hey guys!!! so the fights i have with my mom are really beyond comprehension becaus my mother is the most difficult women to liv with so any way sometimes when my cousin philip comes over or if we are on the phone we sometimes can talk hours abouth it becaus the problem straight out said my mother lies alot she makes of a simple thing something incredible unnecessary complicated just so people think she is right abouth what she is saying but the main issue is that she treats me like am child she all ways complains for no reason and when she is stressed she uses me as a stressball and i have a fight with her every week abouth all kinda subjects becaus she all ways thinks she is the one who is right abouth the subject so any way i have called her things that not even god should hear me say if you guys would understand dutch and just be in the room it would make you ask me how do you do it being able not to slam a fryingpan across her head so the point being philip and i we talk abouth it and he admits that my mom is a difficult women so any way i made this drawing after our conversation becaus philip is the only one who can understand how difficult family can be sometimes ',:/
no its okay max <3 the problem is honestly ate the moment i get from my medical income 1220 euro and the one night aweek i work in my aunt her bingo bussines i have monthly maybe 250 euro extra if we have a price bingo that month :3 so i get every monday 50 bucks but the main issues is that life is to expensive i cant afford anything my cousin philip bought a house he has to pay 1300 euro mortgage.........but well considering he has littery bought a fucking villa its reasonable price but still man even a studio just one giant room with small kitchen bathroom and livingroom together i cant afford it if you count rent and gas and power and wifi and then you also have to pay a deposite and maybe 3 months rent upahead ill wish i could but its in possible https://www.zimmo.be/nl/genk/te-huur/appartement/?gclid...
check it out thes are apartments couple miles away from here but i can never afford it and the funny thing is i get like maybe 20 euro extra above my paycheck sometimes the next month or the month after so say every year around 100 or 160 bucks extra depense on it so by the time i can move out maybe i will be 36 years old and am now 27 http://www.techtalk.gfi.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08... :3
no its okay max <3 the problem is honestly ate the moment i get from my medical income 1220 euro and