I took a loooong time debating if I ought to upload this human artwork here, but after telling https://inkbunny.net/smbcha about it, he told me it was fine.
The picture in view is my Tainá (the cartoon version from "Tainá and the Amazon's Guardians") inspired take of a tribal powerhouse from Brazil's Rainforest. I love that little barefooter-warrior girl so much that her show got my creative urges CRAZY and got me to make this~ People are MISSING OUT on great, cocoa cuteness thanks to her obscurity. I'm not joking; SEE WITH YOUR OWN EYES~!
During my frenzy, I were brainstorming spiritual arrow physics and styles said series had given me thought of. Didn't want to directly copy Tainá's, thus I made them more offensive/defensive themed with a unique weapon no jungle-based native character ever had; a BOW-STAFF including a diamond tip. I just couldn't resist adding my own vibe. Living in tree huts in such a lush jungle is a perfect life. What heritage~? A 400 year history of gorgeous villagers. I'm also THAT old. Oh yes indeed, doing the same funny ancient business Kida does. Hehe.
Let's see... what else I can say? I'm VERY happy about this piece. I've always told friends about being the whole Amazon warrior shtick and now I've own up to it. Of course, it's not 100% centered only on the REAL tribes. I like adding the super-strength factor that fictional, towering muscle- maidens got, too.
I really hope I inspire folks to take notice of non-US tribal stuff in media. Word NEEDS to get around. XD ----------------------------------------------
WHAT? Oh, I don't do that. It's out of my skill. BUT, I can tell you were his power comes from; genetics of a actually really strong tribe. That and being in-tune with the secrets of the Amazon Rainforest. There's a spiritual force within its domain that only the Tupi can channel or contact, heck, SEE too.
WHAT? Oh, I don't do that. It's out of my skill. BUT, I can tell you were his power comes from; gen