Another simple one I did of Me and Jakey. Not the proudest of this one I think I rushed it but still.
Everyone always loves spring time. The snow melts away, the temps rise and the world turns green again. It's a time to finally get back outside in a more comfortable way and do all the things you got missing over the course of the winter. Here in Denshire Falls one of those missed things is outfits without pants! Oh sure you can run around without them at home during the winter but it's not a good idea to do that outside with the snow! Of course snowsuits can be fun and cute but there's nothing quite like just running around with your diaper on full display. This is something that Lig knows well. Of course modeling for Pawpers he's well used to having his crinkle butt on full display but it's nice to do it out and about. Plus it's cooler for ya when Spring time turns to summer and the temps steadily shoot up.
Of Course Lig isn't the only one who doesn't mind letting his diaper out on display. At least not casually like during say a warm pleasant day at the park. Jakey loved his diapers almost as much as the little Liger he was currently giving a ride too. Granted Jake still blushed when he thought back tot he Pawpers Ad Lig had roped him into doing. It was rather fun once he got over the blushing. Casual diaper showing was one thing but being put into ads seen by who knows how many people all over the world? Yeah that was something else. But for now that was out of mind. With the weather finally nice and warm Jake made it a point to get the little Liger out of the house and go do something at the park. Lig certainly didn't complain and was happy to get out and get in some play time. The park had turned out to be a fun idea and there was a lot of play to be had. Lig climbed all over all the climbing structures and went down the slide a bunch of times just before Jakey had changed him. He'd also spent a good time on the swings getting pushed while Jake chatted with another parent with their cub who Lig carried on a little conversation with too. That later lead the two cubs to venture into the sand box. Jake took the free time to pack things back away in the car before it was finally time for them to leave. Lig whined a little but was promised a Cubs Meal at McDennik's on the way home. Lig also requested a piggy back ride to the car. Application of the big kitten eyes helped get a yes. So with that Jake hoisted the crinkly lil cub up onto his back. Lig gave a big silly grin as daddy started on off down the path towards the parking area. It had been a nice Time at the Park with Daddy.
Hope everyone liked the pic and the lil story! Happy Valentine's day everyone! Love you Jakey!
Jakey Belongs to Jakey. The bestest Daddy Fox there is. ^^
2 years ago
11 Feb 2023 05:50 CET
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