Anthonitecus and Astraligor are on a adventure on a forest, they needed to defeat a treestump monster that appeared in the region, Astraligor realized that today was the northern lovers day on aventurion and he was about to ask his dad but the blue wolf found some footprints meaning that the treestump monster is nearby. after adventuring for a loooong walk, astraligor finnaly decided to take courage and say to his dad "dad, about our adventure, today is aventurion's northern lovers day and i was wondering, would you kiss me on my wiggly foxy fluffy forehead?", "champ, be quiet or we'll be detected by the treestump monster and i know that is northern lovers day but that's not a good time for cuddles" explained anton, and then they finnaly found the treestump monster but he was sleeping and the wooden log treasure is near him, anton said to his son to walk carefully and try to not make any noise, then they carefully walk slowly but astraligor was about to sneeze "nghh, annn ahhhh *sees his dad covering his nose* thanks dad... oh no anghh ahhhh... TCHOOOO" astraligor's sneeze woke up the monster, anthonitecus was thinking about fight against that treestump monster and grab the treasure but astraligor was thinking about say their prayers and hoping for a miracle that should appear but the brown fox needs to help anton because he's alyways loyal to his dad. the fight starts and the treestump monster throws his branch spikes but anthonitecus saves astraligor on the last second, the brown fox cuts his arm but the monster quickly makes another one, them monster tries to crush them with his monstery feet but anton digs a tunnel making the dad and son duo evade the attack, anthonitecus said to astraligor that it's time to chopp this tree monster down and the blue wolf dad gives to his son his antholupus sword, launches astraligor towards the monster chopping down his heart, anton yells "TIMBER!!!" and the monster was defeated, anthonitecus and astraligor got the treasure and it was full of amazonuts and cocoa, anton was kinda impressed with the courage of his son "wow champ, our combo was amazing and, since today is northern lovers day on aventurion, heres my special reward for your bravery *kisses astraligor on the forehead* i hope i helped well", "well dad, here's also my reward for you, TICKLE ATTACK!!" said astraligor while tickling his dad, "HAHAHAHA STOP IT, THAT TICKLES A LOT!!!", "coochie coochie coo, here comes the tickle tiger again", "HAHAHAH STOP THAT BEFORE I WET MYSELF *astraligor stops* hahahaha ahhh... well champ, let's go home before alycia notices that we're lost", "sure thing dad" said astraligor while him and his dad headed back home, and the two had an amazing adventure which they'll never forget.
======================================================================================= anyway, i wanted to draw anthonitecus kissing astraligor on the forehead even they're not really valentines and i did, i hope you liked it. also don't worry because i didn't draw any winkies, so it's still a SFW artwork. also also that's not incesty stuff because anton is just kissing astraligor's forehead because anton and astraligor are a dynamic dad and son duo, there's nothing much to explain this love between father and son.