I don't do pics of my lil Orca here often enough. Still cute though.
Willy sat on his bed with Nerio, his tiger shark buddy, as the weather outside while improved was still too cold to their liking. They'd spent much of the day watching movies and playing video games and doing the things you do on a weekend long sleepover. Talk about family had lead Willy to getting out an old photo album his mom kept and plopped it on the bed. They started to flip through it going from newest to oldest. Laughing a bit at a few birthday pictures and Halloween ones to boot. Remembering said events and chatting away about them. As they got farther back in time Nerio seemed to be 'Awwwww'ing more often at the cute lil Orca in the pic.
"Hey Look at this one. Awwwww your pretty cute there. All snuggled in with a giant bear and an Orca plush, bottle in beak and hehe already wet." Nerio giggled at the picture.
"Well I was like what Two maybe in this picture at best. Hehe. Yeah I think dad had plopped me into it and they had on some movie and apparently while he thought I'd find it boring and fall asleep apparently I got really into it." Willy recounted with a bit of a blush on his face looking at the picture.
"Hehe. You know if we got you leaned back just right and gave you a bottle for the picture I'm pretty sure we'd have a hard time telling which was the actual Baby picture." Nerio teased with a grin on his face.
"Oh Ha ha. Like your one to talk blondie." Willy shot back with a laugh and shook his head.
"Nah. I'm more a toddler. Your definitely the baby. I've seen your Paci stash." Nerio retorted leaning back with smug written on his face.
"So? You've got the sharky equivalent. All those chew toys you don't think anyone notices under your bed...or the one in your bag." Willy snickered.
"Oh alright point made." Nerio conceded crossing his arms and blushing.
"Next time when we're over at your place I wanna see YOUR photo album. Get to see some baby pictures of ya. It's only fair." Willy pointed out.
"Oh geeeze. Well that's gonna take a while. According to mom I was a very cute baby and she's always been a bit of a shutter bug." Nerio said recalling how thick their album actually was.
"Boooooys! Dinner's ready! Better get down here before it unfries itself and swims away!" Came a fatherly voice from down stairs.
"Sure thing Dad! We'll be right down!" Willy shouted back with a grin.
"Your Dad is kinda a goof ya know." Nerio commented as he rose from the bed and followed his Orca friend.
"I think it comes with being a dad. Like I wonder if they have meetings or something." Willy mused as they headed on downstairs to some deep fried sea food and various sides to go along with. It was a simple dinner but Willy's dad knew when to keep it simple for the boys. No doubt they'd plow through it quick and then settle in after. Movies on the couch no doubt. Both boys would need to be changed in a little while no doubt. Big as Willy got some things just never changed. Like changes an hour or so after dinner or the way he'd yawn when he got sleepy. Also the fact that no matter how big he'd still be their Little Calf.
Well hope you guys liked the pic and the lil story. ^^
baby bottle
2 years, 1 month ago
09 Feb 2023 05:59 CET
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