT. Period. No convincing on this, that was very deserved to be said.
1 year, 3 months ago
Look, I know it's horrible when people try to drive you to suicide, but wishing for the franchise those assholes were drawn to to be destroyed isn't going to solve anything. If anything, even if such an action were attainable, that would probably just add fuel to the fire and make them want to cause you undeserved harm even more.

As I suspected, it's clear that my attempts to help you and reason with you aren't helping at all, and for that I am really sorry.
1 year, 3 months ago
Because there is no reason or logic behind about 50-100 people cyberbullying someone to near suicide. I can tell you have no respect for my life and all that happened to me, so good day, be blocked. And also, fuck Fnaf, and it will totally die with fans like you.
1 year, 3 months ago
Anyone else wanna be an unempathetic smart ass and be on the side of the bullies?!?! Let me know now so I can give you the axe and not be bothered anymore! I'm sorry if you don't value real human life over a fictional fucking franchise...get your priorities straight.
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